Trump supporters want respect

More fake reporting. No conservative Trump supporter or not would be caught dead giving that liberal POS network an interview. My opinion.

They are like you. they really think they have it right and think they can defend voting for a plutocrat who pretended to care about the poor. Trump cares about Trump.
They are like you. they really think they have it right and think they can defend voting for a plutocrat who pretended to care about the poor. Trump cares about Trump.

Oh and your party leaders like Nancy Pelosi are real humanitarians, that have no desire to feather their nest. :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:
Trump has real trouble now. Cohen, his long time fixer, is going to turn on him. Trump, for some reason, thinks whatever he does, can get away with it. But Cohen is facing a shit pile of jail time and huge legal debts. He is talking. He knows lots of trump shit. Cohen is now among Manafort, Popadopolous, and the others who have turned.

And he also knows about the RNC since he was deputy vice fundraiser. I don't think the collusion stopped with just Trump, I'm convinced the entire GOP knew about it and went along with it at every single level, national, state, and local. They had to in a data operation as big as the one they were working on with Russia. How did Russia know what states and districts to target with their Troll Army? They could have only found that out by getting info from the GOP.
Which brings his credibility into question for anything he says. The bigger the trouble, the bigger the motive to lie (not that he will turn on the one person who could pardon him).

Documents are key... not what he says. Remember they raided Cohen's offices.
Trump has real trouble now. Cohen, his long time fixer, is going to turn on him. Trump, for some reason, thinks whatever he does, can get away with it. But Cohen is facing a shit pile of jail time and huge legal debts. He is talking. He knows lots of trump shit. Cohen is now among Manafort, Popadopolous, and the others who have turned.

Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft, we let war criminals roam free and appointed a torturess dominatrix to head the CIA.
Hello katsung47,

‘We want respect!’: Trump supporters whine that everyone mocks them in pity-soaked NPR interview
Brad Reed BRAD REED 27 APR 2018

I offer respect to anybody who wants to voice their views in a civil way.

I also find it rip-roaringly hilarious to watch some of the late night comic acts making fun of Trump. He deserves every bit of it and far more. There actually are not enough comic time slots to use all the material Trump generates - he should be glad of that.

In short, Trump supporters have my respect as long as it is a two-way street.

What they seem to be wanting is for the rest of the nation to stop dissenting Trump, and not make fun of him where he leave himself open to it.

That's not going to happen.

President Trump is a public figure. He is fair game. If he doesn't want to be ridiculed, then he should not do ridiculous things.

I respect Trump supporters who engage in civil discourse.

I respect the office which President Trump holds.

I do not respect him as a person. He is wrong for the job. He does not belong in the job. He got it by a fluke, and just barely. He remains unpopular. He is mean, nasty and uncaring. He has no morals, no social graces. He is rejected and excluded by people of culture. He has no class. He is an elite snob. He has no respect for the rule of law. He is selfish and greedy. He is a cheater. He is an adulterer. He is a bad father. He is a liar. He is a racist. He is a misogynist. He is a xenophobe. He is a demagogue. He is disloyal to the USA. He has already violated emoluments. He should be thrown out, but Republicans in Congress are too power-drunk to value nation over party.

All of that is absolutely true, and I respect none of it.

I can respect any Trump supporter who respectfully disagrees with me, but they are few and far between. Many Trump supporters are motivated not only by blocking out the above, but by believing a lot of stereotypes about liberals which simply are not true. Those stereotypes cause them to believe I am some kind of horrible person, and that insulting me will somehow correct that. I am not, and it won't. What it will do is cause me to place posters who flame on me on Ignore.

For the few who manage to support Trump and possess the ability to conduct civil discourse, I welcome that; and am actually fascinated how the well-adjusted can support this person whom I think of as a monster. I have learned that it mostly means they purposely overlook President Trump's misgivings because they are convinced Hillary would have been worse. And they are not proud of him, and wish he would not be so controversial. They used to complain that he tweeted too much, but have given up on stemming the flow of tweet storms. They probably cringe when Trump comes out with some new crassness, but have built up an immunity to it, and cling to belief that things would be worse with Hillary.
Hello kudzu,

Melania Trump has made a surprise visit to a child detention center on the Mexican border.

And she didn't have to fill out a form two weeks in advance like they told Senator Nelson?

Was Sen Nelson lied to when he was denied access?
Wow, Trump snowflakes want respect? I don't know if they'll ever figure it out but he cares nada for them or their lives, but they listen to his meandering nonsense, believing one thing one minute and its contradiction the next. How can one respect that level of hero worship and naivety.

"Is politics driven by pragmatic self-interest or by identities and ideals? The self-harming voter offers a clue"

"White American Christian men out of work or in low paying jobs did not vote for Donald Trump because he promised them financial succour, they voted Trump because of a primordial need to preserve their status as a dominant cohort in society while faced with a tidal wave of multicultural migration, says Mutz." the readers:
Trumpettes voted a liar and self serving jerk into the most powerful office in the world. Asking a lot for the left to watch this train wreck quietly and respectfully.