Trump Terrorist grovels to AOC

Hello Tinker,

The idea that there are two sets of justice, one for liberals and another for conservatives, and that liberals get leniency which is not offered to conservatives - sounds like BS.

It is true that we do have two sets of justice, but the delineation is based on skin color.

Black Justice Matters.
Actually the distinction is haves/have nots.
The gain for him is a lighter sentence in a plea deal. The requirements for such a plea deal are the apology, the allecution and testifying in court against the leaders of the insurrection.

True, that is the goal, but I have seen more than one criminal confess to a crime then get in court and say they were lying or were forced to confess. I wonder how many thought trump would pardon them and they would be home free and are now coming to the realization that he does not care spit about what happens to them.
Shut the fuck up, clown.
I don't talk to stolen valor assholes like you.
Not a clown, not shutting up because of a psychotic bully like you. However, fact you obviously mental issues causes me to forgive your actions as the ravings of a person not in full control of their faculties.

You scream stolen valor all day long, but it rings hollow since you have never proved yourself to be a vet. If you are going to scream "Stolen Valor" while claiming to be a vet, shouldn't you prove you are not the Stolen Valor Asshole, Rev?

Not a clown, not shutting up because of a psychotic bully like you. However, fact you obviously mental issues causes me to forgive your actions as the ravings of a person not in full control of their faculties.

You scream stolen valor all day long, but it rings hollow since you have never proved yourself to be a vet. If you are going to scream "Stolen Valor" while claiming to be a vet, shouldn't you prove you are not the Stolen Valor Asshole, Rev?


sure you are bozo, a clown who hates that he's gay and takes it out on anyone he can. and a RAT to boot.

See what evidence do you have I stole valor? please post it.

Here is just a sampling of mine that you actually did:


I was a Captain, CH-46 pilot. Officers feel different about the situation as repeatedly shown in Military Times polls.

dutch uncle on DP said:
I was in the Marine Corps first, attaining the rank of Captain before being RIF'd along with 400 other pilots. About 300 of us went Navy, a handful (all Ch-53 pilots) Air Force, the rest got out. We all kept our date of rank during the transition since we remained within the Department of the Navy. I remained in the Navy until retirement at the rank of Commander. You? What was your service record?

So what did you fly?
Oh how shocking .. trumpettes were never able to come up with a case where a leftie got off a murder charge by apologizing. They just made that bullshit up. Just pulled it out of their asses. I am su shocked.
Hello Bull&Terrier,

I think she's a privileged brat trying to play Alexandria from the block.

she did not concemn the violence, she made excuses for it.

justified it.

You are certainly entitled to your own view just as much as I strongly believe in my own.

Here is what is apparent:

AOC talked about protesting to bring attention to an issue which has been overlooked. She can not be blamed for what she didn't even talk about.

AOC is liberal Golden Girl. She is who we need to listen to. AOC speaks the truth.
Which is the fun part: Seeing the Trump insurrectionists roll on their friends to save their own asses.

How high do you think the planning and funding will go? I think it goes to the White House but not sure if it can be tied directly to Trump, his riot incitement speech aside.

They rioted in the service of Trump, so shouldn't Trump help them with their legal bills?????????????????
Hello Dutch Uncle,

I'm not a fan of AOC; she's a junior congressman with too little experience and too much idealism to be realistic. If she survives in Congress, maybe she'll become more of a realist.

That said, Fox News is constantly talking about her. My guess is they have nothing else to bitch about except Biden, Pelosi and AOC. Go figure.

If the attention of fox viewers has been focused on AOC, then it is time to talk about what AOC stands up for, and that is nothing less than fairness, compassion and smart policy to create a bright future for America. I could easily vote for her for president, but she won't be old enough until 2024 to run for the first time.
Hello Rune,

Actually the distinction is haves/have nots.

It is both. Certainly any defendant is going to do better with a higher priced lawyer than the public defender, but even before that happens, just driving while black is cause for greater police scrutiny and policing action.

Class and wealth have no exemption for black families having to have 'the talk' with their children who are learning to drive:

"It’s known as "The Talk" — a discussion left almost exclusively to black parents and family members about police.

"It’s maddening," one black mother said. "I get so frustrated and angry about having to prepare my kids for something that they’re not responsible for."

