The Republican lady who is shown protesting in your image has a point. That is, she does have an entitlement - a Human Right, in fact, to work. Where her argument comes unstuck is that the Human Right to work is trumped by the NATURAL RIGHT to life. (BTW: Natural Rights (to life, liberty, private property) are ordained by God.What God says is a Right you possess as a human being ALWAYS, always trumps what some group of United Nation "Egg Heads" and bureaucrats say you possess as a human Right - because NO ONE WINS AN ARGUMENT WITH GOD. Right? To continue. What I'm saying is that if she was permitted to return to work and happened become infected with COVID-19, while she was infected she could infect other people at her workplace with the virus as well. Now it could turn out (in this hypothetical situation) that she might survive her infection. However, it is possible that while she was (unknowingly) infected and working, she infected a number of other people; some of whom died from their COVID-19 infection. That would constitute a kind of unofficial manslaughter.Right?
Trump is in a very difficult place right now, he is as the ancient Greeks put it: "riding on the horns of a dilemma", namely, the COVID-19 virus can be lethal, and it is true that social distancing helps to prevent the virus from spreading; which is why people were ordered to stop working (because many working environments involves quite a lot of social contact) and isolate themselves at home.
But if work/business across America is shut down too long, the result will be an economic recession. And It might be a very bad recession, it's impossible to predict at present. My point is that if a bad or severe COVID-19-induced economic recession hit the United States it would kill many Americans, just as surely as the COVID-19 virus itself has already done through causing physical illness.To give you an example of what I mean...when the Global Financial Crisis GFC) was triggered in the US in Sept, 2008, very shortly after, America was mired in a profound economic recession. Many men lost their jobs and found themselves unemployed for the first time in their life. Many tried hard to find anther job but there were simply none available. So they ended up on Welfare, sitting around the family home all day, they got bored and stressed, their self-esteem hit rock bottom, then they got mildly depressed, then they became severely depressed and began to suffer from suicidal ideation, then one day, they put a revolver to their heads and committed suicide. This was the fate of 1000s of American men during the GFC in America (interestingly/tragically, most of these suicides were White European American males).
Anyway, that's ONE example, ONE of hundreds, that illustrates how a bad economic recession can (literally) kill those people who are caught up in it.
It is very difficult for Trump to know what to do. He does LISTEN to the advise of his expert epidemiologists, virologists, etc; but to put it bluntly, they can only, at best, "second guess" how the COVID-19 virus is going behave, over the months ahead. They do not really have any hard/scientific fact to hand about what the situation in America with COVID-19 will look like exactly in, say, the middle of the month of September of this year. In fact, if I have it right, Trump, defied the expert advise he was given by his top medical/scientific experts at the start of the COVID-19 outbreak and moved quickly to close all American borders. He had been assured by his expert advisers that this was an unnecessary measure - (and, naturally, there were substantial negatives that would result from sealing off ALL of America's borders) - but it turned out that Trump, who - like most great Conservative politicians - relies on his intuitive "gut instincts" when making important decisions, got it right. His swift action without doubt saved thousands of American lives.
I don't know what Trump should do, in terms of when and where he gives the green light for Americans to go back to work and get the US economy fired-up again The COVID-19 outbreak in the US has transformed the nation into a "theatre of war". There is a deadly enemy in America that is killing its people and its economy. If the economy collapses in a profound recession then, for many, life will not be worth living.
I don't think that the US can wait until its scientific experts can confirm that, (metaphorically speaking), "literally single COVID-19 virus particle has been destroyed or permanently banished from the land" before it starts to fire- up the economy again. As to exactly when Trump decides that America is "back in business" that's his call, he's the President. It's likely that whenever he sends to US back to work there will be some unavoidable damage. That is, if he gives the green light for everyone to go back to work while the COVID-19 virus has still not been completely exterminated, some individuals may become infected and die as a result. But, remember, Trump is also Commander- in- Chief of America's armed forces, and many past Presidents have had to make some very difficult decisions involving people's lives. President Richard Nixon, for example came under intense political pressure to pull all American troops out of Vietnam in 1969. He announced on national television that year that he would not be doing that. That meant more young American men (average age 19 years) would certainly die fighting the communists in Vietnam. On January 27, 1973, however, America won the war in Vietnam. There was a celebration held in the White House that day to mark what Nixon called "VVD" or "Victory in Vietnam Day" it was a very important victory for America at the time. This was because the conflict in Vietnam was a proxy - war, that is, the real enemies that America was fighting in Vietnam were Soviet Russia and Red China. The American victory in Vietnam in 1973 was a victory for the West and for freedom, in it's global struggle against the tyranny of communism. So, the point is that those American GI's who died in Vietnam during Nixon's administration did not die futilely. They had made the greatest personal sacrifice a man can make in the name of man's highest moral principle - FREEDOM/LIBERTY and VVD - Victory in Vietnam Day - confirmed that they had not died in vain.
