Correct. Throughout my lifetime, Democrats have been registering Republican just to fuck with voters. John McCain and Mitt Romney are two examples of politicians who did so, and the DNC sponsors grass roots programs for non-Republicans voters to register as Republicans just to fuck with Republican primaries.... the fact he was a registered Republican means nothing, ...
It doesn't matter how he registered; all that matters is what he supported or opposed.Doesn't matter what he supported or opposed. He was a REGISTERED REPUBLICAN.
Just when did they say they weren't?
Pretty funny video, might have been posted recently but the video is dated, Trump is still fashioning the pull back comb over in the film
Pretty funny, like any of that is a one way street, you really that drunk on the kool aidCorrect. Throughout my lifetime, Democrats have been registering Republican just to fuck with voters. John McCain and Mitt Romney are two examples of politicians who did so, and the DNC sponsors grass roots programs for non-Republicans voters to register as Republicans just to fuck with Republican primaries.
It is a standard thing. I can't be surprised in learning that one or more of Trump's attempted assassins were also willing to register as Republican to be optimally effective.
Pretty funny video, might have been posted recently but the video is dated, Trump is still fashioning the pull back comb over in the film
Being born Irish I learned early, never trust anyone who doesn’t drin
Alcohol has been linked to cancer, Anchovies.Pretty funny video, might have been posted recently but the video is dated, Trump is still fashioning the pull back comb over in the film
Being born Irish I learned early, never trust anyone who doesn’t drink
... like what you are about to write ...Pretty funny,
1. Do you know what a major, whiplash-causing pivot looks like?like any of that is a one way street,
Am I supposed to be projecting as well?you really that drunk on the kool aid