Loves Me Some Souls
There were many alarming moments in former President Donald Trump’s interview with Fox News’s Bret Baier this week, but the most distressing for conservatives was that Trump still is not ready to admit he lost the 2020 election and has no new plan to win in 2024.
Sounding delusional and frequently dishonest, Trump seemed completely distracted from the actual, forward-looking job facing the next president.
His obsession with conclusively debunked claims that he won in 2020, now relying on a ludicrously slipshod documentary, will do nothing to appeal to the large majority of the public who acknowledge the reality that he lost. The more he displays his denial about the past as his main selling point, the less he demonstrates any reason to vote for him — any focus, strategy, or policy to improve daily life and end governmental rot in the next four years and beyond.
Trump failed to provide even a semi-credible answer about why voters should trust his claim that he only hires “the best people.” Perhaps the most brutal part of the interview occurred when Baier provided a montage of all the astonishingly nasty things Trump has said about so many of the same people he once assured us were the smartest appointments any president has ever made.
Oh jew boy, 2024 is the fucking apocalypse either way..