Trump VS Kamala

Love your avatar, as it shows just how much the woke left has disintegrated into a moronic mass of imbeciles. Did you
happen to see the Last Supper at the Olympics being highlighted and mocked by a group of faggot Drag Queens?
We all know the Left are anti Christian to the max, but that display of Drag Queens has taken their anti Christian to
a new level.
It was an enactment of a Bacchanalia, a feast celebrating the god Bacchus which took place during the Ancient Greek Olympics.

It wasn’t mocking the Last Supper 🤡

You really should read books instead of burning them.
MAGAts are stupid, it wasn’t the last supper, it was a Bacchanalia, the god Bacchus was honored during the Ancient Greek Olympics, which by the way were performed in the nude. That ought to trigger them as well.

Christians need to start reading books instead of burning them.
Yes, Great Point!

I have news for these Holy Rolling Christians- Every hand they will ever shake, has had a PENIS in it, at one time or another!

It is just the way the world works!

Sorry, but the truth must be told!
Listen up Idiot!

THAT WAS FUCKING FRANCE- this was not the United States hosting the Olympics.

We do not control what other countries do!

You are the stupidest Mother-Fucker here in this forum!

Jill Biden applauded that anti Christian drag queen mockery of the Last Supper.
At least he tried to stop the wars...
well if you are talking about the Afghan war I guess giving the Taliban EVERYTHING they had been fighting for for 20 years is ending the wars then yes I guess he did.
people have to really take some time and read the Agreement he signed with the Taliban and learn just what he did.
for one thing in that agreement it says several times that we do not recognize the Taliban as an entity and yet Trump signed an agreement with them. then he helped them get several seats in the Afghan government that helped them to take it over.
and wait read the part where he set up what they were suppose to do to help us withdraw. it is a real shit show, completely unworkable, the withdrawal would still been a real mess if he was still President.
yes it is some reading people should do to see just what Trump gave them
Have a nice day
Jill Biden applauded that anti Christian drag queen mockery of the Last Supper.
What makes you think MIchelangelo's depiction of the Lord's Supper is the only depiction of the Lord's Supper, just because that happens to be the depiction shown in your Bible.

If you ever went to France, Greece, or Italy and visited their Fine Art museums, you would see there were many depictions of the Lord Supper by many different artists throughout the ages- many including nudity and even homosexuality in their depictions.

How do you even know that Jesus was not a Homosexual? Or even a White man?

You don't. And no one else does either!
Love your avatar, as it shows just how much the woke left has disintegrated into a moronic mass of imbeciles. Did you
happen to see the Last Supper at the Olympics being highlighted and mocked by a group of faggot Drag Queens?
We all know the Left are anti Christian to the max, but that display of Drag Queens has taken their anti Christian to
a new level.
Here- Happy Now?

well if you are talking about the Afghan war I guess giving the Taliban EVERYTHING they had been fighting for for 20 years is ending the wars then yes I guess he did.
people have to really take some time and read the Agreement he signed with the Taliban and learn just what he did.
for one thing in that agreement it says several times that we do not recognize the Taliban as an entity and yet Trump signed an agreement with them. then he helped them get several seats in the Afghan government that helped them to take it over.
and wait read the part where he set up what they were suppose to do to help us withdraw. it is a real shit show, completely unworkable, the withdrawal would still been a real mess if he was still President.
yes it is some reading people should do to see just what Trump gave them
Have a nice day
Trump didn't give them all the weapons, vehicles, and our tech and military secrets that Biden left there because he fucked up the withdrawal due to ignorant arrogance and vanity.
Trump didn't give them all the weapons, vehicles, and our tech and military secrets that Biden left there because he fucked up the withdrawal due to ignorant arrogance and vanity.
IF you think so
again another right winger that HAS NOT bothered to read the so called Agreement TRUMP signed with the Taliban an entity WE do NOT recognize and it even said that in the so called agreement several times.
again after you read the agreement IF you EVER do come back and tell me this BS again.
the agreement was UNWORKABLE EVEN if Trump had been in office at the time.
and ask yourself why did Trump keep changing the withdrawal date? He knew it was going to be a shit show and HE didn't want to be part of it and he could blame it all on Biden.
have a nice day
IF you think so
again another right winger that HAS NOT bothered to read the so called Agreement TRUMP signed with the Taliban an entity WE do NOT recognize and it even said that in the so called agreement several times.
again after you read the agreement IF you EVER do come back and tell me this BS again.
the agreement was UNWORKABLE EVEN if Trump had been in office at the time.
and ask yourself why did Trump keep changing the withdrawal date? He knew it was going to be a shit show and HE didn't want to be part of it and he could blame it all on Biden.
have a nice day
You mean this, Chumpley?

The deal Trump made was to be out by May. You're in my wheelhouse now. :awesome: