Trump will dump Pence from the ticket

We're all very concerned...but most of us aren't panicking...there's too much to do.....
Hopefully, it will level out....sooner than later....
No, I'm not panicking. Nothing you can do but sit it out and see what happens.
Now that was an easily won bet....:):laugh:
Sending PM with the link for your promised donation....
Which countries with warm climates is it spreading in?
Spain and Italy are both fairly cool at this point.

Here's an interactive map. Notice that the Mideast, Africa, Australia, and southern Asia have lots of cases.

Yes there is grocery delivery but I've still gone in stores but I try to get there early before everyone else arrives.

Excellent plan. I always do my shopping trips when it's least crowded as well, but not because of germs. Don't like crowds! It's good to see a lot more ppl are using those disinfecting wipes when they enter the stores.
When the shit hits the fan ,about Corona Virus
Trump will blame Pence,dump him from the ticket!
Then he will run with the candidate he wants in the oval office next!Ivanka!

Trump cannot dump Pency now. he put him in charge of Corona and Trump has to claim it as a great victory. Saying he is replacing him, would no be good logic. Cutting an epidemic hero who is saving the world will not fly.

only you giant fags are politicizing the epidemic.