Classical Liberal
Yes. He also got a lot of bad advice and intel. But ultimately the responsibility stopped with him. I still feel he should be shot.
Yes. He also got a lot of bad advice and intel. But ultimately the responsibility stopped with him. I still feel he should be shot.
They manipulated the intel
Don’t go blaming the collectors
I should probably assume that you do not want to learn how government works and choose to remain steeped in ignorant hate.........because, if you'll remember, every democrat voted us in to that war.........
Congress and the Senate have these things called 'committees'......and one of those committees is called the intelligence committee............that committee vetted all that intelligence, so you have to accept one of threeo options......
1. every member of that committee, republican and democrat, KNEW that the intelligence was fake and still voted us to war,
2. every member of that committee, republican and democrat, were totally incompetent in vetting fake intelligence and voted us to war,
3. the intelligence was real and every republican and democrat voted us to war then lied to the american people to avoid consequences for their actions......
take your pick, racist
Every dem did not. However Bush used public pressure and extreme lies to start the war. He was going to war, one way or another. All the news stations caved, even PBS. Bush had a dog and pony show full of lies delivered by Powell at the UN. It was on TV across the globe.
The Iraq investigators of WMD were pulled out because they were going to tell the truth.
Any politician who votes against a war that is coming, does so at the expense of their careers.
Date first in U.S. congressional office Iraq resolution[1][2]
Neil Abercrombie Democratic September 20, 1986 Against
Daniel Akaka Democratic January 3, 1977 Against
Tammy Baldwin Democratic January 3, 1999 Against
Jeff Bingaman Democratic January 3, 1983 Against
Earl Blumenauer Democratic May 21, 1996 Against
Barbara Boxer Democratic January 3, 1983 Against
Sherrod Brown Democratic January 5, 1993 Against
Robert Byrd Democratic January 3, 1959 Against
Lois Capps Democratic March 17, 1998 Against
Lincoln Chafee Republican November 2, 1999 Against
Steve Cohen Democratic January 4, 2007
Kent Conrad Democratic-NPL January 6, 1987 Against
John Conyers Democratic January 4, 1965 Against
Jon Corzine Democratic January 3, 2001 Against
Mark Dayton Democratic-Farmer-Labor January 3, 2001 Against
Peter DeFazio Democratic January 3, 1987 Against
Bill Delahunt Democratic January 3, 1997 Against
Lloyd Doggett Democratic January 3, 1995 Against
Jimmy Duncan Republican November 8, 1988 Against
Dick Durbin Democratic January 3, 1983 Against
Keith Ellison Democratic-Farmer-Labor January 4, 2007
Sam Farr Democratic June 8, 1993 Against
Chaka Fattah Democratic January 3, 1995 Against
Russ Feingold Democratic January 5, 1993 Against
Barney Frank Democratic January 5, 1981 Against
Bob Graham Democratic January 3, 1987 Against
Maurice Hinchey Democratic January 3, 1993 Against
Rush D. Holt, Jr. Democratic January 3, 1999 Against
John Hostettler Republican January 3, 1995 Against
Daniel Inouye Democratic August 21, 1959 Against
Jim Jeffords Independent January 3, 1975 Against
Eddie Bernice Johnson Democratic January 3, 1993 Against
Ted Kennedy Democratic November 7, 1962 Against
Dennis Kucinich Democratic January 3, 1997 Against
Patrick Leahy Democratic January 14, 1975 Against
Barbara Lee Democratic April 7, 1998 Against
Carl Levin Democratic January 15, 1979 Against
John Lewis Democratic January 6, 1987 Against
Jim McDermott Democratic January 3, 1989 Against
Jim McGovern Democratic January 3, 1997 Against
Cynthia McKinney Green Party January 7, 1997 Against
Bob Menendez Democratic January 5, 1993 Against
Jeff Merkley Democratic January 3, 2009
Barbara Mikulski Democratic January 3, 1977 Against
George Miller Democratic January 14, 1975 Against
Jim Moran Democratic January 3, 1991 Against
Patrick Murphy Democratic January 4, 2007
Patty Murray Democratic January 5, 1993 Against
Barack Obama Democratic January 4, 2005
Ron Paul Republican January 3, 1979 Against
Nancy Pelosi Democratic June 2, 1987 Against
Jack Reed Democratic January 3, 1991 Against
Bobby Rush Democratic January 3, 1993 Against
Tim Ryan Democratic January 3, 2003
Bernie Sanders Independent January 3, 1991 Against
Paul Sarbanes Democratic January 3, 1971 Against
Jan Schakowsky Democratic January 6, 1999 Against
José Serrano Democratic March 20, 1990 Against
