Truth Social stock circling the drain - time to admit Trump's business acumen sucks

Truth Social doesn't have any revenue stream.

It's a gimmick stock intended to drain money out of the pockets of MAGA morons and put it in Trump's pocket when he decides to dump the stock.

I suggest you pour your money into buying as much Truth Social as you can.
They did just spend millions on developing a streaming service. I believe they will eventually attempt to compete with Netflix, Roku, etc..
It will be great to see the site crash on a regular basis if they ever do get any subscribers. Dumbfuck doesn't even realize that he'll get a tiny segment of the market due to his horrid public spectacles.
Meanwhile, inflation is at 2.7%, GDP growth is at 3% and consumer confidence remains high. Bad news for Trumpers. They are unraveling.
They get all trembly and weepy when the economy does well and people prosper. Fox and Trump are desperately trying to convince ppl that we're on the brink of another Great Depression. Useful idiots like pEarl andToxic dutifully repeat the "End is Near" mantra. It falls on deaf ears. You should see the pro-Trump ad running on local TV here. It's got video snippets with Harris speaking about the cost of groceries and stuff, in living color, looking vibrant and attractive. Then they splice in her saying "Bidenomics is working" (which is true). They're actually promoting her through the use of her image and words showing empathy for the citizens, but they think that they're bashing her. It's hilarious. It's almost as though they're trying to lose.
It's been a good time to have cash that earns almost 6% risk free. It will come down a bit when the Fed starts lowering rates. But it's nice getting that return instead of money sitting around earning nothing.
So true. Mr. Owl has been cashing in high-earning CDs as they mature, and buying new ones while the rates are still up.
I know that it's just me,
but talking about any aspect of money other than spending it
doesn't keep my interest.

The kids already have most of ours,
and the Greek Kid [he must be deep into his fifties by now, but he's a kid to me] who handles the rest
hasn't fucked us over yet.

As a former accountant, I feel that I have the standing to opine
that money is a tacky subject for casual conversation.:thinking:
So true. Mr. Owl has been cashing in high-earning CDs as they mature, and buying new ones while the rates are still up.
Yep. Even shorter term instruments are returning close to 7%, I’ve parked mine in PFXF which pays monthly. Smart people understand how to manage peaks and valleys. Dumb people buy meme stocks like DJT hoping they aren’t on the massive downside. But….every Trumper is fabulously wealthy, brilliant economically and owns a wildly successful business. So I just can’t compete.
So true. Mr. Owl has been cashing in high-earning CDs as they mature, and buying new ones while the rates are still up.
I started with CDs and Treasuries when rates were still going up. Once they leveled off I switched to 5-7 year bonds that are earning at least 5.5%.

Only trick is to avoid the bonds getting called as rates drop, but I just take the cash and shop for new ones.

I'm getting at least 5.2% just by parking cash in a money market that I use as a settlement fund for investing. That will go down as rates do, so I started trying to lock up rates for a longer term.
Yep. Even shorter term instruments are returning close to 7%, I’ve parked mine in PFXF which pays monthly. Smart people understand how to manage peaks and valleys. Dumb people buy meme stocks like DJT hoping they aren’t on the massive downside. But….every Trumper is fabulously wealthy, brilliant economically and owns a wildly successful business. So I just can’t compete.
The market has been so strong, most funds/ETF have been performing rather well. I've weeded out the ones that were mediocre, and have just been waiting on a number of stocks/funds that I tend to watch forever.

At least indecision pays more than 5% right now.
They did just spend millions on developing a streaming service. I believe they will eventually attempt to compete with Netflix, Roku, etc..
It will be great to see the site crash on a regular basis if they ever do get any subscribers. Dumbfuck doesn't even realize that he'll get a tiny segment of the market due to his horrid public spectacles.

It's probably going to go the way of Trump Airlines.
They get all trembly and weepy when the economy does well and people prosper. Fox and Trump are desperately trying to convince ppl that we're on the brink of another Great Depression. Useful idiots like pEarl andToxic dutifully repeat the "End is Near" mantra. It falls on deaf ears. You should see the pro-Trump ad running on local TV here. It's got video snippets with Harris speaking about the cost of groceries and stuff, in living color, looking vibrant and attractive. Then they splice in her saying "Bidenomics is working" (which is true). They're actually promoting her through the use of her image and words showing empathy for the citizens, but they think that they're bashing her. It's hilarious. It's almost as though they're trying to lose.
Just spam this video whenever a Trumpy tries to act like they have a single braincell with an opinion about the economy.
