Trump was "Jawbreakingly Stupid"

Maybe. There's a lot of Americans in the same boat which, IMO, is a testament to have our nation has failed a lot of our citizens. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer and our public schools are deteriorating into a hot mess.

Anyone who says "The rich get richer, the poor get poorer and our public schools are deteriorating into a hot mess." and isn't a Democrat certainly should be.

Anyone who says "The rich get richer, the poor get poorer and our public schools are deteriorating into a hot mess." and does not vote for Biden over any of the republican candidates, should have their head examined.
I can see you are too emotionally involved to have a rational argument. Considering this is early AM, I can't assume it's simply the alcohol talking as it was with Stone last night.

You flat out said Hillary deleted emails and that is bullshit, you must have been listening to FOX.
When Bannon left the Whitehouse, he said Trump's biggest legal problem was money laundering. He was doing it for Russian oligarchs.

Link? That's pretty damning evidence if true. The number of Republican former staffers for the Trump administration who are now testifying against Trump should negate all the conspiracy theories about corrupt FBI, DOJ and Libruls. Well, it will negate the arguments of the sane Republicans. The irrational ones, not so much. LOL
Anyone who says "The rich get richer, the poor get poorer and our public schools are deteriorating into a hot mess." and isn't a Democrat certainly should be.

Anyone who says "The rich get richer, the poor get poorer and our public schools are deteriorating into a hot mess." and does not vote for Biden over any of the republican candidates, should have their head examined.

I don't trust political parties who put party politics first and the nation second.

I'm voting Libertarian in the next election if the candidates are Biden and Trump.
Trump isn't being charged with taking any documents you fucking moron, he is being charged with defying a subpeona,
What subpeona? Void argument fallacy.
refusing to return them,
He doesn't have to return them.
obstructing the investigation into getting them back
That's legal.
and now conspiracy to destroy evidence.
What evidence was destroyed? Void argument fallacy.
When are you ignorant assholes going to realize that if Trump had simply returned them he never would have been charged with anything?
Trump doesn't have to return them. No crime.
Hillary never destroyed evidence
Blatant lie.
and she sat under oath with the FBI and congress answering all their questions truthfully for fucking days on end.
Still a blatant lie. Hillary destroyed evidence intentionally.
Trump refuses to answer any questions and when he does he takes the 5th.
He doesn't have to answer any questions or return any documents.

Your ignorance of the law is no excuse, ya dumb dog.
Noone cooperated with authorities more than Hillary.
Blatant lie.
She was fine with going under oath and answering congress's silly fucking questions for days.
The 3 sec of state's before her ALL used private servers
Blatant lie.
and NONE of them were ever questioned about them.
Blatant lie.
Secretary of state Powell said he used AOL to conduct much of his business but not to worry, he deleted them when done.
Hillary spent a small fortune setting up a server in her basement far more secure than anything the federal government had
Her basement is NOT more secure than federal computers, ya dumb dog.
while others before her used run of the mill online servers.
She was also fully cooperative with investigators
Blatant lie.
and even admitted that it was a mistake to have done so.
She got caught. That was the only thing she was sorry for.
Does that sound like the shithead being prosecuted now?
Trump didn't commit any crime.
Just what the fuck do you think she should have been prosecuted for?
Espionage in accordance with Title 18. Destruction of evidence in accordance with Title 18.
The FBI director doesn't bring charges and prosecutors never had enough evidence of a crime to take to a grand jury. They never would have recommended charges and the prosecutor would have just looked stupid.

At least you admit it was against the law for Trump to take those documents, too bad you aren't smart enough to realize that if he just admitted what he did was wrong and return them he never would have been charged. Like Hillary and like Biden and like Pence. Trump is NOT being charged with taking any documents, get that through your thick fucking skull.

