Trump says Jewish voters would be to blame if he loses

Judaea would have been after the Old Testament, and during the New Testament. It is a significant kingdom according to Romans, and all the other people's of the time. There is absolutely no doubt it existed.

It ended with the Jewish-Roman Wars. Here is a part of the Arch of Titus depicting Titus' victory over Jerusalem during that war. Note the Jewish menorah being carried off. It was made within a few years of the Roman victory. Obviously, there are a huge number of written records also.

According to Wiki the Jews were ' a significant major population ' at the time of the Roman Wars, not THE major poulation and hardly a ' kingdom ' as the Jews were subjugated by the Romans. The ' wars ' were actually a serious of revolts against Roman subjugation- much like the Palestinians' intifadas against their Jewish invaders today.

According to Wiki the Jews were ' a significant major population ' at the time of the Roman Wars, not THE major poulation and hardly a ' kingdom ' as the Jews were subjugated by the Romans. The ' wars ' were actually a serious of revolts against Roman subjugation- much like the Palestinians' intifadas against their Jewish invaders today.
A kingdom can be part of an empire. So Judaea was a well attested to kingdom that was a suzerainty by the Romans. At the time, people would identify back to the nation/kingdom of Judaea. It was like being Irish.

Yes, the wars were very serious revolts against the Romans. The Romans had to send multiple legions. The fear for the Romans was that the Jews would capture Rome's breadbasket in Egypt.

It is a fact that Jesus was a Jew, living in a Jewish nation, that was part of the Roman Empire.

Should the Palestinians copy the first century Jews and rise up? It did not work out well for the Jews.
A kingdom can be part of an empire. So Judaea was a well attested to kingdom that was a suzerainty by the Romans. At the time, people would identify back to the nation/kingdom of Judaea. It was like being Irish.

Yes, the wars were very serious revolts against the Romans. The Romans had to send multiple legions. The fear for the Romans was that the Jews would capture Rome's breadbasket in Egypt.

It is a fact that Jesus was a Jew, living in a Jewish nation, that was part of the Roman Empire.

Should the Palestinians copy the first century Jews and rise up? It did not work out well for the Jews.
yet his beliefs also made him the first Christian.

it all goes back to whether race is supreme in your racist mind.
It is a fact that Jesus was a Jew, living in a Jewish nation, that was part of the Roman Empire.

Should the Palestinians copy the first century Jews and rise up? It did not work out well for the Jews.
It isn't ' fact ' for me as the exposure of so much biblical mendacity is cause for distrust. I'm open-minded on that particular issue- and I certainly don't believe that your ' facts' should be taught to children before they develop enough to question and judge for themselves.

No, the Palestinians should continue to build international support and strengthen international law until it isolates and defeats Zionist crime.
Every mainstream denomination of Christianity accepts that Jesus, Paul, Peter, etc. were Jewish. Are you in Christian Identity?

No one disputed that. What is disputed is your absurd fabrication that one must convert to Judaism to be a Christian. Jesus, Paul, Peter all said the opposite. Jesus (according to Paul) said "Believe in me and you will be saved." Nothing about becoming a Jew.

You are an Atheist and a Marxist - so naturally you believe yourself the authority to dictate how Christians must believe.
No one disputed that. What is disputed is your absurd fabrication that one must convert to Judaism to be a Christian. Jesus, Paul, Peter all said the opposite. Jesus (according to Paul) said "Believe in me and you will be saved." Nothing about becoming a Jew.

You are an Atheist and a Marxist - so naturally you believe yourself the authority to dictate how Christians must believe.
...So not true, they actually wanted me to stay and use a different name, Taz the head guy wanted this for me, but I was to stupid and immature to take them up on it. My contents were so explosive, but garnered a great deal of responses and traffic and they liked that about me, but I took it too far...I miss that sight.
...So not true, they actually wanted me to stay and use a different name, Taz the head guy wanted this for me, but I was to stupid and immature to take them up on it. My contents were so explosive, but garnered a great deal of responses and traffic and they liked that about me, but I took it too far...I miss that sight.

Not sure you are responding to what you think you're responding - Guno.
...So not true, they actually wanted me to stay and use a different name, Taz the head guy wanted this for me, but I was to stupid and immature to take them up on it. My contents were so explosive, but garnered a great deal of responses and traffic and they liked that about me, but I took it too far...I miss that sight.
no1tovotefor led us out of Egypt.

why would you want to go back?
What is disputed is your absurd fabrication that one must convert to Judaism to be a Christian. Jesus, Paul, Peter all said the opposite. Jesus (according to Paul) said "Believe in me and you will be saved." Nothing about becoming a Jew.
The first non-Jewish Christian was Cornelius, who was converted a while after Jesus died. During Jesus' life, most of the converts were Galilean Jews(who had ancestors who had moved north from Judaea, with all the rest being from Judaea. They were all Jewish. After Jesus' death, Paul began a mission to the Gentiles(non-Jews), but first converted them to Jews as part of becoming Christian.

Peter had a dream unkosher food falling from heaven, and decided that meant that it was OK not to be circumcised... And the first non-Jewish Christian was Cornelius.

Then 2,000 years later, the Christian Identity movement tried to rewrite history.
The first non-Jewish Christian was Cornelius, who was converted a while after Jesus died. During Jesus' life, most of the converts were Galilean Jews(who had ancestors who had moved north from Judaea, with all the rest being from Judaea. They were all Jewish. After Jesus' death, Paul began a mission to the Gentiles(non-Jews), but first converted them to Jews as part of becoming Christian.

Peter had a dream unkosher food falling from heaven, and decided that meant that it was OK not to be circumcised... And the first non-Jewish Christian was Cornelius.

Then 2,000 years later, the Christian Identity movement tried to rewrite history.

Seems to me more like the Atheist Identity movement is trying to create a fiction of requirements that never were.

And of course, you are full of shit.


Matthew 15:21-28

The Faith of a Gentile Woman​

21 Leaving that place, Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. 22 A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to Him, crying out, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is suffering terribly from demon-possession.”

23 Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to Him and urged Him, “Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us.” 24 He answered, “I was only sent to the lost sheep of Israel.”

25 The woman came and knelt before Him. “Lord, help me!” she said. 26 He replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to their dogs.” 27 “Yes, Lord,” she said, “but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.”

27 Then Jesus answered, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed from that very hour.