Trump's tax returns

Liar; do you ever post anything without it being a lie. What standard do you think you are trying to hold Trump to? Hell, you can't even answer a simple question without lying and deflecting.

Every president releases their tax returns. What exactly is wrong with expecting the same from Trump? And why does that make you so mad?
Just trying to do what Trumpsters won't do and hold this president to the same standards as all the other presidents.

You even quoted my opening post when you posted this. I am not looking for all the reasons lefties use to justify forcibly viewing Trump's returns, I asked what specific information lefties are after in his returns. It appears that lefties just want to search Trump's returns for any information that they might be able to use to hurt him politically, so I asked in the opening post what specific information lefties are after in those returns. If no lefty can answer this, then it means lefties just want to pry into his returns in search of anything they might use to hurt him.
You even quoted my opening post when you posted this. I am not looking for all the reasons lefties use to justify forcibly viewing Trump's returns, I asked what specific information lefties are after in his returns. It appears that lefties just want to search Trump's returns for any information that they might be able to use to hurt him politically, so I asked in the opening post what specific information lefties are after in those returns. If no lefty can answer this, then it means lefties just want to pry into his returns in search of anything they might use to hurt him.

Well I already explained. We're not looking for anything in specific. We're just trying to hold him to presidential standards, which is something his cult doesn't want.
Well now that this is the norm post-1973, every president should. I don't see why Trump should be treated with kid gloves just because he's a snowflake.

I would treat him with kid gloves, considering the amount of legal and financial power he has. I wouldn't fuck with Soros either
it is not the norm post 2016......

Sure it is, with one exception. A guy who promised to release his taxes. Hillary released hers. The norm is fine. trump is not. Bernie is releasing his and the Dems who declared are doing it too. So as usual, you are wrong. It is just Trump, the guy who has so much to hide.
Out of all the lefties who posted on this thread, StonebyStone was the only lefty who was honest enough to admit that the tax thing is just a witch hunt. I want to do bad things to my political opponents as well.
Ever heard of arkancide?

Maybe if more people called the Clintons out, this wouldn't be a thing.
All that needs to happen for freedom to be lost is for people to stand around doing nothing. It's not enough to believe in freedom, we also have to believe in fighting for it.