President Trump is a man of action, not a mealy-mouthed, pretentious, sophist like Obama. As I mentioned earlier history's great Conservative politicians are distrustful advice they receive from clever academics or expert scientists or political analysts, pundits, social scientists or Policy Wonks from prestigious "Think Tanks." They rely on a higher form of intelligence that is subconscious, namely INTUITION or what is commonly known as "gut feelings" or "gut instincts." Trump used his "gut instincts" about the disaffection of "the forgotten Americans" in the "Rust Belt" states to defeat Hillary Clinton who was simply mouthing the policy position she was told to mouth by the out of touch Democratic establishment wing of her party and the DNC.
On a personal note, I trust Trump to make the best possible decision that can be made on the question of the COVID-19 virus and America's economy. His sense of intuition is very reliable due to his diverse life experience in highly competitive enterprises that require ultra-sharp cognitive functioning (e.g. the New York /Manhattan property market; reality television, and making his show, "The Apprentice", the NUMBER ONE reality television program in the US - that's NOT easy !; winning the Presidency more or less single-handedly through his 2015 Presidential campaign, where he backed his own judgement on the big policy issues every time, when every one in the Republican political establishment/party around him was saying "No No, No you can't do that, Donald !!".
It just occurred to me that I need to explain what I said above about America winning the war in Vietnam. This is off-topic, I guess, but the story is interesting (especially if you are a Democrat supporter). So here it is...
You are probably thinking to yourself: "I thought America lost the war in Vietnam? I thought the North Vietnamese communists took Saigon in 1975 ?. Dachshund is talking shit !" Well, it's true that the communist North Vietnamese forces defeated South Vietnam in 1975, but you need to know a few extra facts.
First. In late 1972 America was winning the war in Vietnam decisively by every conceivable measure, even the enemy, the North Vietnamese government officials agreed. Victory was in sight when Nixon unleashed a MASSIVE aerial bombardment of military and industrial sight in Hanoi (the capital of North Vietnam) and Haiphong an important, major port city. These USAF bombing raids inflicted tremendous devastation, so much, that the North Vietnamese agreed to return to the Paris Peace Talks that they had walked out of the last time they were held. At the end of the new Peace Talks, Nixon walked out of the Paris with peace accords dated 23 January, 1973, which were initialled by: the US; South Vietnam' the NVA and the Viet Cong, in which North Vietnam had agreed to end all hostilities between themselves South Vietnam. Nixon did not trust the communists to keep their word, so he had written into the accord a paragraph stating that that the US would continue to supply South Vietnam with military hardware on a piece - by - piece, one - to one basis in order to keep them well supplied with arms should they have to defend themselves against any North Vietnamese aggression in the future. This meant that if the South Vietnamese lost a helicopter, the US would replace it with a new one, if they lost a tank, the US would issue them another one, if 1000 machine-gun bullets were fired fending off a North Vietnamese attack, America would send 1000 fresh bullets to replace them and so on.
Back in the US, Nixon went on national television to tell the public the outcome of the Peace Talks in Paris and that the agreement would be finalised on the 27, January that year (1974). The peace accords meant victory; the US and South Vietnam had won the war in Vietnam. As I mentioned above, Nixon declared 27th January "VVD" - "VICTORY IN VIETNAM DAY" and celebrations were held in the White House. The accords halted the advancement of communist tyranny in South Vietnam. But soon everything would fall apart. It happened like this...
