Port Tack
Verified User
All of that is spin and cherry picking. Almost all of the supposed "jobs created" were simply ones that came back after the lockdowns ended. There have been likely less than 500,000 new jobs created since Biden took office. The U30 is a joke as a statistic. Employers can't get enough workers right now not because everyone's employed, but because many people simply aren't bothering to try and get a job. Look at the employment rate. It is at a near historic low. That means fewer people in the population--that has grown--are working.
Gas prices are still nearly double what they were pre-Biden under Trump.
Another insignificant bill that does nothing to quell gun violence. That is self-evident from the mass shootings being televised almost daily now.
No, they're not. The cost of health insurance is at an all time high. That the government, in some cases, is subsidizing that doesn't change the cost only shifts who pays.
Actually, almost every reasonable accounting source says it has caused massive inflation and added huge amounts to the deficit.
The High Cost Of The Inflation Reduction Act
The Real Cost of the Inflation Reduction Act Subsidies: $1.2 Trillion
Goldman Sachs says the uncapped tax credits will cost three times what Democrats claimed.
Inflation Reduction Act will cost middle class $20B in new taxes: CBO
That is just empty rhetoric.
More empty rhetoric. Ukraine has become a grotesquely expensive quagmire of unending war in which the two, incompetent, combatants--and yes, the Ukrainians are every bit as incompetent as the Russians at this--are going to endlessly bash each other without resolution. Like every other idiot decision Joke has ever made in foreign policy, this one was a blunder too.
BFD who, other than those useless criminals pardoned, gives a shit. Another meaningless thing done by an incompetent moron in the White House.
Biden managed to turn a withdrawal into a rout on the proportions of the Vietnam exit. His gross incompetence in how that was handled was a major blow to US foreign image.
And yet, we're now importing oil again, prices of oil are roughly double what they were under Trump, and the cost of energy in general is much higher.
So? That's political, it makes no difference to the nation.
He can try, but any reasonable opponent will easily crush his pathetic record with readily available data that shows how poorly he's performed in office. His being the most unpopular president in modern history--at least since regular polling of this began--and that is to include Trump, says more about his terrible track record than any blathering and spin can.
19. Joseph Biden
Trump is almost dead last at 43 and will be last by the time he is found guilty of a few felonies.