Trump To Launch Social Media Platform By Summer; How Will Democrats Hinder/Stop It?

Ra-men. Hopefully they'll feel free to speak their seditious minds, and more and more of them will disappear into jail cells for plotting to kill (D) politicians, overthrow the government, and other forms of treason. lol

ra-men? is that racist joke worth the lives lost?
In that deranged orangutans have but minimal protection under America Law,
I don't give a fuck what's done to stop him.
But who can stop him if he has a genius like War=Peace in his corner?

so for the record, you don't really believe in any aspects of the contitution. correct?
Democrats, Good Little Goosesteppers that they are, wish to see non-Democrats imprisoned/executed.

Did I mention execution? I merely wish for those who want to murder politicians and destroy the country to be treated as the treasonous slime that they are? Does this mean that you don't? You're in favor of overthrowing our government and installing a #TangerineTyrant?

"I do think that we’re going to see President Trump returning to social media in probably about two or three months here, with his own platform," Trump senior adviser Jason Miller told Fox News' "#MediaBuzz" on Sunday. "And this is something that I think will be the hottest ticket in social media, it’s going to completely redefine the game, and everybody is going to be waiting and watching to see what exactly President Trump does."

How will Constitution-hating Democrats try to stop him?

How many lawsuits will Trump have to win in order to enjoy his basic, constitutionally guaranteed freedom of speech?

How dangerous ARE Democrats to the Constitution?

Democrats: Deadly threat or lethal menace to the Constitution & The People?

tRump's type of social media would be nothing but fact free and sewer type smut trash and other un American and indecent rot that no decent person would have anything to do with.
For a start: The government licences ALL communication systems.
No, they don't.
Thus they can refuse any person opening a web site or internet site.
No, they can't. They have no control over packets sent over the internet or even what they might contain.
So the nasty, rotten evil Dems who have no moral compass can shut Mr Trump down or prevent him opening a social media platform. They have this available to them.
No, they don't.
But you dems need to open your minds because if he is successful in opening a social media platform there will be multi millions join it. The impact will not only be his site in operation but the current sites - Farcebook - Twatter - Youtube et al. will lose impact.
Twitter, Facebook, Google (and Youtube) are all losing money and fast. People are already leaving them for sites like DuckDuckGo, Gab, Parler, Rumble, and Bitchute.
Personally and as a NON DEm I would be very happy if Bidem set up his own site, seriously, I value open democracy and free speech ( I am not a DEm) but then Bidem already has Farcebook - Twatter and the rest.
People are ignoring it too.
I cancelled my Twatter - Watsap - Facebook - Paypal and Amazon membership - it was not easy to start with but I can say it makes no difference to my life. In fact life is great.
Have a great life.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Net neutrality policies were officially implemented by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in 2015. Through this, the FCC classified the internet as a regulated utility under the 1934 Telecommunications Act.

Not possible. They do not have control of it. Internet is an international network.
Biden already has access to sites with millions of people already there. They’re called TWITTER, FACEBOOK, CBS, NBC, .GOV, AND MANY MORE. WHO GIVES A FUCK, ABOUT WHERE YOU POST OR WHAT YOU CANCELLED?

It is Twitter, Facebook, Amazon Web Services, Google (including Youtube), Apple, Microsoft, and Oracle that are trying to censor the internet. Pay attention dumbass.
Did I mention execution? I merely wish for those who want to murder politicians and destroy the country to be treated as the treasonous slime that they are? Does this mean that you don't? You're in favor of overthrowing our government and installing a #TangerineTyrant?

The Democrats already overthrew the government and installed Biden as chief Puppet. The federal government has fallen. Democrats do not recognize the Constitution of the United States no any State constitution.
Not possible. They do not have control of it. Internet is an international network.

Agreed. It is impossible. Let us review the history.

Exhibit A, B and C. And yes exhibit D as in me being drunk right now. Sorry.

The internet before the internet.

The actual bug before the software bug.

First talk to talk? Disputable.
Actually it would be great to launch tRump, his gutter crime family, the entire un American GQP party of rot, their uncivilized and intellectually deficient tRumptards and other gutter scheming creatures against America and humanity to be attached on the next asteroid that passes by or simply give them the punishment they deserve at not only waging war against freedom, liberty and democracy but the civilized part of global humanity, nature and above all God.
Trump To Launch Social Media Platform By Summer; How Will Democrats Hinder/Stop It?

A competent IT guy could setup a simple blog, or forum for trump in less than an hour. trump got 74 million votes, so there has got to be over a hundred thousand competent IT guys(and gals, not being sexist) among his supporters. Why isn't he already announcing to the world his every thought?

My theory is that his family and advisors are stopping him. They are telling him that to get his thoughts out, they would need all the bells and whistles of Facebook. This is an attempt by them to keep trump silent.

Or maybe trump's people are just excruciating bad at starting a tech project.

Either way, a website is amazingly difficult to take down. I doubt Democrats could do much about it, nor do they really want to.
For a start: The government licences ALL communication systems. Thus they can refuse any person opening a web site or internet site.

Wow, I have started at least a hundred websites, and never gotten a license. I am not even sure where I would get such a license. Can you give me more information on where to get this license?
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Net neutrality policies were officially implemented by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in 2015. Through this, the FCC classified the internet as a regulated utility under the 1934 Telecommunications Act.

Net neutrality has to do with packet switching. You have to treat packets from outside your network the same as packets inside your network. It has nothing to do with what information is in those packets, and has nothing to do with a website trump might setup.
Liberals won’t be able to ignore the Trump platform lol.

The news fakers will be checking into it to see what Trump has to say because they can’t help themselves. Trump will walk all over Harris/Biden’s messaging—every several hours and in ALL CAPS. Trump will return to being a pain in the ass to squishy Republicans in Congress. He can use it to support his favored candidates going into 2022.

IOW, there’s a lot to look forward to.

"I do think that we’re going to see President Trump returning to social media in probably about two or three months here, with his own platform," Trump senior adviser Jason Miller told Fox News' "#MediaBuzz" on Sunday. "And this is something that I think will be the hottest ticket in social media, it’s going to completely redefine the game, and everybody is going to be waiting and watching to see what exactly President Trump does."

How will Constitution-hating Democrats try to stop him?

How many lawsuits will Trump have to win in order to enjoy his basic, constitutionally guaranteed freedom of speech?

How dangerous ARE Democrats to the Constitution?

Democrats: Deadly threat or lethal menace to the Constitution & The People?

It will fail regardless of what the Democrats do, lust like his casinos, steaks, university and presidency.