Debbie Stabenow Democratic January 7, 1997 Against
Pete Stark Democratic January 3, 1973 Against
Maxine Waters Democratic January 3, 1991 Against
Diane Watson Democratic June 5, 2001 Against
Jim Webb Democratic January 3, 2007
Paul Wellstone Democratic-Farmer-Labor January 3, 1991 Against
Sheldon Whitehouse Democratic January 3, 2007
Lynn Woolsey Democratic January 3, 1993 Against
Ron Wyden Democratic January 3, 1981 Against
Looking at the same information like Republicans are looking at Trump now. There was minor threat which could have been handled by air power alone supporting Hans and the inspectors, but the Bush administration wasn't looking at Saddam as a threat, but at Iraq as a strategic position for American military and oil interests positioned against Iran and protecting both Saudi Arabia and Israel.intelligence committee...........where were theyEvery dem did not. However Bush used public pressure and extreme lies to start the war. He was going to war, one way or another. All the news stations caved, even PBS. Bush had a dog and pony show full of lies delivered by Powell at the UN. It was on TV across the globe.
The Iraq investigators of WMD were pulled out because they were going to tell the truth.
Any politician who votes against a war that is coming, does so at the expense of their careers.
no, he lied about that too.
no, he lied about that too.
Looking at the same information like Republicans are looking at Trump now. There was minor threat which could have been handled by air power alone supporting Hans and the inspectors, but the Bush administration wasn't looking at Saddam as a threat, but at Iraq as a strategic position for American military and oil interests positioned against Iran and protecting both Saudi Arabia and Israel.
There is zero doubt in my mind that the Democrats caved to political winds, as wrong as they were, just like the Republicans are doing now with Trump's bullshit.
Stretched the truth? Sure, politicians lie their asses off and Bush did too. So why did the Democrats go along with this? The appropriate committees in each house had the same facts.
Did Bush violate the law by hiding intelligence or did he just threaten to make the Democrats look like wimps if they didn't back this? The Democrats caved on this of their own free will. Blaming Bush for all of their mistakes is not the truth.
Stretched the truth? Sure, politicians lie their asses off and Bush did too. So why did the Democrats go along with this? The appropriate committees in each house had the same facts.
Did Bush violate the law by hiding intelligence or did he just threaten to make the Democrats look like wimps if they didn't back this? The Democrats caved on this of their own free will. Blaming Bush for all of their mistakes is not the truth.
Senate Report on Pre-war Intelligence on Iraq
The Senate Report on Iraqi WMD Intelligence (formally, the "Report of the Select Committee on Intelligence on the U.S. Intelligence Community's Prewar Intelligence Assessments on Iraq") was the report by the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence concerning the U.S. intelligence community's assessments of Iraq during the time leading up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. The report, which was released on July 9, 2004, identified numerous failures in the intelligence-gathering and -analysis process. The report found that these failures led to the creation of inaccurate materials that misled both government policy makers and the American public.
Bi partisan
Senators Rockefeller, Levin, and Durbin Edit
Senators John D. Rockefeller (D-WV) (the Committee's vice-chairman), Carl Levin (D-MI), and Richard Durbin (D-IL), used their additional view to say that the report painted an incomplete picture, because the Committee had put off until phase two of the investigation the key question of "how intelligence on Iraq was used or misused by Administration officials in public statements and reports." Because of this, they said, "the Committee's phase one report fails to fully explain the environment of intense pressure in which Intelligence Community officials were asked to render judgments on matters relating to Iraq when policy officials had already forcefully stated their own conclusions in public."
They were shown faked intel
Face the facts dutch
I showed you those facts
Cheney worked the intel people and the documents
You forgot about the fact that Bush told tony Blair that they were fixing the facts around the issue