trump "intellectual capacity" questioned

They are? Link? The sun rises and sets in every state. All dropboxes will eventually exist at 2:00 a.m. and it will be dark.

I will mention again that 2000 mules was, unquestionably, the single largest attempt to prove ballot harvesting. They said they had over 7 million minutes of video from dropboxes across various states. They claimed thousands of mules and tens of thousands of incidents of illegal stuffing of ballot boxes, sometimes as many as 15 incidents by one person in one night. Despite having 7 million minutes of video, knowing where the mules were at any given time of the day, based on GPS data they purchased, do you know how many illegal incidents they found? Zero.

Georgia, where much of the Dropbox video came from, wanted to further investigate all of the 2000 mules claims, so they asked true the vote for additional information. True the vote wouldn't turn it over. Georgia sued true the vote to force them to back up their claims. True the vote then admitted that they had nothing. It was all a lie.
the videos that are available are not lies........lib'ruls are stupid enough to believe that people emptying multiple boxes of ballots can "debunk" what everyone can see by claiming they were all from "family members"......
the videos that are available are not lies........lib'ruls are stupid enough to believe that people emptying multiple boxes of ballots can "debunk" what everyone can see by claiming they were all from "family members"......
Where is this video of somebody emptying multiple boxes of ballots into a Dropbox? I watched 2000 mules and I don't recall ever seeing anything more than around a handful or so being put into a Dropbox. Again, that is not illegal, in certain situations, in many states.
that is precisely why they violate state law when the law says they must be in a location which is staffed.......
Arizona had a law that required dropboxes to be staffed. The courts ruled that the Arizona drop boxes did not violate state law. Each state has their own laws. Some don't even allow dropboxes.
Drop boxes do not matter. The system takes care of fake votes. Many companies and people can print ballots and send them in. They would not be counted.
Where is this video of somebody emptying multiple boxes of ballots into a Dropbox? I watched 2000 mules and I don't recall ever seeing anything more than around a handful or so being put into a Dropbox. Again, that is not illegal, in certain situations, in many states.
unconstitutional........and you are lying about the videos......
Arizona had a law that required dropboxes to be staffed. The courts ruled that the Arizona drop boxes did not violate state law. Each state has their own laws. Some don't even allow dropboxes.
only a mind fucked lib'rul would decide that a box on a dark street at 2 AM was "staffed"......
Anyone who continues to litigate the 2020 election is an ignoramus. Every single theory has been debunked thoroughly. I’m not wasting another second arguing with a moron.
100% of crime is never caught. It's pretty amazing that there is this massive, statewide conspiracy to illegally utilize dropboxes and it has never, even pre-trump, been found.

Arizona has had no excuse mail in voting for nearly two decades and, despite this mass conspiracy, has only found the small examples. Pretty crazy, right?
it's been admitted to in this article.

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election​

Feb. 4, 2021
yes there is.
It's not and this story is regurgitating the same conspiracy theories that have already been debunked.

If you want to complain about the changes made at a state level, that's fine. They've gone to court and been ruled on. Some were found to be against state law, others weren't.

There's no ballot harvesting, counterfeit ballots, mules, etc. THAT is true voter fraud.
It's not and this story is regurgitating the same conspiracy theories that have already been debunked.

If you want to complain about the changes made at a state level, that's fine. They've gone to court and been ruled on. Some were found to be against state law, others weren't.

There's no ballot harvesting, counterfeit ballots, mules, etc. THAT is true voter fraud.
nothing has been debunked.

Dems ignoring doesn't mean it didn't happen.

they confessed in the time article.

unconstitutionally changed voting processes means the election is invalid.