Trumps hand picked NC Gov candidate!

Why does he scare you? He is not coming after your constitutional rights...or mine...
Mark yourself safe from believing all the nonsense you're reading...especially thinking that the 2025 agenda is real...You're smarter than that....
AGAIN why don't YOU and the other right winger actually listen to him?
He has said he want to go on his REVENGE TOUR.
And become a dictator.
Putting a lot of people in jail. taking left leaning peoples guns away and going after the MSM outlets , some that have talk shows and call in shows , and that action IS taking peoples CONSTITUTIONAL Rights away.
WAKE UP before it is too late to go back.
AGAIN why don't YOU and the other right winger actually listen to him?
He has said he want to go on his REVENGE TOUR.
And become a dictator.
Putting a lot of people in jail. taking left leaning peoples guns away and going after the MSM outlets , some that have talk shows and call in shows , and that action IS taking peoples CONSTITUTIONAL Rights away.
WAKE UP before it is too late to go back.
Logic and facts, much less common sense and rationality, falls on deaf ears with the MAGA mooks.
Like I have said before Trump scares the shit out of me.
If he gets in and does what he has he wants to it will be the end of the USA as we know it .
And the MAGA and right wingers aren't even listening to what he says or are just too stupid to realize he has said he wants to be a Dictator and take peoples Constitutional rights away.
I still haven't got an answer from any one of them what are they going to do when Trump comes after THEIR Constitutional rights? CRY?
Have a nice day
Sadly, the Orange Oaf is just the symptom. The disease that empowers him has been festering in the country for started when Eisenhower gave Bill Graham a platform in his anti-communism strategy. Later, Reagan REALLY opened the tent flap and let the evangelical hucksters have a seat at the table. Then you have the neocons who became the teabaggers who became MAGA then MAGA/Alt-Right with the christo-fascist riding the coattails (with a side assist from the fibbertarians). So I'm not surprised that a preposterous figure like Johnson would be defended by right wingnut media .... given the presence of Greene and Bobbert and all.

God indeed bless America, because we're going to need all the help we can get!
Sadly, the Orange Oaf is just the symptom. The disease that empowers him has been festering in the country for started when Eisenhower gave Bill Graham a platform in his anti-communism strategy. Later, Reagan REALLY opened the tent flap and let the evangelical hucksters have a seat at the table. Then you have the neocons who became the teabaggers who became MAGA then MAGA/Alt-Right with the christo-fascist riding the coattails (with a side assist from the fibbertarians). So I'm not surprised that a preposterous figure like Johnson would be defended by right wingnut media .... given the presence of Greene and Bobbert and all.

God indeed bless America, because we're going to need all the help we can get!
This is the issue, who will replace him after the election as the head of the MAGA party?
This is the issue, who will replace him after the election as the head of the MAGA party?
Assuming he loses the electoral vote. As you read this, the MAGA/GOP are working like demons to change the electoral rules in Nebraska ... and they may get away with it ... "legal" cheating, as it were.

Stay tuned.