Trump Thinks the Military Should Handle Citizens Who Disagree With Him

ASSHOLE the poster was saying Pelosi had the authority to call out the NG and she didn't.
WHY do YOU keep making yourself look a stupid asshole?
on the other hand, the post clearly stated Trump asked Pelosi if she wanted them called out and she didn't......I'm just pointing out you look like a stupid asshole......
on the other hand, the post clearly stated Trump asked Pelosi if she wanted them called out and she didn't......I'm just pointing out you look like a stupid asshole......
And when was that?
Before he got his MAGA all riled up or after?
It was before and how would she know these people would attack the Capital.
How does wanting to make America great again give someone a low IQ and somehow give you a high IQ?
Well seeing these people are stupid enough to believe all of Trumps lies doesn't make them look too smart.
And on top of that they are backing a person who has come right out and told them he doesn't care about them he only wants their vote and their money.
He has also told them he will be weaponizing every government agency he can to go after his political opponents and jail them with out any due process, He wants to take peoples guns away and shut down all left leaning MSM outlets.
That is what a DICTATOR does NOT the President of the USA.
And these are the hypocrites that in the same breath say they back the CONSTITUTION.
This shit really makes them look stupid.
Well seeing these people are stupid enough to believe all of Trumps lies doesn't make them look too smart.
Please list the top eight of these lies.

And on top of that they are backing a person who has come right out and told them he doesn't care about them he only wants their vote and their money.
Please post the video of this.

He has also told them he will be weaponizing every government agency he can to go after his political opponents and jail them with out any due process,
Please post this video. You sound like one of Trump's political opponents who tried to jail Trump without due process.

He wants to take peoples guns away and shut down all left leaning MSM outlets.
Please post the video.

This shit will really make someone look stupid.
Please list the top eight of these lies.

Please post the video of this.

Please post this video. You sound like one of Trump's political opponents who tried to jail Trump without due process.

Please post the video.

This shit will really make someone look stupid.
All you have to do is listen to Trumps speeches there are way more the 8 in almost every one of them.
And Trump not only got his DUE PROCESS but was treated with kid gloves by his appointed judges.
All you have to do is listen to Trumps speeches
I listen to every speech/rally/interview of both Trump and Kamalalala. I have not heard Trump tell a single falsehood, albeit he has been mistaken on some trivia. I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to list the top eight lies you claim Trump has made.

And Trump not only got his DUE PROCESS
Nope. I followed the cases. Trump was brought up on trumped-up charges in a rigged court.