I was asking you what you believed.
That has no implication on what i believe, dummy face.
"So you suck cock?" is a statement with a question mark, comrade Asshat. "Do you suck cock?" is a question.
Thus proving your alliance with the enemy. Sad.
you said putin was smart.
Enemy? What enemy?
In what dictionary does "smart" = "genius"? The Trumpian Authoritarian Cocksucker dictionary?
How smart is someone is twice as smart as a fucking moron, Fredo?
Enemies of the Constitution.
"So you suck cock?" is a statement with a question mark, comrade Asshat. "Do you suck cock?" is a question.
Oh no, snowflake is triggered.
It's okay, Fredo. You're free to run from your own conversation. TBH, it's expected.
yes but neither of them have to do with whether or not I suck cock.
here's where i beat you.
I win.
Nevertheless, the point is that one is a statement with a question mark, meaning a leading question, and the other is a straight question.
If you want to claim a virtual win to make yourself feel better, no one can stop you, Fredo.
as a lawyer I am aware you are dodging the truth.....
the US constitution states that state legislatures determine how an election is to be held........state constitutions and state laws may further define how an election should be conducted.......an election can be done in a way that violates both or either.....doing so makes an election unconstitutional......the PA and WI elections were unconstitutional according to courts within their state......
unconstitutional is unquestionably invalid......thus making Biden our first invalid president......
No. The court in question ruled it was unconstitutional.
Who want's to protect the constitution and who thinks it's outdated and needs rewritten? I'll give you a hint, it ain't us conservatives who think it's outdated, but many liberals think our constitution is outdated.
Way outdated. Jefferson said it should be rewritten every 19 or20 years. They knew that they could not predict the future and expected us to adapt it. The amendment process is too difficult. I'll give you a hint. The writers and founders know it would be outdated.
the US constitution states that state legislatures determine how an election is to be held........state constitutions and state laws may further define how an election should be conducted.......an election can be done in a way that violates both or either.....doing so makes an election unconstitutional......the PA and WI elections were unconstitutional according to courts within their state......
unconstitutional is unquestionably invalid......thus making Biden our first invalid president......