Trump's "China Virus, Kung Flu" rhetoric led to anti Asian racism

Translation: "I know my Orange God is a racist...but look over there, blacks are even worse racists!!"

Incorrect, truth is the most important thing to dealing with racism and racists. when we refrain from criticizing black troublemakers as loudly as miscreants of other races, we reinforce the idea that African-Americans are somehow prone to such acts. What could be more racist than that?

Not saying blacks are worse racists, I am pointing out the fact that your narrative is false, and racist.

You suck at this.
lol, how do you know white people perpetrated these crimes?

I accept your tacit admission that Trump's Kung Flu and Chinese Virus rhetoric is fueling anti-asian racism.

I am prepared to believe in a possibility Trump's black and Hispanic supporters, or those blacks and Hispanics influenced by his rhetoric perpetrated the vandalism.

But now we agree the bottom line is that your Orange God is fueling racism
I accept your tacit admission that Trump's Kung Flu and Chinese Virus rhetoric is fueling anti-asian racism.

I am prepared to believe in a possibility Trump's black and Hispanic supporters, or those blacks and Hispanics influenced by his rhetoric perpetrated the vandalism.

But now we agree the bottom line is that your Orange God is fueling racism

1. what a dumb statement.

2. your tribal garbage has you looking like a fool.

3. I never voted for trump nor would I, it's clear you have no integrity or ability to have an honest debate
1. what a dumb statement.

2. your tribal garbage has you looking like a fool.

3. I never voted for trump nor would I, it's clear you have no integrity or ability to have an honest debate
When you relentlessly devote yourself to defending Trump and running cover for him on a message board, the difference between you and a boot-licking Trump worshipper is a distinction without a difference.

When you see words like "Kung Flu virus" and "Chinese Virus" spray painted on the stores of Asian entrepreneurs, the logical and reasonable conclusion is the vandalism was committed by Trump supporters. The only place those inflammatory terms are used is by Trump, his supporters, the rightwing media.

The mainstream media, liberals, civilized society are not calling it the Kung Flu virus.
When you relentlessly devote yourself to defending Trump and running cover for him on a message board, the difference between you and a boot-licking Trump worshipper is a distinction without a difference.

When you see words like "Kung Flu virus" and "Chinese Virus" spray painted on the stores of Asian entrepreneurs, the logical and reasonable conclusion is the vandalism was committed by Trump supporters. The only place those inflammatory terms are used is by Trump, his supporters, the rightwing media.

The mainstream media, liberals, civilized society are not calling it the Kung Flu virus.

why cant you people discuss topics without saying stupid shit like this?

Thanks for admitting you have no evidence of the race of the perpetrators of the two incidents you listed. You can carry chinese water all you want, the fact is most of the bias attacks on asians are coming from the black community.

you anti-intellectual types are so fucking boring "derp You disagree with me so you must love orange man" garbage makes you look like a mindless fool.
None of your links worked

Worked for me. Excerpt from one of the links:
Can I have your attention, please? I’m going to share a little secret that liberal “people of color” and their public relations agents in the media don’t want you to know. The recent crime wave against Asians in America’s big cities is not the fault of Donald Trump, MAGA activists, conservative talk radio, or White people. It’s the fault of the perpetrators and the perpetrators alone — most of whom happen to be thugs “of color.”

Let’s pop the delusional bubble of left-wing Asians who marched recently in New York City, Oakland and San Francisco in “unity” protests against “White supremacy.” These “wokesters” blame “anti-Asian bias” created by an imagined backlash by imagined “White supremacists” against China because of COVID-19. Donning “Black and Asian unity” T-shirts, they embraced the self-defeating attitude of Oakland organizer Eddy Zheng, who wheedled: “Supporting our Asian community is not about dividing us. This support is for all of us suffering under White supremacy. We need to understand that so we can triumph and have public and personal safety.”

Reality check: Just recently in Vallejo, California, Filipino-American store owner Marc Quidit was shot four times in the leg by a gang of armed robbers. They were Black.

