Trump supporters are predominantly civilized, Anglo-Protestant, peaceful human beings, we don't resort to crude, mindless violence to make political points. UNLIKE the Democratic Party's paramilitary divisions: e.g. BLM ( a pack of brain-dead, woke - Marxist indoctrinated darkies) and ANTIFA (a cowardly mob of little "tin pot", make- believe, Fascist (socialist) 19 year olds, who are such wimps that Kayleigh McEnany would be able to take them on 6 at a time and totally kick their butts. But they're good at threatening girls and burning things up and throwing bricks and other missiles at cops, and destroying private and public property like statuues of heroic American historical figures, but that's only because the Democrats have told them they won't get into any trouble because its all good grist for their fucked up, totalitarian, neo-Marxist mill. You know, the more they riot (and rant BS like "Silence is Violence" and "Check your Privilege" and "Take The Knee !" and "Defund the Po-lice !") at normal , white, American folks) across 700 US cities for months, the more those folk will say , "Gee Whizz, this must all have been that bastard Trump's fault. NOT !

Later, Pygmie-features


:rofl2: just too fucking ignorant.

Sure, all of planet earth got a vivid demonstration of just how “civilized and peaceful” trump supporters are as they attacked the Capital leaving dead people in their wake. Of course sorry ass “warriors” like you will try to blame the mindless attack on others, but that history has already been written for all time. No putting the horror show back in the bottle. NOW you tout a trump “army” that runs from the battle they claim to want. At the end of the day, trump is out of the White House forever, Biden is the president and those who participated in the Hillbilly Insurection are on the run and getting locked up like trump will soon be. The statutes of monsters are crashing down like turds from trump’s ass. Georgia has two Democratic Senators. Confederate battle symbols gone from the Mississippi flag. Republican Party shrinking, America getting browner. Serious police and criminal justice reform happening all over the country and excellerated by trump and the hillbilly revolt.

You don’t have to agree with any of that, you don’t even have to agree that Tuesday is a real thing. Doesn’t matter. Your butt-hurt pain and angst doesn’t change anything, nor does your petty racism. Truth be told, the ignorance of trump and his mob has excellerated the inevitable changes to this society expected from a browner America.

I cannot believe a whole thread about a civil war between Low-level Trumpies and American patriots. No, Trump's 74 million voters are not going to war for him. They are not a single think-alike mass that takes orders and seeks violence. Trumpies do have the crazies though.
Why do you guys respond to dumb threads like this?"

Theaters are closed. We're bored. Shooting trumpies down is like shooting clay pigeons.
Trump supporters are predominantly civilized, Anglo-Protestant, peaceful human beings, we don't resort to crude, mindless violence to make political points. UNLIKE the Democratic Party's paramilitary divisions: e.g. BLM ( a pack of brain-dead, woke - Marxist indoctrinated darkies) and ANTIFA (a cowardly mob of little "tin pot", make- believe, Fascist (socialist) 19 year olds, who are such wimps that Kayleigh McEnany would be able to take them on 6 at a time and totally kick their butts. But they're good at threatening girls and burning things up and throwing bricks and other missiles at cops, and destroying private and public property like statuues of heroic American historical figures, but that's only because the Democrats have told them they won't get into any trouble because its all good grist for their fucked up, totalitarian, neo-Marxist mill. You know, the more they riot (and rant BS like "Silence is Violence" and "Check your Privilege" and "Take The Knee !" and "Defund the Po-lice !") at normal , white, American folks) across 700 US cities for months, the more those folk will say , "Gee Whizz, this must all have been that bastard Trump's fault. NOT !

Later, Pygmie-features


Your wife for sure has "Live Laugh Love" in the kitchen and you definitely drive a dodge stratus.
We have a MUCH larger and FAR better armed army waiting on yours. In fact, what happened to the Gunfight at the OK

Corral on Inauguration Day. A small but much larger army of ours was waiting on yours, but yours never showed up

What happened?

You don't have shit but yourself and maybe ANTIFA, just remember: When you only have seconds, the police are just a phone call and minutes away. :/
Looks like Mich got his Shot from the Klan Today :laugh:

We aren't the ones who stormed the capitol, Michigan state capitol, tried to kidnap the Michigan governor, threated governors, threaten legislators, brought a noose and a guillotine to the the capitol..

You're the ones running through Democratic Urban shit holes burning, looting, rioting and torching police cars you fucking moron. Try to be less stupid and dishonest.


The only ones crying are whiny teabaggers, that still claim "My dear leader's election was stolen".

They are so smart they can "feel" it.


You brain dead lying cunt; you fucktards cried for four fucking years and are still whining about Trump. You assholes can't even win with any grace, much less lose with any.

"Have you ever seen a full speech by trump? he makes odd rants, and cannot keep an idea in his head for more than a sentence".

Odd rants? Not at all.

July 5 2018

“I have broken more Elton John records, he seems to have a lot of records. And I, by the way, I don’t have a musical instrument. I don’t have a guitar or an organ. No organ. Elton has an organ. And lots of other people helping. No we’ve broken a lot of records. We’ve broken virtually every record. Because you know, look I only need this space. They need much more room. For basketball, for hockey and all of the sports, they need a lot of room. We don’t need it. We have people in that space. So we break all of these records. Really we do it without like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical: the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth. Right? The brain, more important than the mouth, is the brain. The brain is much more important.”

Trump rally in Great Falls, Montana.

^Dumb fuck thinks THIS guy makes perfect sense:

Joe Biden's Insane thoughts on Hairy Legs, Roaches, and kids

You're the ones running through Democratic Urban shit holes burning, looting, rioting and torching police cars you fucking moron. Try to be less stupid and dishonest.


They never tried to take out a governor or congress, you're trying to equate the two, Q NUT?

Not going to try to tell you to be less stupid, you're beyond hope.
You brain dead lying cunt; you fucktards cried for four fucking years and are still whining about Trump. You assholes can't even win with any grace, much less lose with any.


Losing with grace, like Q NUTS are now, moron?

Over 30,000 lies are what normal people were concerned with.

Ignoring a pandemic, were what normal people were concerned about.

Playing footsy with Russia, N. Korea and China are what normal people were concerned about.

Insurrection are what normal people are concerned about.

NOT with Q NUTS and teabaggers, been the same since Reagan, PARTY over country.

Motherfucking communist, TRAITOR.
^Dumb fuck thinks THIS guy makes perfect sense:

Joe Biden's Insane thoughts on Hairy Legs, Roaches, and kids

Lot more than Dotard.

When Donald Trump was watching his 16-year-old daughter Ivanka host the 1997 Miss Teen USA pageant, he turned to the then-Miss Universe and asked: “Don’t you think my daughter’s hot? She’s hot, right?”

In 2013, Wendy Williams asked what two things Ivanka and Donald had in common when they both appeared on her show.

Ivanka responded "real estate" and "golf" but Trump said:

Well I was going to say sex but I can’t relate that.

"In 2015, in an interview with Rolling Stone magazine, he said: ‘Yeah, [Ivanka's] really something and what a beauty, that one."

He then made the "if I weren't her father" comment and trailed off. We'll let you decide what he was going to end on.

When the host of the Dr Oz Show remarked that "It’s nice to see a dad kiss his daughter", Trump reportedly responded:

[I kiss Ivanka] with every chance I get.

No, Biden didn't sense, nor am I going to try to make sense of his comments but that's nothing compared to Dotard.