The Force is With Me
Trump supporters are predominantly civilized, Anglo-Protestant, peaceful human beings, we don't resort to crude, mindless violence to make political points. UNLIKE the Democratic Party's paramilitary divisions: e.g. BLM ( a pack of brain-dead, woke - Marxist indoctrinated darkies) and ANTIFA (a cowardly mob of little "tin pot", make- believe, Fascist (socialist) 19 year olds, who are such wimps that Kayleigh McEnany would be able to take them on 6 at a time and totally kick their butts. But they're good at threatening girls and burning things up and throwing bricks and other missiles at cops, and destroying private and public property like statuues of heroic American historical figures, but that's only because the Democrats have told them they won't get into any trouble because its all good grist for their fucked up, totalitarian, neo-Marxist mill. You know, the more they riot (and rant BS like "Silence is Violence" and "Check your Privilege" and "Take The Knee !" and "Defund the Po-lice !") at normal , white, American folks) across 700 US cities for months, the more those folk will say , "Gee Whizz, this must all have been that bastard Trump's fault. NOT !
Later, Pygmie-features

Sure, all of planet earth got a vivid demonstration of just how “civilized and peaceful” trump supporters are as they attacked the Capital leaving dead people in their wake. Of course sorry ass “warriors” like you will try to blame the mindless attack on others, but that history has already been written for all time. No putting the horror show back in the bottle. NOW you tout a trump “army” that runs from the battle they claim to want. At the end of the day, trump is out of the White House forever, Biden is the president and those who participated in the Hillbilly Insurection are on the run and getting locked up like trump will soon be. The statutes of monsters are crashing down like turds from trump’s ass. Georgia has two Democratic Senators. Confederate battle symbols gone from the Mississippi flag. Republican Party shrinking, America getting browner. Serious police and criminal justice reform happening all over the country and excellerated by trump and the hillbilly revolt.
You don’t have to agree with any of that, you don’t even have to agree that Tuesday is a real thing. Doesn’t matter. Your butt-hurt pain and angst doesn’t change anything, nor does your petty racism. Truth be told, the ignorance of trump and his mob has excellerated the inevitable changes to this society expected from a browner America.