Trump's "China Virus, Kung Flu" rhetoric led to anti Asian racism

the shooter has said it was about his sex addiction -not "Asians"

i dont have an OutRage-O-Meter that goes off full tilt at the slightest whiff of something involving race=must be racist

I am always leery at the categorization of "hate crimes" like here where it WASN"T but that NARRATIVE
must be fed anyhow

Well, you can trust a killer who does not want a racial charge added to murder. No reason to wait for a trial.
It's amazing that so many people decide to destroy their own lives in exchange for 15 minutes of fame and being known as a messed up, hateful, anti-social peddler of racism.

And after the act is over they get the rest of their lives to reflect on what they have done.

Dylan Roof (remember him?) is now 26 years old, and doing life without any possibility of parole.
Worked for me. Excerpt from one of the links:

As I thought from the beginning. It’s blacks in cities doing this to Asians. Thanks for the OP TDAK, uh I mean cypress.

Even one of your right-wing friends here had a thread claiming that 27.5% of the attacks on Asians we done by Blacks, he felt good about that until I pointed out the fact that it leaves 82.5 % of the attackers as....wait for it......Not Blacks.
Even one of your right-wing friends here had a thread claiming that 27.5% of the attacks on Asians we done by Blacks, he felt good about that until I pointed out the fact that it leaves 82.5 % of the attackers as....wait for it......Not Blacks.
Could you link the thread please? Anyway, whatever. Doesn’t happen at all in the two places I reside. Violent Crime in cities in general is more prevalent. Whites are more likely to be victims, blacks are, FFS, anyone in cities is more likely to be a victim of violent crime.
Reason I left New Orleans 30 yrs ago.
Could you link the thread please? Anyway, whatever. Doesn’t happen at all in the two places I reside. Violent Crime in cities in general is more prevalent. Whites are more likely to be victims, blacks are, FFS, anyone in cities is more likely to be a victim of violent crime.
Reason I left New Orleans 30 yrs ago.

True with any Big City, One of the reasons I also left the Big City.
Even one of your right-wing friends here had a thread claiming that 27.5% of the attacks on Asians we done by Blacks, he felt good about that until I pointed out the fact that it leaves 82.5 % of the attackers as....wait for it......Not Blacks.

not very good at the maths I see.....
for those to lazy to seek out the truth, I looked up Legion's link......the statistics showed that whites were slightly a slightly lower percentage of perps at 24%, Hispanics at 7%, other asians at 28%......the rest were Other or Multiple........
Even one of your right-wing friends here had a thread claiming that 27.5% of the attacks on Asians we done by Blacks, he felt good about that until I pointed out the fact that it leaves 82.5 % of the attackers as....wait for it......Not Blacks.
In 2018, there were 182,230 reports of Asians being victims of violent crime. The race of the offenders against Asians is as follows: 24% White and 28% Black. With that said, the U.S. population is 62% Caucasian, so you would think Caucasians would be committing more violent crimes against Asians. The black population is 12%, Hispanics are 17%, and Asians are 6% of the U.S. population.


Digest that , Casper.