Trump has only himself to blame - mty debate views


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Yes - it was absurd for the moderators to only fact check one candidate for the many lies told last night, but he had so many softballs and is too dumb to take advantage

1) He is a narcissist - and Kamala's team knew exactly how to take advantage. When it was his turn to take questions that could of helped him - such as the wall - and her flip flops on the wall - she baited him about crowd sizes. He literally looked like a small man with a small dick and she pointed and laughed. He wasted minutes on nonsense.

2) We all knew they would bring up his making fun of her being Indian or Black. He botched the reply badly - when it actually a softball. All he had to do is say - look - Americans want authenticity - that is my point. She pretends to be everything to everyone. Her accent changes - watch the videos - they are hilarious. She now wants a wall. She now wants fracking. And on and on. She is not authentic - and Americans need to know that.

3) He was a one trick pony - every time he botched things - he screamed about immigration. He came off as an old man with nothing to really offer but to scream about getting off his lawn. His only strong point of the night was the very end - which is probably the only part that was rehearsed. He might not be as feeble as Biden, but he certainly didn't seem sharp to me

4) His rant about eating dogs might be the things that loses the election As crazy as that sounds, it might be the Dean Scream. He certainly did not seem presidential ranting about stuff he "sees on the internet"
Yes - it was absurd for the moderators to only fact check one candidate for the many lies told last night, but he had so many softballs and is too dumb to take advantage

1) He is a narcissist - and Kamala's team knew exactly how to take advantage. When it was his turn to take questions that could of helped him - such as the wall - and her flip flops on the wall - she baited him about crowd sizes. He literally looked like a small man with a small dick and she pointed and laughed. He wasted minutes on nonsense.

2) We all knew they would bring up his making fun of her being Indian or Black. He botched the reply badly - when it actually a softball. All he had to do is say - look - Americans want authenticity - that is my point. She pretends to be everything to everyone. Her accent changes - watch the videos - they are hilarious. She now wants a wall. She now wants fracking. And on and on. She is not authentic - and Americans need to know that.

3) He was a one trick pony - every time he botched things - he screamed about immigration. He came off as an old man with nothing to really offer but to scream about getting off his lawn. His only strong point of the night was the very end - which is probably the only part that was rehearsed. He might not be as feeble as Biden, but he certainly didn't seem sharp to me

4) His rant about eating dogs might be the things that loses the election As crazy as that sounds, it might be the Dean Scream. He certainly did not seem presidential ranting about stuff he "sees on the internet"
The next question, will it move the needle?
2) We all knew they would bring up his making fun of her being Indian or Black. He botched the reply badly - when it actually a softball. All he had to do is say - look - Americans want authenticity - that is my point. She pretends to be everything to everyone. Her accent changes - watch the videos - they are hilarious. She now wants a wall. She now wants fracking. And on and on. She is not authentic - and Americans need to know that.
I wholeheartedly agree on this part especially. He could've done much better with that moment and turned it around against her. In fact, her complete lack of authenticity should have been an underlying point throughout the entire debate. It would've been visually supported by her overly-dramatic facial expressions that she kept making the entire night.
I wholeheartedly agree on this part especially. He could've done much better with that moment and turned it around against her. In fact, her complete lack of authenticity should have been an underlying point throughout the entire debate. It would've been visually supported by her overly-dramatic facial expressions that she kept making the entire night.
imagine if we actually picked a sane stable choice in the primary
4) His rant about eating dogs might be the things that loses the election As crazy as that sounds, it might be the Dean Scream. He certainly did not seem presidential ranting about stuff he "sees on the internet"
All other things aside, if you rewatch that segment you can see that Harris actually pities trump as he struggled to get his foot out of his mouth.
Cite ONE lie.
claiming a city manager as the defacto fact checker on a breaking news claim was a shit show for a moderator to interrupt with. too bad they didn't show the same interest when Grand daddy Biden was eaten too

do you honestly think Kamala didn't lie at all? yet they did not interrupt her once
I wholeheartedly agree on this part especially. He could've done much better with that moment and turned it around against her. In fact, her complete lack of authenticity should have been an underlying point throughout the entire debate. It would've been visually supported by her overly-dramatic facial expressions that she kept making the entire night.
Kamala Harris wiped the floor with that buffoon.

It must have been very painful to watch.

You have my pity.
they lied by ommission

by fact checking - they sent the message that false things would be corrected

Kamala said plenty of lies
When Kamala Harris went over into his space immediately and offered a handshake...that "debate" was over for Trump. He was a loser at that point...and only went down from there.

I am loving the bullshit coming from the "faithful" toward their Fuhrer.

This election is becoming entertaining. Especially the part where the MAGA morons defend peckerwood.
Kamala Harris wiped the floor with that buffoon.
Since when did "don't pull a Joe Biden" become "wip[ing] the floor with" someone?
It must have been very painful to watch.
Kamala's fake overly-acted facial expressions were painful to watch, and her whiny (sometimes) verge-of-tears (sometimes) bitchy manner of vocalizing her lies was rather hard to listen to, but otherwise it wasn't too bad.
You have my pity.
I don't need your pity.
claiming a city manager as the defacto fact checker on a breaking news claim was a shit show for a moderator to interrupt with.
That's another one I wish Trump would've pushed back harder on... E.g. "Who cares what some corrupt city politician thinks... Why aren't you listening to what WE THE PEOPLE who actually LIVE THERE (and who are directly dealing with the issue firsthand) have to say about it?"
That's another one I wish Trump would've pushed back harder on... E.g. "Who cares what some corrupt city politician thinks... Why aren't you listening to what WE THE PEOPLE who actually LIVE THERE (and who are directly dealing with the issue firsthand) have to say about it?"
he could of went with the verifiable and known fact that they are eating wildlife in the park, such as Canadian geese.

Or better yet, focus on how she called the wall racist in 2019 and Biden a racist in her debate with him and forget about this Ohio nonsense