Trump’s aberrant behavior is getting worse. Why are Americans ignoring his decline?

Yes I heard the other day that Biden was back on top of Trump in the polls. With any luck he will stay there and continue to climb above the Hitler wannabe.

You just continue to delude yourself. You will have no idea what happened. You cannot escape your fate.
I'm sure, and just make sure you vote for your Hitler even if he loses in the primaries. Just write Trumps name in if it isn't on the ballot, Biden is counting on you. Enough MAGA shitheads do that and we can be assured of a blue wave.

Hitler isn't running. He's dead. Maybe you didn't get the memo.
Let me put this as succinctly as possible:

Fuck Trump and what he is or isn't on the psychological scale. What worries me is that there are a substantial number of people in this country willing to allow (and to vote for) him to become president again.

They are the truly sick people whom we should fear. Trump cannot go anywhere by himself...he needs the sickos who are willing to help him destroy the world.

More psychoquackery.
Hitler isn't running. He's dead. Maybe you didn't get the memo.

It's just that soo many professonals in the field that know what they are talking about continuesly liken him to Hitler. From putting the military on the streets to jailing anyone who doesn't agree with him is identical to Adolf.
Hawkeye is as sick as they come. To answer the question, those who support Trump don't care, and those who don't already had plenty of reasons not to. It's like a serial killer who starts losing his marbles. Losing his marbles isn't close to his worst characteristic.

Trump is extremely immature. He was always a joke in NYC , seen as a loose cannon trying to force himself into society. His dad was a crooked slum lord and so was Donald. Then he tried to buy respect by renting high-priced apartments. He is still who he is and it is ugly. He was provincial, knowing and caring nothing about the world. He is a teenage bully who got fixed in time to stay the same terrible way. Who knew his real talent was as a conman?

You don't get to speak for everyone in NYC. Omniscience fallacy.
Trump getting elected is not so much the real threat- not even likely to happen.

The real threat comes when he is not elected, and a bloody insurrection happens with live bullets flying this time.

The insurrection already took DEMOCRATS. Planning on starting a war now, ya dumb lizard?
The difference is that Trump decline is worse and dangerous.

Biden is the more typical aging decline, where he knows his limits and surrounds himself with capable people who he can give direction to and who can advise him.

Trump is becoming increasingly paranoid and violent and only seeks to surround himself with people who will feed his neurosis and carry out his worst impulses while never telling him 'no' or that he is 'wrong'.

What violence???
Listen here dolt.

Trump is first in line for you Magats to be the next POTUS and he would be oldest ever POTUS sworn in to office and leave Office as the oldest who ever served.

That makes him very relevant considering how far gone he is already.

You are describing Biden.
The majority of living, American citizens registered to vote will be, though.

trump has never gotten a majority of the popular vote, and I do not think anyone in modern American history has gotten a majority of the registered votes. Many registered voters do not vote in a given election, so a candidate would need a super majority of the popular vote. I doubt there is a pathway for trump getting a majority of the popular vote, much less a super majority.

trump might win the Electoral College without winning a majority of the popular vote. That is literally the best you can hope for(and conversely the worst we can fear).
trump has never gotten a majority of the popular vote,
The President is not elected by popular vote.
and I do not think anyone in modern American history has gotten a majority of the registered votes.
The President is not elected by popular vote.
Many registered voters do not vote in a given election, so a candidate would need a super majority of the popular vote.
The President is not elected by popular vote.
I doubt there is a pathway for trump getting a majority of the popular vote, much less a super majority.
The President is not elected by popular vote.
trump might win the Electoral College without winning a majority of the popular vote.
The President is not elected by popular vote.
That is literally the best you can hope for(and conversely the worst we can fear).
The President is not elected by popular vote.