Trump’s approval plummets among older Americans

Older Americans have broken sharply with President Donald Trump on his handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

Morning Consult tracked surveys showing that people older than 65 strongly believe — by a 6-to-1 margin — that the government should focus more on addressing the spread of coronavirus than on restarting the economy.

As the president signals that he wants to reopen states before their governors and public health experts recommend as responsible, older Americans are losing their support for him.

Senior citizens approved of Trump’s handling of the outbreak in mid-March at a higher rate than any other group, with a net approval of plus-19.

But Morning Consult found that approval had drained away by 20 points over the past month — and now their support is lower than any age group besides 18- to 29-year olds.

Congressional support on coronavirus has fallen 22 points from a poll taken at the end of March, shortly after a $2 trillion stimulus package was signed into law.

Polls suggest Americans feel a sense of urgency for additional action, with nine in 10 voters saying that an emergency funding bill should be a priority for Congress.

Voters of both parties agree, by at least a 20-point margin, that coronavirus relief should be the top priority for lawmakers, who are reportedly nearing a deal with the Trump administration on a $450 billion relief package.
He is way down in the Rasmussen poll which generally has him at 50% or higher.
There always has been. They can scream all they want about the precious, precious fetuses. But when they also support the death penalty, wars, immigrant kids in cages, guns guns guns, and the right to get infected and infect others in pursuit of the holy dollar -- they have zero credibility.
Well, as our esteemed Lt. Governor of Texas said, “there are more important things than living”
When Jack was a kid, his parents took the family on a tour of a sewage treatment plant, and little Jack fell into a raw sewage vat. He's been a dipshit ever since. Tragic really.
Oh, that was bad, you should be ashamed for telling that joke.
When did I ever say that? It wasn't me who made the claim that Rasmussen usually favors the President, I merely pointed out that they haven't in some time. But I guess you win with that big pink font. I certainly can't compete with that.

They do favor the Trump compared to other pollsters, but the seem to remain within the margin of error in most instances.

What wrong with "big pink font"?
As a health care professional, I was "forced" to have annual TB tests, the flu vaccines yearly as well. Long, long ago when I worked for an institutional (as in county jail) kitchen, we had to have hepatitis vaccines. As a hospice volunteer, I still have to have annual TB tests and a flu vaccine.

If I didn't like that I was free to get a job somewhere else.

so you're a privatization totalitarian.
50% approval? Anything even close? Of course not, trump has failed since day1

tRUMP decided early on that he wanted to be a MINORITY Potus. He could have worked towards being a uniter, instead of focusing on being a divider. We will see if that approach worked in November.
What are you talking about??????????????????

He's bitching because he wants to have the state pay for his kid's education but he doesn't want to pay for their vaccinations.
Yet you still pretend that something like that should be included in this list as if it is somehow "crazy" to believe that way. It simply isn't. And I use "crazy" because nothing else seems to make any sense. You use hyperbole and oversimplification in your post, then when even one thing is expanded on it falls apart. Why? Because even you know it makes sense... as I noted.

Read my original post again. There is nothing even implying "crazy" in what I said. I listed examples of things that cause death that forced-birthers think are okay. "Crazy" is something you are clinging to for some odd reason. You are reading too much into it.

Now we can expand on things like personal rights rather than this "worship the almighty dollar" bullcrap, but you won't go there... you want them to be somehow stupid rather than just simply in disagreement.

The protesters *are* stupid. Why? Not because of their political POV, but their denial of reality, science, and the rights of other ppl to enjoy their lives too. They are also supremely selfish. Let's discuss that. Does your right to do whatever the fuck you want during a stay-at-home order trump someone else's right to live?
He would love this Covidiot. I'm sure the face-covering has more to do with not wanting to be outed than worrying about COVID.

Read my original post again. There is nothing even implying "crazy" in what I said. I listed examples of things that cause death that forced-birthers think are okay. "Crazy" is something you are clinging to for some odd reason. You are reading too much into it.

The protesters *are* stupid. Why? Not because of their political POV, but their denial of reality, science, and the rights of other ppl to enjoy their lives too. They are also supremely selfish. Let's discuss that. Does your right to do whatever the fuck you want during a stay-at-home order trump someone else's right to live?

The assumption that they deny reality is where you are long-casting into the wildness of your imagination. Some are willing to uphold rights at what they believe to be personal risk. They believe that the government is overreaching in its powers. Instead of informing, it is ordering. Now if they were invading old folks homes and ignoring the rules against visitation and putting others directly at risk I'd most certainly agree with you (heck I pretty much agree with you regardless, other than the "reason" they are doing it, just that it is better to act accordingly and protest differently)... however these folks are largely taking action to only put themselves at risk.

While I think a bit of useful distancing while protesting would be a good thing, it is certainly understandable when, (what did the left call it back when Bush was President? Oh yeah!)they believe it is their patriotic duty to protest as much as the left did when the thought it was their patriotic duty to protest Bush. Now, what I find most interesting is it isn't republicans... republicans are following the rules laid down by the President, or largely so. While calling them part of the red shirt team seems to be the norm, it is a bit foolish to assume that they are all part of the "other", many can be part of the anarchist groups, which are extreme left wing, not right wing.

Anyway. I know what you think of people who think differently than you, and it isn't because of the reasons you try to assign after the fact. You really, desperately, need them to be stupid, even when they aren't. Nothing will convince you to pay attention to facts or to listen to them. In your mind they are what you need them to be and nothing will ever change that. (And yes, when leftwingers were protesting I said much the same stuff to rightwingers).
The assumption that they deny reality is where you are long-casting into the wildness of your imagination. Some are willing to uphold rights at what they believe to be personal risk. They believe that the government is overreaching in its powers. Instead of informing, it is ordering. Now if they were invading old folks homes and ignoring the rules against visitation and putting others directly at risk I'd most certainly agree with you (heck I pretty much agree with you regardless, other than the "reason" they are doing it, just that it is better to act accordingly and protest differently)... however these folks are largely taking action to only put themselves at risk.

While I think a bit of useful distancing while protesting would be a good thing, it is certainly understandable when, (what did the left call it back when Bush was President? Oh yeah!)they believe it is their patriotic duty to protest as much as the left did when the thought it was their patriotic duty to protest Bush. Now, what I find most interesting is it isn't republicans... republicans are following the rules laid down by the President, or largely so. While calling them part of the red shirt team seems to be the norm, it is a bit foolish to assume that they are all part of the "other", many can be part of the anarchist groups, which are extreme left wing, not right wing.

Anyway. I know what you think of people who think differently than you, and it isn't because of the reasons you try to assign after the fact. You really, desperately, need them to be stupid, even when they aren't. Nothing will convince you to pay attention to facts or to listen to them. In your mind they are what you need them to be and nothing will ever change that. (And yes, when leftwingers were protesting I said much the same stuff to rightwingers).

Agreed to some extent. OTOH, it's like being in a crowd and firing a bullet into the air; you can claim it's your gun, your bullet and your right to fire it, but there's no guarantee your actions won't adversely affect others.