Word stuffing. It is not against the law for Trump to take those documents. It is not against the law for Trump to retain those documents. It is not against the law to defend yourself in court.
Bullshit now you are fucking lying. Hillary never deleted anything.
Blatant lie.
The guy she had set up and service that server axed some of the emails long before there was an investigation and did not do it at the direction of Hillary.
It was at the direction of Hillary.
You mention intent, there was NO evidence that Hillary intended to delete anything.
Blatant lie.
Trump did not attempt any prosecution because he isn't the DoJ and unlike that asshole believes, presidents don't make those decisions.
The DoJ is under the office of the President, dumbass.
If the DoJ had brought charges against Hillary they would have made fools of themselves.
Blatant lie.
The only crime she committed was thinking her private server would be the safest way to treat her email. In actuality, it probably was.
Illegal. See Title 18.
This is so true and I am constantly dumbfounded by others saying stupid shit like "what about Biden", "what about Pence" or even "what about Hillary". None of them were criminals, none of them told investigators to go fuck themselves. They all said "oops, sorry" and did everything in their power to make things right. You don't get guilty verdits from prosecuting people like that so they naturally are not prosecuted. There is no comparison between them and trump.

Biden broke the law (including several acts of treason).
Biden did NOT 'cooperate with authorities'. He was CAUGHT AT IT.

Hillary broke the law. She didn't 'cooperate with authorities'. She was CAUGHT AT IT and she DESTROYED EVIDENCE, also breaking the law.

Trump did not break any law.
Link? That's pretty damning evidence if true. The number of Republican former staffers for the Trump administration who are now testifying against Trump should negate all the conspiracy theories about corrupt FBI, DOJ and Libruls. Well, it will negate the arguments of the sane Republicans. The irrational ones, not so much. LOL He said it and ironically, he was charged with money laundering himself. Trump's pardon erased his crimes.
I don't trust political parties who put party politics first and the nation second.

I'm voting Libertarian in the next election if the candidates are Biden and Trump.

Biden is as middle-of-the-road, normal presidential as you can get. I do not get the Biden hate.
You flat out said Hillary deleted emails and that is bullshit, you must have been listening to FOX.

Are you denying over 30,000 emails were deleted from Hillary's account, that she claimed they were all personal and then were later recovered on Weiner's computer, PT?
Why Hillary Clinton Deleted 33,000 Emails on Her Private Email Server
In total, more than 30,000 emails were deleted "because they were personal and private about matters that I believed were within the scope of my personal privacy," Clinton told reporters in March of 2015, as the controversy around her private emails was growing.

"They had nothing to do with work," Clinton added. "I didn't see any reason to keep them ... no one wants their personal emails made public, and I think most people understand that and respect that privacy."

Clinton said her team "went through a thorough process" to identify work-related emails, and she said he had "absolute confidence that everything that could be in any way connected to work is now in the possession of the State Department."

However, after a year-long investigation, the FBI recovered more than 17,000 emails that had been deleted or otherwise not turned over to the State Department, and many of them were work-related, the FBI has said. He said it and ironically, he was charged with money laundering himself. Trump's pardon erased his crimes.

Awesome. LOL

From the link:
"Bannon was quoted saying something else that plays into the current state of the Mueller investigation in a way that puts Trump in serious danger:

You realize where this is going. This is all about money laundering. Mueller chose [senior prosecutor Andrew] Weissmann first and he is a money-laundering guy. Their path to f***ing Trump goes right through Paul Manafort, Don Jr., and Jared Kushner. . . . It's as plain as a hair on your face. It goes through Deutsche Bank and all the Kushner shit. The Kushner shit is greasy. They're going to go right through that. They're going to roll those . . . guys up and say play me or trade me.

"Trump was very unhappy with the Bannon quotes and released an angry statement saying that Bannon had "lost his mind" and was a liar. But keep in mind that Bannon told "60 Minutes" months ago that Trump's firing of Comey was "the biggest mistake in modern political history," so it's not as if this is the first time he's publicly condemned the president and members of his team. Perhaps saying that he thought Donald Jr., Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort committed treason by not notifying the FBI takes it to another level, but notions of Trump's tremendous "loyalty" to his family are overblown. (See this article in Vanity Fair about how Trump really treats Don Jr., if you doubt it.)"
Biden is as middle-of-the-road, normal presidential as you can get. I do not get the Biden hate.

I don't hate Biden, I just think he's too old for the job. We went through this with Reagan in the late 80s and obviously didn't learn from it.
Hillary had 30,000 emails deleted and proclaimed they were all personal, which was a lie.

I'm not sure of the Trump charges, but if he'd given them back, there wouldn't have been a problem. All of Trump's legal issues were self-induced.

Blatant lie, Sock.

Trump does not have to give anything back. Even if he never took the papers, the Democrats would fabricate something else.