Trump Terrorist grovels to AOC

Hello Dutch Uncle,

The difference between a leader and an inciter:

When Juan Guido's crowd tried to storm the Venezuelan Congress, he was right there with them, leading the charge.

When Trump's crowd stormed into the American Congress, they realized he was not with them. He was hiding in the safety of his very secure home.

Agreed. Leaders lead from the front. Liars lead from the rear.


note how the leftist media has buried this.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

AOC sets the right off because she is gorgeous, smart and liberal.

And highly articulate!

She's too idealistic in relation to her skills. Idealism is great but it must be tempered with realism in order to succeed.

Knowing where the line between Idealism and Realism is, even when shooting above it, mandatory for good leadership. Setting a bar too high or, worse, an impossible bar for our age, is doomed to failure.
So do leftists Blacks make up 13% of the USA but about 51% of the murders.

That has zero to do with police violence against blacks. There's a long history of rounding up blacks into ghettos and areas with poor education and economic opportunity. Meanwhile, whites have owned the country and all economic opportunity for 400 years.
That has zero to do with police violence against blacks. There's a long history of rounding up blacks into ghettos and areas with poor education and economic opportunity. Meanwhile, whites have owned the country and all economic opportunity for 400 years.

A.) source for rounding up Blacks into ghettos!?

B.) Blacks are more likely to have encounters with police.

C.) Blacks in middle & upper middle class Prince George's County, Maryland still have high murder rates.

D.) Many of the worst ghettos in NYC were once Jewish, Brownsville, East NY, Washington Heights & much of the Bronx.

E.) Hasidim Jews & Asians in NYC tend to have more poverty than Blacks in NYC but far less crime & murder issues.
Hello Tinker,

The idea that there are two sets of justice, one for liberals and another for conservatives, and that liberals get leniency which is not offered to conservatives - sounds like BS.

It is true that we do have two sets of justice, but the delineation is based on skin color.

Black Justice Matters.

Nope, you are wrong and you can use this event as your proof.

Where ate the people calling the antifa riots insurrections?

They Don't yet they are doing the same thing.

It's undeniable that there are two sets of rules and it has nothing to do with skin color except that Whites are now treated worse.
Weird how the prospect of doing prison time can inspire a Deplorable to apologize and grovel for mercy.

He waited to apologize until after he got caught, got hauled before a judge, and started looking at 10 years of hard time in a federal penitentiary.

Does anyone apologize before they get caught?

Clinton didn't.
That has zero to do with police violence against blacks. There's a long history of rounding up blacks into ghettos and areas with poor education and economic opportunity. Meanwhile, whites have owned the country and all economic opportunity for 400 years.

True. All Democrat controlled places at that. What a surprise huh?
It's also pretty horrible that you want jail time for these guys but not any of the liberals causing destruction in their riots.

The bad news for you is that the ones committing violence and riots throughout 2020 were your "very fine people":

Far-Right ‘Boogaloo Boys’ Are Trying to Incite Violence at Protests

George Floyd protests: 'Boogaloo' member held in precinct attack

'Boogaloo' suspects accused of trying to 'incite violence' at George Floyd protest in Vegas, feds say

As Drumpf warns of leftist violence, a dangerous threat emerges from the right-wing boogaloo movement

New Report Tracks Extremist Groups Tied To Violence At Protests

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Drumpf and Republicans' claims

So it looks like you were lied to AGAIN, and AGAIN you bought the lie.
Hello Tinker,

Nope, you are wrong and you can use this event as your proof.

Where ate the people calling the antifa riots insurrections?

They Don't yet they are doing the same thing.

It's undeniable that there are two sets of rules and it has nothing to do with skin color except that Whites are now treated worse.

Anti-fascism is a noble cause - opposing fascism, right? Like, who in their right mind wants fascism... Nobody. There is no American Fascist Party. Fascists are ashamed to admit that is what they are after. Many far right groups in America are accused of fascism, but they don't like to call themselves that. The most famous at this point are some of the ones who supported Trump, such as the Proud Boys.

The ones who call themselves anti-fa, and go looking for trouble, are usually looking for white supremacists to confront.

There have been riots associated with these confrontations, but it is unclear who is causing property damage because, unless the perps are caught and identified, it cannot be known what their motivations were.

Basically, people who identify as anti-fa are not motivated to cause building damage. They want to opposed what they see as fascism. Their methods are misguided, so they are not supported by public elected figures, nor the MSM. Violence in civil society is wrong, no matter what the justification, initiating violence is wrong and illegal for that reason.

Second point:

As to the two sets of rules for justice in America, there is clearly a delineation between blacks and whites in our justice system:

Here are the statistics:

Blacks are 13% of America; Whites are 63%.

People killed by police are: 31% Black; and 52% white.

The numbers become more alarming for people who were not attacking, but still killed by police:

39% Black; and 46% white.


Here's another one that augments the evidence:

Black People Are More Likely to Go to Prison for Crimes They Didn’t Commit

"Black people are seven times more likely than white people to be wrongfully convicted of murder, and cases where black people were exonerated were 22 percent more likely to involve police misconduct than cases involving white people."
Nope, you are wrong and you can use this event as your proof.

Where ate the people calling the antifa riots insurrections?

They Don't yet they are doing the same thing.

It's undeniable that there are two sets of rules and it has nothing to do with skin color except that Whites are now treated worse.

Do you know what "insurrection" means?
Nope. Not Trump fan. All those at the rally are fucking morons. All those who broke the law belong in jail.

All JPP members who believed the election was stolen and who believe Biden is a "usurper" but who didn't go to DC are cowards and hypocrites. I have zero respect for them.

Do you believe the election was stolen and that Biden is a usurper, RB?

Yet you call everyone here who voted for Trump wimps because they weren't there? Fuck you, cunt. Why should I have been there? I think protests are silly (gay), as I do you.

Now you move the goalposts to only those who think the election was stolen? I thought you were accusing ALL of us who voted for Trump and didn't attend? Why weren't you there to counter protest? Hell, you could have flown a chopper in and out unnoticed!
Not everyone there was in the building, most were peaceful. Should they also be arrested? May as well "git em' all" too, HUH?

I believe there was some fraud, but not enough to overturn the election. I say it's over, and have said it many times before. I've seen the small protests all summer and there was someone there asking everyone present to register to vote. They were without doubt a persuaded to vote for (a Dem) Biden. So Biden got a lot of millennial votes. But will they vote again in future elections?