Trump To Launch Social Media Platform By Summer; How Will Democrats Hinder/Stop It?

I know what a packet is, what's an RFC?

A Request For Comment. These are comments posted by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force). They contain the standards for the Internet Protocol, the Terminal Control Protocol, (you are using them right now to access this forum. They go by the nyms IP and TCP. Together they are often referred to as the TCP/IP protocol (a bit redundant).

Many other protocols are described here as well, including how the Bindery works (the DNS protocol and name->IP address resolution), SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, otherwise known as email), FTP (File Transfer Protocol, often used for distributing files), ICMP (Internet Message Control Protocol, a command channel for servers handling internet packets. Ping uses this protocol), HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol, otherwise known as the Web), and lots of others. The RFCs form the standards for the internet.

See the index of them here. It is the IETF site.