Truth Social stock circling the drain - time to admit Trump's business acumen sucks

May 25: "Trump-supporter Justin Peedin invested early. To date, he's spent roughly $50,000 on the stock. He says he wishes he could buy even more, but he can't."

PEEDIN: No, not right now because my wife will kill me, but... (Laughter).


There are a lot of never trumper kids who bought the stock very early and dumped it a week or two later at a nice gain.
Probably a good time to pick some of it up.
Perhaps for the next week- but then you better dump it before Trump takes his Golden Parachute in just a couple of weeks and crashes the stock down to less than a penny share!

But, you would still lose money as the stock is still in a spiral and trending down!


You Trumptards have already made the biggest sacrifice you could make- BY SACRIFICING YOUR SOULS, YOUR REPUBLICAN PARTY, YOUR MORALS, and whatever Integrity, you once had, TO HIM- so you may as well sacrifice all of your your money to him as well!
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I have tripled the value of my Roth IRA in the last 18 months buying and selling a single stock over and over again.

Had I played the game a bit more tidy I could have made twice as much. But I'm ok

Hint, It's not DJT
I have tripled the value of my Roth IRA in the last 18 months buying and selling a single stock over and over again.

Had I played the game a bit more tidy I could have made twice as much. But I'm ok

Hint, It's not DJT
That strategy makes zero sense to me. but knock Yourself out. Why are you buying and selling in a Roth? What’s the strategy?
Tell us about your investment expertise.
Where do you want me to start. Every situation is different. I started with 10k in 1979. Never took anything out except when the Roth was introduced. Made a couple of educated gambles in 2009, I retired and cracked the nest egg in 2021. Started with treasuries, switched to growth, now pretty much income generating. My portfolio is around 10 million, two million of that in a Roth the rest in trust accounts. I can read a balance sheet and I don’t speculate except a gamble in 2009. It paid off, how are you doing? I did way better than Trump.
That strategy makes zero sense to me. but knock Yourself out. Why are you buying and selling in a Roth? What’s the strategy?
The strategy is to buy with post tax dollars. Make a profit of which the substantial gains are tax free and the original contribution is square with taxes. The down side is holding for 5 years as I always have had a conventional IRA and opened this Roth last year to play this with. So I'm only in it 15.5k for the two years But have grown it to over 40k doing as I said, buying and selling a single stock. I was dabbling with some of my conventional IRA money but when I realized the profit it was generating I opened a Roth for friendlier taxation on the profits.

It's called swing trading and although a bit risky it's not nearly in the realm of day trading..

I am now so far ahead it's virtually impossible to lose back to square one or lose overall. This is not my retirement plan, it's just something I'm enjoying playing with. I understand not to risk more than I can absorb in the unlikely event of a total collapse. Thus far there is little sign of that happening with this stock.
The strategy is to buy with post tax dollars. Make a profit of which the substantial gains are tax free and the original contribution is square with taxes. The down side is holding for 5 years as I always have had a conventional IRA and opened this Roth last year to play this with. So I'm only in it 15.5k for the two years But have grown it to over 40k doing as I said, buying and selling a single stock. I was dabbling with some of my conventional IRA money but when I realized the profit it was generating I opened a Roth for friendlier taxation on the profits.

It's called swing trading and although a bit risky it's not nearly in the realm of day trading..

I am now so far ahead it's virtually impossible to lose back to square one or lose overall. This is not my retirement plan, it's just something I'm enjoying playing with. I understand not to risk more than I can absorb in the unlikely event of a total collapse. Thus far there is little sign of that happening with this stock.

I know what a Roth is, I’ve had one since day one. I’m asking why you are buying and selling like a day trader since you can’t write off a loss. So a total collapse in a Roth is a disaster. Growth in a Roth is great. Speculation is not unless you never lose a bet.

Why would you have a Roth for any reason other than retirement?? And why would you divest from your IRA for a short term investment? I smell bullishit Joe.[/QUOTE]
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Where do you want me to start. Every situation is different. I started with 10k in 1979. Never took anything out except when the Roth was introduced. Made a couple of educated gambles in 2009, I retired and cracked the nest egg in 2021. Started with treasuries, switched to growth, now pretty much income generating. My portfolio is around 10 million, two million of that in a Roth the rest in trust accounts. I can read a balance sheet and I don’t speculate except a gamble in 2009. It paid off, how are you doing? I did way better than Trump.
Nice! I can hardly wait for the shrieks of "Liar!" and your special Toxic friend muttering enviously about your cruise. lol
Perhaps for the next week- but then you better dump it before Trump takes his Golden Parachute in just a couple of weeks and

I know what a Roth is, I’ve had one since day one. I’m asking why you are buying and selling like a day trader since you can’t write off a loss. So a total collapse in a Roth is a disaster. Growth in a Roth is great. Speculation is not unless you never lose a bet.

Why would you have a Roth for any reason other than retirement?? And why would you divest from your IRA for a short term investment? I smell bullishit Joe.

Crazy day today. Market slightly down all day, with a surge just before closing.
I know what a Roth is, I’ve had one since day one. I’m asking why you are buying and selling like a day trader since you can’t write off a loss. So a total collapse in a Roth is a disaster. Growth in a Roth is great. Speculation is not unless you never lose a bet.

Why would you have a Roth for any reason other than retirement?? And why would you divest from your IRA for a short term investment? I smell bullishit Joe.
Because I'm already retirement age and have had a conventional IRA for many years. I decided not to contribute to it the last couple of years and rather than using cash from my savings I can use a roth and make quick substantial gains without taxes when I withdraw it. There are no losses to write off. It was a gamble sort of but not really.

What's not to understand?
Nice! I can hardly wait for the shrieks of "Liar!" and your special Toxic friend muttering enviously about your cruise. lol

lol, I’m pretty sure what teach believes won’t impact my portfolio value. Thank God. We were at the archeological dig of ancient Olympia today. Never realized how much was there. The town is a quaint, clean quiet place we loved it. Santorini and Athens and then we head home. Great trip but I miss my dogs 🤷
Where do you want me to start. Every situation is different. I started with 10k in 1979. Never took anything out except when the Roth was introduced. Made a couple of educated gambles in 2009, I retired and cracked the nest egg in 2021. Started with treasuries, switched to growth, now pretty much income generating. My portfolio is around 10 million, two million of that in a Roth the rest in trust accounts. I can read a balance sheet and I don’t speculate except a gamble in 2009. It paid off, how are you doing? I did way better than Trump.
I wish I were in a position to invest back then. I'm sure after the crash there were opportunities for educated investors.
Truth Social doesn't have any revenue stream.


You mean you can't censor the views expressed on it?

It's a gimmick stock intended to drain money out of the pockets of MAGA morons and put it in Trump's pocket when he decides to dump the stock.

I suggest you pour your money into buying as much Truth Social as you can.

You seem BIG MAD that you can't shut it down and silence all dissent to the party.
lol, I’m pretty sure what teach believes won’t impact my portfolio value. Thank God. We were at the archeological dig of ancient Olympia today. Never realized how much was there. The town is a quaint, clean quiet place we loved it. Santorini and Athens and then we head home. Great trip but I miss my dogs 🤷
What's up with Greece these days? Everyone is going there. I believe the kids were just on Santorini. You have cats sharing your digs?