tRump's "sweaty" CBS interview.

It's the final 100 day countdown!

100 more days! 100 more days! 100 more days!


tRump ventured outside of his normal safety net of "Foxsnooze" and got REAL questioned asked in a CBS interview. While his responses were his normal illiterate "psychobabble", what was most noticeable was his profuse sweating. The last time that a POTUS or POTUS candidate sweated that profusely was when Nixon sweated so badly while debating Kennedy.

While tRump's ridiculous hairdo normally makes him look anything but "presidential", this "sweatfest" made him look even worse. are gossiping about Trump getting in front of a camera..........while JOE hides in his basement and refuses to stick his head out (good strategy) to talk to anyone, debate anyone etc. because he can't remember a damn thing including where he might be on any given day. Your guy can't say shit when hes got a mouth full in front of a camera.

Yeah...its real important to talk about hair. Got any more HEN PARTY gossip that's important? :bigthink: Are all leftist males NADLESS EUNICHS attempting to get in touch with their feminine side? We know all leftists support manboy love and child rape....and get their rocks off by taking the Lolita Express to prev Island...but really, GOSSIP IS ALL YOU GOT TO SHARE?:rolleyes:

And you talk about HAIR......when SLEEPY JOE is the president of the hair club for men.....a cue ball. It takes "MALE TESTOSTERONE" to grow a real head of hair.....oh well, you know what they say, Testosterone is the 2nd thing to go......right after you attempt to address a high school gym full of Biden supporters (all 36 of them) in the state of Iowa by calling the state Vermont. Are you really suggesting the informed PEOPLE want an airhead like Biden as potus, a man who has served 36 years in the swamp and 8 more as VP and then attempts to blame TRUMP for the problems facing the know the thing with the thing.........that Constitutional thing ALL MEN are created....err.....created, you know the THING........... HE CAN'T REMEMBER THE DAMN DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE AS HE THINKS IT IS FOUND IN THE US CONSTITUTION.

The left supports their guy so much.....they take down all his videos within minutes.

They keep wanting him to say something great....but instead, here comes mouth full of shit Sleepy Joe Again.
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Trump will not submit to real questioning. If a reporter asks a question he meanders and does not answer it. Trump really believes he is doing a great job, the greatest ever. You would think he could itemize his great deeds. He should be able to intelligently defend what he does and talk about plans. Calling people names and crying about how he is not treated fairly is not presidential, not adult. 4 more months of president lite and we can return to real adult governance.

Hello ThatOwlWoman,

It's not nice to tease us. lol

Well you don't think if he had 'IT' that he would tell, do you?

He DID start wearing a mask...

He could keep it quiet if HE was positive, but what if it got spread around and the whole WH was?

That would be a lot harder to keep a lid on.
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