Like it or not, Biden is President.
No. He was never elected. He was installed as a result of a successful coup by Democrats.
There are no buzzwords in that statement.
Correct. It is a blatant lie though. The buzzword you used was 'reality'. You don't even know what it means or how that word is defined, since you deny and discard philosophy as well.
Like it or not, Biden won the Electoral College election.
There was no electoral college. Seven States never chose their electors.
It was not created out of nothing, but rather out of the votes accepted by the Senate.
What 'votes'??? There was no electoral college. Pence broke the law. He does NOT have authority to choose the electors for any State.
There was no 2020 election. That election cycle faulted due to election fraud by Democrats. The evidence of that election fraud is there for all to see. You cannot make it go away. You cannot make people's judgement of that evidence go away either.
Democrats did it AGAIN in 2022, causing several elections to fault through election fraud.
Will it happen again in 2024? Democrats are already mucking with it:
* the Election Virus is coming back into the news, this time labelled a 'mystery pneumonia'.
* the continued and merciless baseless persecution of political opponents.
* blatant censorship of political dissidents.
The Democrats cannot win by a fair election. They must resort to these slimy tactics to 'win', even causing elections to fault and installing their 'winner' into office.
Currently, the United States is in a fallen state. It effectively no longer exists. The coup by Democrats was successful. Whether a republic as a form of government can be restored without violence remains to be seen. In any case, violence will continue and expand, started by the Democrats, regardless of the outcome of the 2024 election cycle.
Democrat censorship is covering up the open revolts now taking place across Europe due to this sort of thing. People are rejecting the 'woke' mentality, the racism, the bigotry, the 'open borders' mentality, and the violence directed against law abiding citizens; ALL due to liberals and their tyranny.
If civil war does come, it will be started by Democrats. A foolhardy war, even though it's religiously based. There are more guns than people in the States, and the people know how to use them. The hoplophobia among Democrats and sheer numbers puts them at a considerable disadvantage. That, and the people fighting against them are doing it to protect their homes and families from that tyranny.
Democrats had better do some serious navel gazing before continuing their prosecution for such a war.