Trumps hand picked NC Gov candidate!

Ex-Porn Shop Employees Say Mark Robinson Was A Regular.​

After he embraced Christianity in the late 1980s, the GOP candidate for governor says his behavior “did not immediately reform.” Six men say Robinson frequented Greensboro video-porn shops in the ’90s and early 2000s.

Robinson didn’t specify how long that season lasted or what sins it entailed. But according to Louis Money, who worked in several of Greensboro’s windowless, 24-hour video-pornography stores, Robinson was a frequent customer in the 1990s and early 2000s. Money, 52, told The Assembly that Robinson came in as often as five nights a week to watch porn videos in a private booth.

Five other men who said they were former employees or customers during this period also told The Assembly that Robinson visited two of these stores: Gents Video & News and I-40 Video & News.

I guess he could have been like JARODS hand picked choice for Governor of Florida. You know,...the guy that was found unconscious in a seedy hotel after being ass banged silly by TWO male prostitutes with Vaseline and who knows what else running down the crack of his ass.

That’s true, I totally misjudged that guy.

I’m not running for president. He still would have been better than DeathSantos.
oh come on, you guys have lied about a lot more GOP candidates than that......

speaking of Oz, how are you boys thinking about the PA senator you picked now that he says Teump would do a better job than HarmUs?......
That sounds like another one of PMS' made up claims.
The illiterate fat fuck is basically a cartoon character. Impersonating him is sadly too easy and something I almost reserve for JPP. 😁
We do have to admit that if there's one good trait that #TRE45ON has, it's his comedic value.

Do you think if he becomes ̶𝚍̶𝚒̶𝚌̶𝚝̶𝚊̶𝚝̶𝚘̶𝚛̶ ̶𝚏̶𝚘̶𝚛̶ ̶𝚕̶𝚒̶𝚏̶𝚎̶ president again, he'll have all the political cartoonists who drew him as a fat blob with tiny little hands executed? Along with the SNL cast and crew? :laugh:
One thing about this candidate, and people should pay attention: he is the modern GOP, unfiltered.

He represents who they really are - hate, misogyny, homophobic, xenophobic, deluded. It is so, so sad what has happened to that party, formerly the party of Reagan.
We do have to admit that if there's one good trait that #TRE45ON has, it's his comedic value.

Do you think if he becomes ̶𝚍̶𝚒̶𝚌̶𝚝̶𝚊̶𝚝̶𝚘̶𝚛̶ ̶𝚏̶𝚘̶𝚛̶ ̶𝚕̶𝚒̶𝚏̶𝚎̶ president again, he'll have all the political cartoonists who drew him as a fat blob with tiny little hands executed? Along with the SNL cast and crew? :laugh:
There might be a good chance of that along with everybody else that has ever said anything against him.
and as I said when he is done with the people on the left and comes after his MAGA followers and people on the right they are going to really cry, and it will be too late to go back.
Have a nice day

Ex-Porn Shop Employees Say Mark Robinson Was A Regular.​

After he embraced Christianity in the late 1980s, the GOP candidate for governor says his behavior “did not immediately reform.” Six men say Robinson frequented Greensboro video-porn shops in the ’90s and early 2000s.

Robinson didn’t specify how long that season lasted or what sins it entailed. But according to Louis Money, who worked in several of Greensboro’s windowless, 24-hour video-pornography stores, Robinson was a frequent customer in the 1990s and early 2000s. Money, 52, told The Assembly that Robinson came in as often as five nights a week to watch porn videos in a private booth.

Five other men who said they were former employees or customers during this period also told The Assembly that Robinson visited two of these stores: Gents Video & News and I-40 Video & News.

Let's get our popcorn and watch while all the faux Xtians rush to defend him and claim that he's not like that anymore, and Jesus forgave him so we should too, because he's a Republican gift from god.

Of course if Mr. Robinson was a (D), there would be no forgiveness, only scorn and judgment and possibly pitchforks and Tiki torches. :rolleyes:
It’s Dr Oz and Hershel Walker all over again!

Trumps hand picked evangelical candidate for NC Governor loves gay porn and wants to buy himself a couple slaves.

He calls himself a black Nazi.

I’m sure the Jews will flock to Trump now.
“They...His record of hand picking GOP candidates isn't so hot....and this brother he hand picked....LOL
We do have to admit that if there's one good trait that #TRE45ON has, it's his comedic value.

Do you think if he becomes ̶𝚍̶𝚒̶𝚌̶𝚝̶𝚊̶𝚝̶𝚘̶𝚛̶ ̶𝚏̶𝚘̶𝚛̶ ̶𝚕̶𝚒̶𝚏̶𝚎̶ president again, he'll have all the political cartoonists who drew him as a fat blob with tiny little hands executed? Along with the SNL cast and crew? :laugh:
Yep, I do. He wants to run the country like North Korea. He would make sure every home, classroom, post office, garage, shed, and public restroom had a framed picture of his greasy, jiggly face. People who criticize him would be rounded up at gunpoint in the middle of the night and disappeared to the tunnel dungeons underneath Mar-A-Lardo that used to be reserved for underage girls being sexually trafficked. Another Trump turn would be disastrous for the country and the world. But you're right: He is so fun and easy to mock!