First. President Nixon became involved in a political scandal that has come to be known as "Watergate." What "Watergate" it boils down to is a great fuss that was made over a botched burglary- ordered by Nixon - and carried out by a group 3rd - rate Bozos (Nixon nicknamed, "The Plumbers"). "The Plumbers" were caught red-handed, in 1972, trying to break into the DNC headquarters in the Watergate Hotel in Washington DC. Nixon tried to cover up any involvement his administration had had in the burglary, but was caught lying as all of his discussions in the Oval Office were tape-recorded. The US Supreme Court demanded Nixon hand over certain audio tapes and eventually heard him (on these tapes) making plans to cover up his administration's involvement in the bungled DNC burglary. Nixon would have been impeached (and 3 Articles of Impeachment were indeed eventually drawn up) so he decided instead to resign his office, which he did in August of 1974. Being an admirer of Nixon, I have to say that when his wrongdoings in the "Watergate" affair are placed in the context of the extensive and serious criminal activities of modern-day Democrat politicians, like Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden (to name but two members in a long rogue's gallery of Democrat crooks), THE MIND BOGGLES at how they have managed to carry out their dirty deeds with complete impunity. Both Clinton and Biden have been caught red-handed money-laundering, bribing foreign officials, committing major fraud and nothing is done. They just walk away laughing while they pocket the millions of dollars they have dishonestly acquired. Hillary Clinton's criminal career makes "Watergate" look like a "Teddy Bear's Picnic", ditto Biden, who has been up to his neck in major political corruption for over 30 years !
Just three months after Nixon resigned his office in August of 1974, the 94th Congressional elections were held in November and the Democrats won a landslide majority of seats. Many of the newly-elected Democrats were young leftists who had been heavily involved in "New Left" student movements, the civil rights movement, women's movement and the anti - war movement of the 1960's as political activists, organisers, protesters, demonstrators. They had been members of the political wing of the 1960's hippy counterculture. They were, in many cases, people with attitudes like the modern-day AOC - that is, they had SHIT FOR BRAINS. To continue. They used their large majority in Congress to de-fund military aid to South Vietnam.In other words they intentionally broke the pledge that the US had given to South Vietnam in the peace accords to re-supply its armed forces with military hardware on the "piece-for-piece" basis that Nixon had negotiated. Hanoi had always carefully studied any political developments relating to the war in Vietnam that were published in the American news media. They knew Nixon had been forced to resign in disgrace over "Watergate" and no longer had any political influence, and the news that the Democrats had refused to honour the promise that Nixon had made on behalf of America to re-supply South Vietnam with military hardware would also have been music to their ears.
Not many people know this , but the Commander-in-Chief of North Vietnam's military forces was not Ho Chi Minh. It was a ruthless, violent strongman called Le Duc, whose attitude was that South Vietnam must be conquered no matter what the cost. He favoured large-scale, "gung ho", offensive onslaughts over geurilla tactic. Le Duc was, by all accounts a psychopath, who kept himself hidden in the shadows while he operated all of the REAL levers of power in Hanoi. With Nixon out of the picture and American military funding for South Vietnam terminated by the Democrats, Le Duc began to test the resolve of the new President Gerald Ford and the North Vietnam forces moved down into South Vietnam. They started taking village after village, then city after city then region after region and America's only response was to go back on its word, break the promise it has made in the peace accords to re-supply South Vietnam with any arms it might need to properly defend itself.
On April 10th a desperate President Gerald Ford gave a speech to a joint session of Congress that was nationally televised. In it he begged the Democrats to provide military aid to South Vietnam. They refused, and many of them showed their contempt by walking out of the chamber while Ford was speaking. Gerald Ford's hands were tied there was nothing he could do.
On April 30th, Saigon fell and South Vietnam surrendered to the communists. The communists troops went on a killing spree executing some 6,000 South Vietnamese soldier and civilians. They then began building "Re-education Centres" to indoctrinate the South Vietnamese with their brand of Marxist ideology. These centres were nothing more than concentration camps where many inmates were shot or died of starvation or disease. Other South Vietnamese people flee in terror, taking to the sea in boats in order to seek asylum in another country. Many of the "boat people' drowned or were murdered by pirates. Finally the fall of South Vietnam allowed a maniac called Pol Pot to establish a radical Marxist regime in Cambodia that murdered TWO MILLION of its own people.
That's why I hate Democrats. Today's "progressive" Democrat leftists are exactly the same species of moron that were sitting in the 94th Congress and left South Vietnam for dead