Trump Mocks A Dying War Hero & An Ex-President Who Just Lost His Wife

Did you know it a grossly exaggerated myth

The spiting? Yes. That doesn't mean it never happened at all. There are eyewitness accounts, reportedly.

Homecoming: When the Soldiers Returned From Vietnam is a book of selected correspondence published in 1989. Its genesis was a controversial newspaper column of 20 July 1987 in which Chicago Tribune syndicated columnist Bob Greene asked whether there was any truth to the folklore that Vietnam veterans had been spat upon when they returned from the war zone. Greene believed the tale was an urban legend. The overwhelming response to his original column led to four more columns, then to a book collection of the most notable responses.

After Greene made his best effort to check the truth of the accounts to be printed, he inserted a minimum of his own commentary in the text, preferring to let the veterans' words speak for themselves. The reprinted letters show a steady pattern of mistreatment of Vietnam veterans by all segments of American society, and in a wide variety of settings.

One of the contentious issues of the Vietnam War and its aftermath was the American public's response to its returning military veterans. Even as the citizenry's opposition to the war mounted, tales began to spread of returning veterans being mistreated.

The archetypal story became one of antiwar hippie protesters spitting upon returning veterans in an airport.

Twelve years after the Vietnam War ended, on 20 July 1987, syndicated columnist Bob Greene of the Chicago Tribune proposed testing the truth of what he considered an urban legend.

The headline of his column, syndicated in 200 papers, asked: "If You're A Veteran, Were You Spat Upon?" He ended the article: "So if you are a Vietnam veteran, and you were ever spat upon by a civilian after you returned home, please drop a line to this column. No jokes, please. If it really happened, it is no laughing matter. It would help if you provide approximate dates, places and circumstances".

His work address followed. So did a spate of letters. As the letters poured in, the future column became four written columns excerpting eleven of the responses. He included an open invitation for anyone who had spat upon a returning veteran to explain their motivation. Greene eventually received in excess of 1,000 responses to his question about being spat upon. He was also receiving a steady feedback of readers' telephone calls reacting to the four columns; many of the calls were rawly emotional. He decided he did believe spitting occurred, concluding: "There were simply too many letters, going into too fine a detail, to deny the fact".

Naturally, some partisan DEMOCRATS and people like yourself claimed the letters were fake or full of lies.
I thought I'd be able to trigger you into revealing your true feelings about the men who served in Vietnam, old timer. Looks like it's working.

Did you spit on any US troops? Did you call them (and McCain) "baby killer"?

Nope. As usual you are wrong. Lots of my close friends went to Nam. They were still friends when they came back. I was never against the soldiers because they are just people placed in horrible and dangerous circumstances by their expansionist government. They were not interested in saving America from the theat that Viet Nam persented to the homeland. They just did their best to stay out of trouble and survive. Damn you are a asshole.
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So you openly admit that you called returning troops "fiends" but expect me to believe you're poutraged about Trump's comments, old man?

Yep, poutraged to pieces. Fucking Trump threw a couple Starburst candies in front of Merkle and said "Don't say I neve gave you anything ". Trump is a rude and crude asshole. i see why you admire him so much.
Yep, poutraged to pieces. Fucking Trump threw a couple Starburst candies in front of Merkle and said "Don't say I neve gave you anything ". Trump is a rude and crude asshole. i see why you admire him so much.

German Hillary is desperately clinging to power. She's lucky Trump gave a lame duck like her anything.

Lots of my close friends went to Nam. They were still fiends when they came back.

An old man who called soldiers "fiends" is hardly in a position to criticize others, IMO.
“Family-values” voters,

Yesterday Trump attacked John McCain, who is in the late stages of cancer.

He attacked George HW Bush, who is 94 and also very sick.

He then made a racist joke with a sexist punchline about sexual assault.

How is this your guy?

The Reagan Battalion

Yesterday: Trump mocked:
President George H. W. Bush.
Senator John McCain
Vladimir Putin.


Andrew Goss ✊USAF✊
Last night, Trump went after 2 Veterans at his rabid racist rally last night. John McCain & George H.W. Bush. Laughing at two heroes that are living out their final days. Cruel & absolutely pathetic. Mind-boggling how anyone affiliated with the US Military supports this bastard.

6:20 AM - Jul 6, 2018

what a tiny dicked asshole
German Hillary is desperately clinging to power. She's lucky Trump gave a lame duck like her anything.

An old man who called soldiers "fiends" is hardly in a position to criticize others, IMO.

Your opinion in nuts. FRIENDS. Merkle is lucky trump gave her anything? Are you familiar with diplomacy? I know manners are alien to you, but leaders of countries deserve respect and Trumps action was reprehensible. Clinging to power? Oh, well fart in her generl direction. She does not matter anymore and deserves no respect.
Your opinion in nuts. FRIENDS. Merkle is lucky trump gave her anything? Are you familiar with diplomacy? I know manners are alien to you, but leaders of countries deserve respect and Trumps action was reprehensible. Clinging to power? Oh, well fart in her generl direction. She does not matter anymore and deserves no respect.

Krauts don't deserve respect.
McCain is *SO* justified to request Trump NOT be at his funeral.

Unfortunately, there are going to be a lot more of those "I do not want him at my funeral" requests.

And that is why I say that the damage this abomination is doing...has already been done. The tit for tat bullshit will kick in during future administrations.
“Family-values” voters,

Yesterday Trump attacked John McCain, who is in the late stages of cancer.

He attacked George HW Bush, who is 94 and also very sick.

Fascinating; so you did not like all the attacks Democrats have made over the years against McCain and Bush? I never heard you complain when it was your party. Why is that hypocrite?

Draft dodger Donnie john is evil, his policy to separate children from their parents was an act of pure evil. Anyone with children, any veteran, any one who still believes in America cannot support this man and what he is making America into.

"But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works." James 2:18