Trump trading cards? REALLY?

They can’t afford many of them

His big customers are the Saudis, China and Russia

I actually don't think our enemies are going to be buying any. twump will never be president again so there's nothing they need or want from the mango fuck.
I think you're being a bit naive.

Many of the people who really know Trump personally say that he never expected to win, and that all he really wanted was the publicity to enhance the value of the Trump brand name. Even when he was in office, he grifted the tax payers for every dollar he could. Things like holding official government functions at his own properties then charging the government top dollar. No other President would have ever done something so blatantly self serving while in office and the fact that he did shows clearly that he never had the good of the country in mind. Only himself.

And that was just one example. Had he been reelected, God only knows what kind of secret deals he'd have made with Putin in exchange for being allowed to build Trump Towers in Russian cities with money from Russian banks.

Outside of assassinations, he was the biggest political disaster this country has ever experienced and even that was probably nothing compared to the disaster a second term might have been.

You cannot put a grifter con artist in office and not expect to get grifted and conned.
I heard all those things too. But I don't think he had to become President to make money. He could have made much more in other ways. I do think he loves the country and is grateful everything it has afforded him. Just my opinion.
I have made my own Trump Trading Cards and I'm selling them for the ROCK BOTTOM PRICE of $50! You can save $49 and get just as great a set of NFT's!




Can I trade Miguel Cabrara's baseball card for one?
Trumpys are unable to feel embarrassment. He lies, they buy. He knows he can say anything and the Trumps will parrot like it was etched with the 10 commandments. Trump will likely be charged. He has escaped paying for crimes and infractions his whole life. Organizing an insurrection was a step too far. Stealing a truckload of classified documents was another.

All I can say to this post is :usflag:
Oh, I know. Slick Willie. No secret wars, just 8 years of peace and prosperity. Same with Obama. Republicans hate that.

Ra-men, Brother Lurch, ra-men.

Peace and prosperity get people to thinking seditious shit like "Hmm, we're not spending a billion dollars a day on war anymore. I bet we could use the savings to decrease the deficit, or send more kids to better schools, or help more citizens afford health care."

Can't have educated, healthy citizens, now can we? And if we reduce the deficit, people will like Democrats even more. It can't be allowed!
Ra-men, Brother Lurch, ra-men.

Peace and prosperity get people to thinking seditious shit like "Hmm, we're not spending a billion dollars a day on war anymore. I bet we could use the savings to decrease the deficit, or send more kids to better schools, or help more citizens afford health care."

Can't have educated, healthy citizens, now can we? And if we reduce the deficit, people will like Democrats even more. It can't be allowed!

That's the one thing Republicans should appreciate! Clinton raised taxes slightly for the wealthy, but he also worked with Republicans to balance the budget and create that surplus!
That's the one thing Republicans should appreciate! Clinton raised taxes slightly for the wealthy, but he also worked with Republicans to balance the budget and create that surplus!

Another thing Clinton did was limit access to social welfare programs, install a work requirement, and tighten both amounts dispensed and the length of time they could be received. Conservatards always forget that part.
Who? Be specific.

I really miss your spats with Christiefan. Why don't you throw off the shredded garments of Ban-Shame, come out of the Sock Drawer, and be your usual ridiculous-but-funny-in-a-snarky-way self?

Topsy misses you too. She's down to just Minty to defend her. Think of the shame! It's worse than you getting banned, almost. :laugh:
Another thing Clinton did was limit access to social welfare programs, install a work requirement, and tighten both amounts dispensed and the length of time they could be received. Conservatards always forget that part.

I honestly can't think of one good thing a Republican has done well for us since Teddy Roosevelt.
Another thing Clinton did was limit access to social welfare programs, install a work requirement, and tighten both amounts dispensed and the length of time they could be received. Conservatards always forget that part.

Correction what I said about Republicans a post ago: Nixon was a crook but he got us out of Vietnam and the EPA was formed during his administration.
I honestly can't think of one good thing a Republican has done well for us since Teddy Roosevelt.

I can. In the post-World War II period, they ardently supported science and education because of the Cold War. They kept religion out of public schools and pushed for both language and scientific/mathematical literary. I did a project on evolution in fifth grade; I chose the evolution of the horse and used our Encyclopedia Britannica at home, and library books as well. I got an A on it and there was zero outrage from other parents about science vs religious creation b.s.

I was ten years old. My, how things have changed.
Correction what I said about Republicans a post ago: Nixon was a crook but he got us out of Vietnam and the EPA was formed during his administration.

There's a plus! See, if we just look hard enough, we can find the good in almost everyone. <insert flowers, rainbows, and unicorns here>

Except for Trump, of course.
Oh, I know. Slick Willie. No secret wars, just 8 years of peace and prosperity. Same with Obama. Republicans hate that.

If Slick Willie had done more of his job and less chasing interns around the office, then 9/11 would never have happened.

Do you think a President can wave a wand and make the economy better or do you think it's mostly a matter of luck?
I can. In the post-World War II period, they ardently supported science and education because of the Cold War. They kept religion out of public schools and pushed for both language and scientific/mathematical literary. I did a project on evolution in fifth grade; I chose the evolution of the horse and used our Encyclopedia Britannica at home, and library books as well. I got an A on it and there was zero outrage from other parents about science vs religious creation b.s.

I was ten years old. My, how things have changed.

Yes, sister, those were the days!
If Slick Willie had done more of his job and less chasing interns around the office, then 9/11 would never have happened.

Do you think a President can wave a wand and make the economy better or do you think it's mostly a matter of luck?

Clinton was responsible for 9/11, you say?

Okey doke :)