Trump knew exactly what was going on

We passed a lot of rules controlling the head of the FBI since him, but our problem is the Atty. general, Barr. He is not doing his job as his position description entails. He is supposed to be the people's leader of justice. Barr is plainly Trump's Atty, his Roy Cohn. He is wandering the world looking for evidence to prove Trump is clear or he can force that conclusion. That is not his job.
As horrible as Trump is, will the next AG be a Trumpian, or will he return to being the people's top cop?

if you think that ANY atty general has been the 'peoples champion', you're delusional. the governments 'justice' department has made it it's core mission to prosecute and incarcerate anyone it can, no mercy, no justice. that's something that both sides of you need to learn and understand
if you think that ANY atty general has been the 'peoples champion', you're delusional. the governments 'justice' department has made it it's core mission to prosecute and incarcerate anyone it can, no mercy, no justice. that's something that both sides of you need to learn and understand

If you think Barr is a normal AG in any way, you are dense.
The AG job.1, Represent the US in legal matters 2. Supervise &Direct administration offices, divisions & bureaus that comprise the department, matters. 3 Furnish advice and opinions , formal or informal on legal matters to the president and cabinet heads. 4. Make recommendations to the president on appointments 5 represent the US government in Supreme court cases.
Where is prosecute and incarcerate at all? You are confusing the AG with the head of FBI and are wrong about him too.
If you think Barr is a normal AG in any way, you are dense.
The AG job.1, Represent the US in legal matters 2. Supervise &Direct administration offices, divisions & bureaus that comprise the department, matters. 3 Furnish advice and opinions , formal or informal on legal matters to the president and cabinet heads. 4. Make recommendations to the president on appointments 5 represent the US government in Supreme court cases.
Where is prosecute and incarcerate at all? You are confusing the AG with the head of FBI and are wrong about him too.

What Does an Attorney General Do?

The attorney general holds the power of attorney in representing a government in all legal matters. The attorney general is nominated by the president and confirmed by the U.S. Senate. There is no designated term for the attorney general, rather the president can remove him or her from the office at any time. Additionally, the attorney general can be impeached and tried by Congress if deemed necessary.
As head of the Department of Justice and chief legal counsel to the president, the duties of the attorney general are obviously important and wide reaching. The attorney general prosecutes cases that involve the government and gives advice to the president and heads of the executive departments when needed.

As the chief officer of the Department of Justice, the attorney general enforces federal laws, provides legal counsel in federal cases, interprets the laws that govern executive departments, heads federal jails and penal institutions, and examines alleged violations of federal laws. In addition, the attorney general may be called upon to represent the United States in the Supreme Court in cases of exceptional importance. The attorney general serves in the Cabinet of the president of the United States.

The attorney general is in charge of supervising United States attorneys and marshals in their respective judicial districts. While attorneys are responsible for prosecuting offenses against the United States and prosecuting or defending in proceedings in which the United States requires representation, marshals issue orders and processes under the authority of the United States.

States attorney generals have many of the same duties as the federal attorney general but on a smaller statewide scale. The specific duties of attorney general vary from state to state. Some attorney generals are elected in statewide contests, while others are appointed by the governor, legislature or supreme court.

The projects that an attorney general can take on are wide ranging. For example, Eric Holder voiced opinions on waterboarding, the close of Guantanamo Bay detention camp and the transfer of accused terrorists to jails on U.S. soil. On the state level, attorney generals might challenge the constitutionality of a law. In 2010, 11 state attorney generals moved to challenge the constitutionality of the healthcare reform bill
Quit sounding simple. The FBI did investigate the Trump campaign, and, yes, they are and have been investigating Trump.

When it was found out that Russia was interfering in our elections, the FBI had to investigate. They were not investigating Trump, but Trump was where they were looking. His team was working with Russia.
If you think Barr is a normal AG in any way, you are dense.
The AG job.1, Represent the US in legal matters 2. Supervise &Direct administration offices, divisions & bureaus that comprise the department, matters. 3 Furnish advice and opinions , formal or informal on legal matters to the president and cabinet heads. 4. Make recommendations to the president on appointments 5 represent the US government in Supreme court cases.
Where is prosecute and incarcerate at all? You are confusing the AG with the head of FBI and are wrong about him too.

so Barr IS trumps lawyer as president. thanks for clarification.
So they hurried their investigation, tried to jump the shark, failed, and now want to have a "mulligan".


Now she hurried, after a month of rightys posting about her holding everything up. Can't win.