Trump supporters want respect

Hello Fentoine Lum,

Rather undeniable that there is a substantial percentage of his acolytes prone to frenetic rabid froathy-mouthed behavior such as tiki torch marches end execution by automobile.

While that is certainly true, not all on the right participated.
Hello NiftyNiblick,

Count me out of your stereotyping.

I know there are good people who support Trump. I know them in every day life. I have neighbors, friends, relatives who support Trump for whatever reason. Good people. They simply see things differently.

That's kind of you, but your kindness is unwarranted.

The people of whom you speak are probably not billionaires. If they are not billionaires, then there's is no way that they can explain to you or to me how they benefit from supply side (voodoo) economics.

What does that mean? It means that they are willing to vote directly against their own economic interests, time after time, to vote for people who tell them that their bigotry is justified. They hate people who don't look like them or don't pray like them more than they care about their own family's quality of life economically.

You can find it in your heart to respect these people. You must be a better person than I, because I most definitely cannot. I don't consider it a virtue to tolerate the intolerant.

That's kind of you, but your kindness is unwarranted.

The people of whom you speak are probably not billionaires. If they are not billionaires, then there's is no way that they can explain to you or to me how they benefit from supply side (voodoo) economics.

What does that mean? It means that they are willing to vote directly against their own economic interests, time after time, to vote for people who tell them that their bigotry is justified. They hate people who don't look like them or don't pray like them more than they care about their own family's quality of life economically.

You can find it in your heart to respect these people. You must be a better person than I, because I most definitely cannot. I don't consider it a virtue to tolerate the intolerant.


I wish for that time when liberals preached respect and tolerance for all humans.
Sad day when liberals gave up their respect and tolerance of all humans and decided it was ok to choose a group to demean. I guess if they respected everybody they would have nobody to feel superior to.

I repeat that tolerance for the intolerant is not a virtue.

The reality is that America's two great factions will never get along and will continue to demean each other because their sincere values are not compatible.

That's what broke up Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union. Eventually, it will break up America as well.
geeze the right talking about left .Do they read the right wing posts, That is the trademark of this board. Read CFM, Truth Deflector and the slightly more subtle Legion. The rudest and crudest are rights. No contest.
Some of them still "preach" it. A few may even practice it.

You are right. Obviously, most take great pleasure in hating and demeaning those they disagree with. I think it is worse because they hate being on the losing side of the last election. It is like defending your family or sports team against all others.
No one should not be tolerant of your intolerance? That result is hatred toward you rather than simply disagreement.

Being tolerant of Trump supporters in an Internet discussion forum... equivalent to bringing a knife to a gun fight. I guess you can do it...but why bother?

Being tolerant of a Trump supporter in an Internet discussion forum... equivalent to being tolerant of a flat Earther. I guess you can do it...but why bother?