Trump supporter forces her goofy goofball views on shoppers

You never showed up here and you know it.

But you're so ashamed of your cowardice, you have to twist reality around backwards like the lying redneck shitbag you are.

You're even too scared to tell me what state or hick town you live in.

Been there twice since accepting your challenge. You were scared and you know it.

You posted a picture claiming it was me. You already know and refuse to show because you're so scared you can't back up what you say, you make excuses.
Everybody knows the bitch is typical of a Trump-voting right-wing Bible thumping skank.

No, "everybody" does not. You lied, I caught you lying, and you're still lying.

If you want proof, you can see the same goofy bitch below at 0:11....

No, I don't see "the same goofy bitch at 0:11". You don't have any proof, and it makes you so mad.
Well since not all Black people act like Somad, it's not an apt descriptor to use. It's not fair to Black people.

Please, stop using that word.

Where did I say all blacks did act like Nomad? I said Nomad did. It's fair to him.
Where did I say all blacks did act like Nomad? I said Nomad did. It's fair to him.

It's not fair to the multiple millions of Black people who don't act like Somad to compare him to them using that term.

Please, stop.

Call him a liar. That's accurate, and fair to the other people who act like he does.
It's not fair to the multiple millions of Black people who don't act like Somad to compare him to them using that term.

Please, stop.

Call him a liar. That's accurate, and fair to the other people who act like he does.

Where have I compared others to Nomad?
Been there twice since accepting your challenge. You were scared and you know it.

You posted a picture claiming it was me. You already know and refuse to show because you're so scared you can't back up what you say, you make excuses.

You're a lying piece of inbred, sister fucking, hillbilly peckerwood dog shit.

You never came down here and if you did, you made sure not to notify me of it like I invited you to.

Worse yet you use that picture of you on your porch toilet as an excuse for not telling me what hick town or even which redneck shit hole state it's located in.

Anyone can post a picture of somebody and know who it is, but not know where it is.

Only a stupid hick like you wouldn't understand that.

It's possible for someone to know this is you....


But that doesn't mean they know the directions how to get there.

So why don't you try t act like a man for once in your life, stop being a chicken shit coward and tell me how to get there.

Unlike you, I'll show up.
No, "everybody" does not. You lied, I caught you lying, and you're still lying.

No, I don't see "the same goofy bitch at 0:11". You don't have any proof, and it makes you so mad.

You are a mental case who lives in a fantasy world of delusion and denial.
You are a mental case who lives in a fantasy world of delusion and denial.

So you say. That's your opinion. Opinions aren't facts.

You're a liar, and that's a fact. This thread is incontrovertible proof that you lied.

I caught you lying, and that made you so mad.
Where have I compared others to Nomad?

When you used a pejorative racial epithet that may or may not apply to Somad, you also implied that all Black people are like him.

Call him a liar. He lied, so that's what he is, and it's not a racial slur.

Just cut it out, OK?