"The Talk" was the topic of a New York Times video from 2015, explaining how black parents have to prepare their sons for police encounters — out of fear, mainly, that such interactions can go horribly wrong, ending with their son dead.

These are the types of fears that have existed in black communities for generations, but they’ve recently received far more mainstream attention in the aftermath of high-profile police killings since the police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, in August 2014.

"These are conversations that people of other races do not have to have with their children," one black woman said.

"It doesn’t mean that every police officer is inherently a bad person," one black man said, "but what it does mean is that the police force — that institution — does not look out for your best interest."

As one mother put it, [speaking of her male son] "He is going to turn into a large, scary black man. And that’s not who he is, but that’s how he will be perceived."

Unfortunately, she’s right: Study after study show black men are frequently perceived as larger, scarier, and more prone to criminality than people of other races. For black parents, that means a typical police stop turning into a violent encounter is a very real, terrifying possibility."

Black parents describe “The Talk” they give to their children about police
Hello blackascoal,

Oh how shocking .. trumpettes were never able to come up with a case where a leftie got off a murder charge by apologizing. They just made that bullshit up. Just pulled it out of their asses. I am su shocked.

True, but I only saw one poster do that, not all Trump supporters.
Hello Rune,

It is both. Certainly any defendant is going to do better with a higher priced lawyer than the public defender, but even before that happens, just driving while black is cause for greater police scrutiny and policing action.

Class and wealth have no exemption for black families having to have 'the talk' with their children who are learning to drive:

"It’s known as "The Talk" — a discussion left almost exclusively to black parents and family members about police.

"It’s maddening," one black mother said. "I get so frustrated and angry about having to prepare my kids for something that they’re not responsible for."

"The Talk" was the topic of a New York Times video from 2015, explaining how black parents have to prepare their sons for police encounters — out of fear, mainly, that such interactions can go horribly wrong, ending with their son dead.

These are the types of fears that have existed in black communities for generations, but they’ve recently received far more mainstream attention in the aftermath of high-profile police killings since the police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, in August 2014.

"These are conversations that people of other races do not have to have with their children," one black woman said.

"It doesn’t mean that every police officer is inherently a bad person," one black man said, "but what it does mean is that the police force — that institution — does not look out for your best interest."

As one mother put it, [speaking of her male son] "He is going to turn into a large, scary black man. And that’s not who he is, but that’s how he will be perceived."

Unfortunately, she’s right: Study after study show black men are frequently perceived as larger, scarier, and more prone to criminality than people of other races. For black parents, that means a typical police stop turning into a violent encounter is a very real, terrifying possibility."

Black parents describe “The Talk” they give to their children about police
Cops kill proportionately more whites than blacks.
They protect and serve the rich, they are not even legally required to protect the poor.
Their actual job is to protect the rich from the poor.
Hello Rune,

Cops kill proportionately more whites than blacks.
They protect and serve the rich, they are not even legally required to protect the poor.
Their actual job is to protect the rich from the poor.

The article I linked gave the statistics.

Blacks are 13% of America. Whites are 63%.

People killed by police are 31% Black and 52% white.

The numbers become more alarming for people who were not attacking, but still killed by police:

39% Black and 46% white.
sure you are bozo, a clown who hates that he's gay and takes it out on anyone he can. and a RAT to boot.
See what evidence do you have I stole valor? please post it.

Here is just a sampling of mine that you actually did:


So what did you fly?
Get help before you ruin the rest of your life. If you were just a 20something idiot, that's one thing. Plenty of time to learn from mistakes but now you are in your 40s-50s. Getting a little late in the game, son, to be acting like a 20something fucked up airman.

Hello Dutch Uncle,

If the attention of fox viewers has been focused on AOC, then it is time to talk about what AOC stands up for, and that is nothing less than fairness, compassion and smart policy to create a bright future for America. I could easily vote for her for president, but she won't be old enough until 2024 to run for the first time.

It is. They whine about her constantly. Notice how the JPP RWNJs post about the junior congressman from NY. Why do they think she is more special than the other 435?
Get help before you ruin the rest of your life. If you were just a 20something idiot, that's one thing. Plenty of time to learn from mistakes but now you are in your 40s-50s. Getting a little late in the game, son, to be acting like a 20something fucked up airman.


again, the day you touch me is the day you would need to go get some dentures.

you'd be spittin chicklets crying regretting the day you attempted to "touch me" you sick creep.