Two weeks ago, in Oakland’s Chinatown, a 91-year-old Asian man was assaulted by an assailant amidst a crime wave of more than 20 robberies and violent attacks in that neighborhood. The attacker wasn’t a White-hooded White man in a KKK robe. He was a masked Black man in a black hoodie.

In Daly City, California, an 84-year-old Thai grandfather died after a brutal attack while on a daytime walk in his neighborhood. His attacker was a teenage Black street criminal.

Viral videos have exposed several vicious attacks on elderly Asian subway riders and pedestrians in New York City since last fall. An inconvenient detail that anyone with functional eyes can see: The perpetrators in the security camera footage aren’t wearing MAGA hats. They don’t have flaming crosses in hand. Inconveniently for the “defund the police” hipsters, the opportunists robbing, punching and shooting Asians on those videos aren’t White people. They are Black]

As I thought from the beginning. It’s blacks in cities doing this to Asians. Thanks for the OP TDAK, uh I mean cypress.
Hello Cypress,

Trump's 'Chinese Virus' tweet helped lead to rise in racist anti-Asian Twitter content: Study

A new study suggests that former President Donald Trump's inflammatory rhetoric around the coronavirus, which is believed to have originated in China, helped spark anti-Asian Twitter content and "likely perpetuated racist attitudes."

The Asian American community has experienced a striking rise in incidents of hate since the onset of COVID-19, according to officials and advocates, and critics say the former president's repeated use of "China Virus" and other terms helped fuel an environment of hatred.

Trump's words have killed.
The blaming for the cause of the pandemic not only does nothing to solve it, it is whipping up hatred, and getting people attacked and killed.

The blaming is counterproductive.
why cant you people discuss topics without saying stupid shit like this?

Thanks for admitting you have no evidence of the race of the perpetrators of the two incidents you listed. You can carry chinese water all you want, the fact is most of the bias attacks on asians are coming from the black community.

you anti-intellectual types are so fucking boring "derp You disagree with me so you must love orange man" garbage makes you look like a mindless fool.

I said nothing about race in my OP.

You need to respond to what I wrote, not to what you wish I wrote.

In the context of my OP, Trump is contributing to accelerating racist attitudes towards Asians. I do not care who the perpetrators are.

The take away is that your president and his minions contributed to an anti-Asian backlash with their Kung Flu virus and Chinese Virus horseshit
He shot 2 white women and said it wasn't racially motivated. DUH!!

Oh, I see. Cuz the mass murderer said so. :laugh:

Does he pay you for defense counsel or do you just support racism, hate crimes, violence against women, and gun crimes for fun?
well there you go......of course the entire nation should repent from calling a virus that came from China the Chinese virus because we don't know if racism was a factor in the murder of massage parlor workers.....

No, you idiot. The GA shootings happened a couple days ago. Trump has been calling COVID-19 the China virus for more than a year.
Hello Big Money Dolla,

... the fact is most of the bias attacks on asians are coming from the black community. ...

That does not logically follow. Trump is the one who whipped up hatred of China and racism in general in the USA.

This has 'hate cult' written all over it.
I read there have been 5000 incidents of rightys attacking Asian people including old ladies. The hate crimes have been elevated to levels never seen before. It all comes from Trump and his constant referring to Corona by derogatory and childish names. Innocent Americans died from Trump's words. Of course, Trump does not care at all. He may enjoy it because he might be able to stop it with a sentence. Trump has connected with haters and bigots. He can get them to do what he wants. He wants them to be violent in speech and action.
Oh, I see. Cuz the mass murderer said so. :laugh:

Does he pay you for defense counsel or do you just support racism, hate crimes, violence against women, and gun crimes for fun?

Don't act so stupid. Everyone already knows you're stupid.
Trump's 'Chinese Virus' tweet helped lead to rise in racist anti-Asian Twitter content: Study

A new study suggests that former President Donald Trump's inflammatory rhetoric around the coronavirus, which is believed to have originated in China, helped spark anti-Asian Twitter content and "likely perpetuated racist attitudes."

The Asian American community has experienced a striking rise in incidents of hate since the onset of COVID-19, according to officials and advocates, and critics say the former president's repeated use of "China Virus" and other terms helped fuel an environment of hatred.

total horseshit.

stop lying.