Trump’s job approval shows the Democrats’ dilemma in 2018

WTF is that supposed to mean? Everyone I know who is conservative (like all my in-laws) voted for the Orange Turd. Besides, the election was over a year ago... at that time his voters were proud to sing his praises and condemn Hillary.

I have relatives that still support him enough. The big thing is they don't have enough info, because they are busy with more important things. They don't have time to waste like I do, or others. My brother for instance had already put 40 hours into a work work, and the week had barely started.
WTF is that supposed to mean? Everyone I know who is conservative (like all my in-laws) voted for the Orange Turd. Besides, the election was over a year ago... at that time his voters were proud to sing his praises and condemn Hillary.
Bowel Woman loves verbal diarrhoea!

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how the fuck did he win then asshole?

by cheating huh
No. Because Tom ignores the issues regarding mid terms vs. general elections. He also ignores the fact that in a general, even an impotent clown will have the base. 40% is not enough to sway those first time voters to come out in the mid terms.
I have relatives that still support him enough. The big thing is they don't have enough info, because they are busy with more important things. They don't have time to waste like I do, or others. My brother for instance had already put 40 hours into a work work, and the week had barely started.
Those people typically aren't interested in mid terms, and the nazis most definitely aren't. So that leaves about 10% of voters next November.
No. Because Tom ignores the issues regarding mid terms vs. general elections. He also ignores the fact that in a general, even an impotent clown will have the base. 40% is not enough to sway those first time voters to come out in the mid terms.

We have much the same here when there are bye elections. You are not unique!

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There's a theory that a sizable portion of the electorate support Trump, but won't admit it in public. Because, ya know, they don't want to falsely be called racist and such. The rabid level of hatred and venom directed at Trump and those who support him has some people fearful that if they admit it, they would lose friends over it.

Describes me to a 't". I'd never admit to anybody I know that I consider his policies are mostly correct. Hard to overlook the sophomoric tweets, bad haircut, and Tourette's Syndrome though.
Describes me to a 't". I'd never admit to anybody I know that I consider his policies are mostly correct. Hard to overlook the sophomoric tweets, bad haircut, and Tourette's Syndrome though.
You don't think Planned Parenthood is a worthwhile program? You think credit card companies should once again be free to hike interest rates on current balances?
There's a theory that a sizable portion of the electorate support Trump, but won't admit it in public. Because, ya know, they don't want to falsely be called racist and such. The rabid level of hatred and venom directed at Trump and those who support him has some people fearful that if they admit it, they would lose friends over it.

Sounds much like Trump’s “some people say”. Yeah, those some people are Trump.
You don't think Planned Parenthood is a worthwhile program?
Planned Parenthood is as much of an issue to me as who the Detroit Tigers' 11th round draft pick will be.
You think credit card companies should once again be free to hike interest rates on current balances?
Cleveland Indians' 12th round draft pick. On second thought if it makes them more money all the better for me. Helps me get more airline miles. I pay as many of my bidness's bills as I can with cr. cards and pay them off every statement.
Planned Parenthood is as much of an issue to me as who the Detroit Tigers' 11th round draft pick will be. Cleveland Indians' 12th round draft pick. On second thought if it makes them more money all the better for me. Helps me get more airline miles. I pay as many of my bidness's bills as I can with cr. cards and pay them off every statement.
Yep...I wouldn't speak in public either if I were you
Describes me to a 't". I'd never admit to anybody I know that I consider his policies are mostly correct. Hard to overlook the sophomoric tweets, bad haircut, and Tourette's Syndrome though.
I am reminded of the famous line by Tony Curtis in Some Like It Hot!

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Might as well imagine that birds can't fly and the sun won't come up tomorrow or the day after.

Your hope and optimism was touching, though.
Look how magnanimous I am, allowing you to post in my thread, even though I think you're a nasty Septic.

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