Trump supporter forces her goofy goofball views on shoppers

That's just sad how somebody could get so messed up that's what she thinks she should do.

I did notice today there seem to be more super-aggressive drivers.

People are losin it.

I guess that's what happens when people don't have their head screwed on right.

"I'm trying to help you."


SHE's the one who needs help.

When I look at somebody like that it makes me think they are whacked out on drugs.

I gotta wonder what kind of drugs she's on.

She deserved to get cuffed and hauled outta there.
What makes you think she's a supporter?

She didn't say anything about politics.

We've got enuf to worry about without making stuff up or jumping to conclusions.
No evidence that she's a "Trump supporter", but don't let stop you.

How often is there evidence of someone being a Democrat/Obama voter/etc when one of you rightie droolers make such a claim?


So I guess you slimy fucks aren't the only ones who can do that.

Don't like the taste of your own goofball medicine?

Stop dishing it out.