Trump VS Kamala

well if you are talking about the Afghan war I guess giving the Taliban EVERYTHING they had been fighting for for 20 years is ending the wars then yes I guess he did.
people have to really take some time and read the Agreement he signed with the Taliban and learn just what he did.
for one thing in that agreement it says several times that we do not recognize the Taliban as an entity and yet Trump signed an agreement with them. then he helped them get several seats in the Afghan government that helped them to take it over.
and wait read the part where he set up what they were suppose to do to help us withdraw. it is a real shit show, completely unworkable, the withdrawal would still been a real mess if he was still President.
yes it is some reading people should do to see just what Trump gave them
Have a nice day
I think it is alll about "RimLand" theory, Now what is happening. While the United States claims champions of human rights, should I say these things are not happening in the Middle East, I think we should be ashamed of ourselves.