tRump nominates yet another "Unqualified" judge.

Classic projection rears its ugly head yet again.

His blatant hipocrisy cracks me up. Typical TDS - tRump Denial Syndrome. Funny, how they have no problem slinging insults like:
Libtard. Democunt. Moron (over and over again) and they they cry like immature babies when they are referred to as Conservitudes, Trumpanzees, Mindless Minions and tRUMP Nazis.
1. "Trumpanzees" is a term that I coined on another forum.
2. Once again, your hipocrisy is raising its ugly head once again. Before you comment on folks, "hating", I suggest that you look at the unflattering insults flung by your RUMP loving brethren. Let's start with CFM's constant racist rhetoric. Then we can move on to to the certified psycho nutjob Truth Detectors comments hoping that non RUMP supporters "kill themselves". Then, we can move on to a few more. In the meantime, clean up your own shitpiles before you worry about ours.

1. OK,

2. It's amusing, if not pathetic, that you need to bring in other posters to make your point for you.
You wanna play checkers with a chess player, then answer this. I don't see you criticizing racist scum
like guno, TT whatever the hell she calls herself and the likes of Nomad and Nifty who've called for the
extermination of Trump voters, why is that?
I suggest you look in the mirror before you criticize others, oh, and I read your posts.
You seem a lot more optimistic than I feel. The horrible partisan divide in this country -- especially in the face of a non-partisan enemy like the pandemic -- does not bode well for a successful future for America.

"A house divided against itself cannot stand." -- A. Lincoln

What future?Has that ship sailed?
Take a look at his age and inexperience. Not to mention his outspoken political views. That said, being a family friend of McConnells is hardly a qualification to serve in this position.

38 is definitely young but hardly disqualifying. Duke, Harvard Law, clerked for a Supreme Court justice and extremely bright legal mind. Looks to me like Cocaine Mitch found a winner.

Now I will say outspoken political views can raise a red flag. (I would surmise if the justice held progressive political views that argument probably wouldn't be being made here but that would be a different discussion)
38 is definitely young but hardly disqualifying. Duke, Harvard Law, clerked for a Supreme Court justice and extremely bright legal mind. Looks to me like Cocaine Mitch found a winner.

Now I will say outspoken political views can raise a red flag. (I would surmise if the justice held progressive political views that argument probably wouldn't be being made here but that would be a different discussion)


No matter how much a person's political views matched mine...if he/she were rated NOT QUALIFIED by the ABA...I would have the same concerns I have with this guy.

There was a time when that rating mattered for people on both sides of the aisle. But now, in the time of Trump and is all in the garbage heap. Hey...those assholes are throwing everything else worthwhile about America in the garbage reason to make an exception here.
38 is definitely young but hardly disqualifying. Duke, Harvard Law, clerked for a Supreme Court justice and extremely bright legal mind. Looks to me like Cocaine Mitch found a winner.

Now I will say outspoken political views can raise a red flag. (I would surmise if the justice held progressive political views that argument probably wouldn't be being made here but that would be a different discussion)

They said Kavanaugh was unqualified. He was a justice on the second highest court in the country. You don't expect criticism from them now?

(read above post!)

No matter how much a person's political views matched mine...if he/she were rated NOT QUALIFIED by the ABA...I would have the same concerns I have with this guy.

There was a time when that rating mattered for people on both sides of the aisle. But now, in the time of Trump and is all in the garbage heap. Hey...those assholes are throwing everything else worthwhile about America in the garbage reason to make an exception here.

The ABA is a liberal advocacy group. Now that alone doesn't mean they can't be correct that someone is unqualified but their rating is no gold standard.
The ABA is a liberal advocacy group. Now that alone doesn't mean they can't be correct that someone is unqualified but their rating is no gold standard.

Stay away from Ted Cruz as an indicator of what is or is not a liberal advocacy group, CA.

Ted Cruz is a conservative advocacy advocate...and considers anything to the left of Genghis Khan to be liberal.

During all of my adult lifetime, the group has rated judicial nominees...and for the most part, presidents and the Senate has accepting their rankings.
Stay away from Ted Cruz as an indicator of what is or is not a liberal advocacy group, CA.

Ted Cruz is a conservative advocacy advocate...and considers anything to the left of Genghis Khan to be liberal.

During all of my adult lifetime, the group has rated judicial nominees...and for the most part, presidents and the Senate has accepting their rankings.

I’m not getting the Ted Cruz reference. You can read for decades writing and literature about the ABA’s bias and their rating strong conservatives unqualified.

I’m not a lawyer so this isn’t my bailywig but the ABA’s bias isn’t a new charge
38 is definitely young but hardly disqualifying. Duke, Harvard Law, clerked for a Supreme Court justice and extremely bright legal mind. Looks to me like Cocaine Mitch found a winner.

Now I will say outspoken political views can raise a red flag. (I would surmise if the justice held progressive political views that argument probably wouldn't be being made here but that would be a different discussion)

Sorry, that dog dont hunt. Do you have any idea how many former SCOTUS clerks with law degrees from prestigious law schools were never considered for a post like this? Hundreds.
His lack of experience alone would be a non starter for anyone other than a family friend of Moscow Mitch.
1. OK,

2. It's amusing, if not pathetic, that you need to bring in other posters to make your point for you.
You wanna play checkers with a chess player, then answer this. I don't see you criticizing racist scum
like guno, TT whatever the hell she calls herself and the likes of Nomad and Nifty who've called for the
extermination of Trump voters, why is that?
I suggest you look in the mirror before you criticize others, oh, and I read your posts.

I dont criticize "racist scum" , I put them on ignore. Same with the psycho nutjobs. That said, you are hardly a "chess player". You are merely an amateur trying to hide your hipocrisy and doing a typical lousy job of it. Now, I believe that you still have some yard work to do.
Sorry, that dog dont hunt. Do you have any idea how many former SCOTUS clerks with law degrees from prestigious law schools were never considered for a post like this? Hundreds.
His lack of experience alone would be a non starter for anyone other than a family friend of Moscow Mitch.

There several things at play here. The reality is you aren't going to like conservative justices no matter how qualified they are or how much experience they have because they are conservative. And it works the exact same in reverse. Conservatives aren't going to celebrate liberal justices no matter how impressive their resume. It's partisan politics.

I'll be honest, I've never heard of this guy until now. So outside a couple of articles I just read on him I can't really speak in depth about him one way or the other. I'm sure knowing Cocaine Mitch doesn't hurt in getting the nomination. I'm excited to see a young bright conservative mind on the court. I hope he proves to be worthy of the nomination.
My costs never increased and I kept my doctor. Conversely, my tax refund has dropped each year since trUMP enacted the tax policy that saved him millions.

Humor me on the tax refund reference. A tax refund simply means you overpaid/gave the government an interest free loan during the year. You consider it bad news the government isn't taking more than necessary out of your paycheck?
I dont criticize "racist scum" , I put them on ignore. Same with the psycho nutjobs. That said, you are hardly a "chess player". You are merely an amateur trying to hide your hipocrisy and doing a typical lousy job of it. Now, I believe that you still have some yard work to do.

Maybe I ignore them too by just not reading or barely skimming them. But you know that's not a possibility, right?
Yeah, I'm a chess player, my favorite board game, actually. Hiding hypocrisy? Here we go again, where have I heard this before???
Oh, most yardwork is done. Too windy to do the rest. Ordered lawn bug killer middle of last month from Amazon. Not coming until Wed. :mad:
There several things at play here. The reality is you aren't going to like conservative justices no matter how qualified they are or how much experience they have because they are conservative. And it works the exact same in reverse. Conservatives aren't going to celebrate liberal justices no matter how impressive their resume. It's partisan politics.

I'll be honest, I've never heard of this guy until now. So outside a couple of articles I just read on him I can't really speak in depth about him one way or the other. I'm sure knowing Cocaine Mitch doesn't hurt in getting the nomination. I'm excited to see a young bright conservative mind on the court. I hope he proves to be worthy of the nomination.

Whether I like Conservatives is irrelevant. He isnt qualified. I'm not a fan of Gorsuch, but I didnt question his qualifications. This is simply a "who you know" scenario and you know it.