Mason Michaels
Verified User
No. Are you pretending to be human?
Bullshit,you absolutely are trying to be PMP
No. Are you pretending to be human?
We give financial & military aid to countries that have universal health care.
We don't have that.
American corporations and companies do business in countries where the economic divide is so severe that people will do anything to get here for a CHANCE at a better life.
American corporations and companies and OUR GOVERNMENT do business in countries ruled by despots, dictators, fanatical theocrats and oppressive oligarchs so severe that people will do anything to get here for a CHANCE at a better life.
Change that, and maybe your little mental euphoria won't be disturbed.
Bullshit,you absolutely are trying to be PMP
Shouldn't you be out searching for those pee tapes?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
We give financial & military aid to countries that have universal health care.
We don't have that.
American corporations and companies do business in countries where the economic divide is so severe that people will do anything to get here for a CHANCE at a better life.
American corporations and companies and OUR GOVERNMENT do business in countries ruled by despots, dictators, fanatical theocrats and oppressive oligarchs so severe that people will do anything to get here for a CHANCE at a better life.
Change that, and maybe your little mental euphoria won't be disturbed.
We shouldn't.
No shit, still no reason to flood our borders.
Yep. send them back. Maybe the rest will try to come here legally. Amnesty should be terminated.
You Support Trump treason
1. So insipidly stubborn MAGA mooks like YOU should take the hint.....if we can afford to give these countries military and financial aid and THEY have universal health care, then maybe we should DIVERT SOME OF THOSE FUNDS TO GIVE OUR PEOPLE UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE. Couldn't hurt, n'cest pai?
2. A stupid answer from a willfully ignorant MAGA mook. Americans lost their minds with hurricanes laid waste to various states. Remember Louisiana? Armed yahoos guarding a bridge to their town to keep New Orleans refugees from coming in. Times that by ten, throw in some earthquakes, then tell yourself the same crap when you're up to your ass in flood water or your town/city is leveled and there's no infrastructure to help you out. For you, I hope the Canadians will be just as disgustingly selfish and indifferent to you.
3. My, aren't you quite the little imperialist! Yeah, you sit on your flabby ass consuming the goods and reaping the benefits while the government IN YOUR NAME gets cheap labor from a foreign gov't that treats it's people like peasants from the Middle Ages. And you're okay with that, so long as "those people" don't try to come here and seek amnesty. Thanks for (once again) demonstrating what a fascist POS you truly are.
RB 60 = Republican Bumpkin 60 (I.Q.)
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
1. So insipidly stubborn MAGA mooks like YOU should take the hint.....if we can afford to give these countries military and financial aid and THEY have universal health care, then maybe we should DIVERT SOME OF THOSE FUNDS TO GIVE OUR PEOPLE UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE. Couldn't hurt, n'cest pai?
2. A stupid answer from a willfully ignorant MAGA mook. Americans lost their minds with hurricanes laid waste to various states. Remember Louisiana? Armed yahoos guarding a bridge to their town to keep New Orleans refugees from coming in. Times that by ten, throw in some earthquakes, then tell yourself the same crap when you're up to your ass in flood water or your town/city is leveled and there's no infrastructure to help you out. For you, I hope the Canadians will be just as disgustingly selfish and indifferent to you.
3. My, aren't you quite the little imperialist! Yeah, you sit on your flabby ass consuming the goods and reaping the benefits while the government IN YOUR NAME gets cheap labor from a foreign gov't that treats it's people like peasants from the Middle Ages. And you're okay with that, so long as "those people" don't try to come here and seek amnesty. Thanks for (once again) demonstrating what a fascist POS you truly are.
RB 60 = Republican Bumpkin 60 (I.Q.)
"n'cest pai?" Hmmm....
More psychobabble from the senseless libturd![]()
Yep, when taken to task MAGA mooks like RB 60 just act like petulant children. He'll just regurgitate his previous BS or come up with some personal attack lie...or maybe dazzle us with more of his scintillating retorts like this one here.
RB 60 = Republican Bumpkin 60 (I.Q.)
They all eventually use the same play book, so it seems. Not surprising, given their intellectual impotence.
You Support Trump treason
you're a mindless power monger.
your brain has no content.
Change your Depends.
You are nothing short of a flaming asshole and everyone here knows it. There was an election and trump lost and democrats never bitched about the results from 2016
You Support Trump treason
What treasonous act did trump engage in? Put the ganja down for a couple minutes and try to focus
You know its a fucking lie to say "...democrats never bitched about the results from 2016", right? Please tell me you dont honestly believe that.
Incited a riot,insurrection,manslaughter, attempted to over throw the election
You know its a fucking lie to say "...democrats never bitched about the results from 2016", right? Please tell me you dont honestly believe that.
Former secretary of state addresses supporters to formally concede election a day after Donald Trump pulled off stunning victory
“Last night I congratulated Donald Trump and offered to work with him on behalf of our country,” she said. “I hope that he will be a president for all of our country. I’m sorry that we did not win this election for the values we all share.”