Trumps plan to dismantle the Deep State

favorite bureaucracies? Who has such a thing? Did you sleep through the banking crisis we are in due to gutted regulations making banks unable to respond in an emergency? Again, regulations are all you have to fight the wealthy and corporations. You are being played by the top 1 percent, and cannot understand it.

Regulations weren't 'gutted'.

Now...let's look at this 'top 1 percent':

Bernard Arnault: current wealth $212 billion: a Trump supporter, living in France. Wealth acquired through cosmetics and luxury brands.
Elon Musk: current wealth $195 billion: currently a Trump supporter. Wealth acquired through EVs and social media, and aerospace.
Jeff Besos: current wealth $117 billion: a Democrat. Wealth acquired through online sales and social media.
Larry Ellison: current wealth $112 billion: a Democrat. Wealth acquired though social media.
Warren Buffet: current wealth $106 billion: a Democrat. Wealth acquired through investments including railroads, Dairy Queen, Geico, and Duracell batteries.
Bill Gates: current wealth $104 billion: a Democrat. Wealth acquired through software. Currently invested in a few dozen companies and in land.
Carlos Slem Helu: current wealth $95 billion: apolitical. Wealth acquired through government telecom, construction, mining, and consumer goods.
Mukesh Ambani: current wealth $83 billion: US apolitical. Supports politics in India. Generally conservative. Wealth acquired through petrochemicals and telecom.
Steve Balmer: current wealth $80 billion: a Democrat. Wealth acquired through software. Currently invested in professional sports.
Francoise Bettencourt Meyers: current wealth $80 billion: a Democrat. Wealth acquired through cosmetics.

Played??? These people employ literally hundreds of thousands of people to run their companies. Further, these large companies buy supplies just like everyone else. That's economy, dude.

You will notice that NONE of these people are bankers.

Source: Forbes magazine
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favorite bureaucracies? Who has such a thing? Did you sleep through the banking crisis we are in due to gutted regulations making banks unable to respond in an emergency? Again, regulations are all you have to fight the wealthy and corporations. You are being played by the top 1 percent, and cannot understand it.

And, those bureaucracies can go through what they have on the books, eliminate redundant ones, make them less wordy, make them easier to understand, pull out ones that are no longer useful, etc. Doesn't mean they can't still do their jobs, but rather they have to make sure they are doing those jobs as efficiently and understandably as possible.
And, those bureaucracies can go through what they have on the books, eliminate redundant ones, make them less wordy, make them easier to understand, pull out ones that are no longer useful, etc. Doesn't mean they can't still do their jobs, but rather they have to make sure they are doing those jobs as efficiently and understandably as possible.

You have failed to ever mention the massive corruption of the bureaucrats that Trump put in positions of leadership.
They're nothing compared to the incompetent, ESG and DIE minded radical Leftists Obama and Joke have given jobs to.

No administration was more corrupt than Trumps. There were more people indicted, under criminal investigation, fired for cause and just out and out trying to line their own pockets.
No administration was more corrupt than Trumps. There were more people indicted, under criminal investigation, fired for cause and just out and out trying to line their own pockets.

That is utter and complete bullshit. You can't begin to even remotely prove otherwise.
I have posted the names and stats a number of times, handjob. Dont play fucking ignorant

No you haven't. Aside from that, I can easily name at least 5 if not 10 administrations far more corrupt than Trump's. It's only you historical ignorance that keeps you from seeing that.