Trump is a pussy. Thank God President Biden has a pair. Don't fuck with Biden, Iran.

The Trump vaccine died during the Jan. 6 insurrection by the Trump Domestic Terrorists and is buried in Mar-a-Lago.

The Biden vaccine is doing very well, though.


You're a funny guy.
No, I didn't cry. Why do you continue to make shit up, Big Motha Dildo? Does it help you sleep at night? Don't you ever get tired of sucking Trump's dick?


ahh the homophobic insults come out.

right, I am sure you cheered and gave trump credit as you did obama for bin laden.

Well, we're not in a war with Iran and Obama & Biden killed Bin Laden (the biggest terrorist in the world)

You are not very bright, the plan put in place By then President Bush got Bin Laden, yes Obama borrowed Michelle's balls, and said yes to the strike. However Biden dissented you idiotic moron!
right, you cheered biden killing osama but didn't give the same credit to trump killing solemani.

you chicken hawks are too funny.

We the American people would like to know exactly what was Bombed, why, and what strategic importance it had. By now they would have said Trump bombed a school, that also was a home for elderly transgender arabs!
right, you cheered biden killing osama but didn't give the same credit to trump killing solemani.

you chicken hawks are too funny.

No, I didn't.
But keep on living in your delusional little world where everything is happy and you and Fat Donald can live in bliss and you can suck his dick on command.
Don't forget to swallow.

We the American people would like to know exactly what was Bombed, why, and what strategic importance it had. By now they would have said Trump bombed a school, that also was a home for elderly transgender arabs!


its all a set up, we will be at war with iran in 2 years. the covid economy is coming due with an impending stock market crash, the way out is always a war for these guys.
Your side lost, mutherfukker. Trump's political career is over and he'll be remembered as the worst president in history.
Get over it and stop crying like a little panty-wetting pussy.

My side is the libertarian side we always lose. but you digress.

you cheered obama when he killed osama, why did you not cheer trump when he killed solemani?

I feel this will end with me taking another scalp and you putting me on ignore. pussy chickenhawk
Your side lost, mutherfukker. Trump's political career is over and he'll be remembered as the worst president in history.
Get over it and stop crying like a little panty-wetting pussy.


If they want to ride a sinking ship all the way down, I bid them godspeed and salute them for their heroism. :good4u:
My side is the libertarian side we always lose. but you digress.

you cheered obama when he killed osama, why did you not cheer trump when he killed solemani?

I feel this will end with me taking another scalp and you putting me on ignore. pussy chickenhawk

How do you know I didn't cheer when Solemani was killed? You really need to leave Planet Delusiona and return to Planet Earth, Gomer.

If they want to ride a sinking ship all the way down, I bid them godspeed and salute them for their heroism. :good4u:

Every day, Fat Donald becomes more and more irrelevant. By this time next year, nobody will be talking about him unless it's about his Capitol Insurrection lawsuit or his tax fraud lawsuit.

Trump was a bad idea gone awry. He'll never recover and will live the rest of his days in exile.
No, I didn't cry. Why do you continue to make shit up, Big Motha Dildo? Does it help you sleep at night? Don't you ever get tired of sucking Trump's dick?


Dont you ever get tired of sucking on Goy pole? Your deep seated jealousy of the Goy is well noted. And I have to say....... you have all the right in the world to be jealous. In fact, should be. We are everything you arent or ever could be. ;) :cool: