Trump thinks male Latin star Nikky Jam is a female, and says "she's hot"

the Daily Show is now Republican?......
So far gone he doesn't remember. LOL

This is why I support both more Alzheimer's research and also assisted suicide.

Obama’s tan suit controversy hits 5-year anniversary​

by Aris Folley - 08/28/19
On this day five years ago, then-President Obama shocked the press and political pundits alike over a decision he made that is now jokingly referred to as one of his administration’s “biggest scandals.”

Obama decided to wear a tan suit....

...Longtime Rep. Pete King (R-N.Y.) said at the time that the suit showed a “lack of seriousness” taken by the president, saying: “There’s no way I don’t think any of us can excuse what the president did yesterday.”

“ISIS is watching,” he continued. “If you were the head of ISIS, if you were Baghdadi, if you were anyone in the ISIS, would you come away from yesterday afraid of the United States? Would you be afraid that the United States was going to use all its power to crush ISIS? Or would you think here’s a person who’s going to go out and do a few fundraisers over the Labor Day weekend?”...

...Fox Business commentator Lou Dobbs said then that he thought the suit was “shocking to a lot of people” and asked on Twitter, “What message is the President trying to send?”...