Truth Social stock circling the drain - time to admit Trump's business acumen sucks

At market close Wednesday the Truth Social traded at $20.10—a 65.34% drop from when the company debuted on the Nasdaq exchange on March 26 through a special-purpose acquisition company (SPAC) merger

then you would know this is great buy opportunity!


you're an ass-wart.
then you would know this is great buy opportunity!
djt is running out of money, and has no known way to generate more money. trump is suing the only people that could make this work, and has locked everything else into failure.

The great thing about America is that if you think I am wrong, feel free to invest everything you have into djt.
Yep It doesn’t really make a difference. There are two ways for the owner of a business to move revenues to themselves in an s corp. one is salary the other is dividends. One is subject to payroll tax and one isn’t. The IRS will not let you work for free and take a massive dividend. Your salary must be reasonable. Anything not distributed after expenses is taxable at the corporate rate. If you are drawing social security early and you have almost no income that’s a giant red flag especially if your dividend is large. His story doesn’t pass the smell test. And I’m sorry but I can’t see Joe making sure he fulfills the requirement for maintaining a corporation. It is what it is. You don’t have have an S or C corp normally unless you expect significant revenue. Too damn much work.
That's a little more complex than my situation. I just understand my parameters for being able to contribute to my Roth, and not get a reduced check from SS.
djt is running out of money, and has no known way to generate more money. trump is suing the only people that could make this work, and has locked everything else into failure.

The great thing about America is that if you think I am wrong, feel free to invest everything you have into djt.
what are pelosi's known paths of wealth generation? beside corruption.
That's a little more complex than my situation. I just understand my parameters for being able to contribute to my Roth, and not get a reduced check from SS.
That’s where most people land. I was a consultant and I had a specific arc for my businesses. Simple, elegant, and worked quite well. I’m waiting for the ‘you don’t know shit’ attacks before I delve.
That’s where most people land. I was a consultant and I had a specific arc for my businesses. Simple, elegant, and worked quite well. I’m waiting for the ‘you don’t know shit’ attacks before I delve.
I often chuckle when those who don't go back with you as far as I do, challenge you in your wheelhouse.

My popcorn bill is getting out of hand.
what are pelosi's known paths of wealth generation? beside corruption.
Pelosi's husband started a venture capital firm that mostly invested in real estate development. It has been going for nearly 60 years now, in one of the most dynamic cities in the world. After her husband had made a fortune, and she had raised her children, Pelosi entered politics.

Paul Pelosi came from a good background, but he was not handed a huge amount of money by his family. He has generated a lot of money through his own hard work, intelligence, and luck. He has made a lot more money for those smart enough to invest in him.

Meanwhile, trump has made a below average performance with the money he got from his father. Worse yet, he lost more of his investors money than he made himself. Basically, he is a big negative.
Yep It doesn’t really make a difference. There are two ways for the owner of a business to move revenues to themselves in an s corp. one is salary the other is dividends. One is subject to payroll tax and one isn’t. The IRS will not let you work for free and take a massive dividend. Your salary must be reasonable. Anything not distributed after expenses is taxable at the corporate rate. If you are drawing social security early and you have almost no income that’s a giant red flag especially if your dividend is large. His story doesn’t pass the smell test. And I’m sorry but I can’t see Joe making sure he fulfills the requirement for maintaining a corporation. It is what it is. You don’t have have an S or C corp normally unless you expect significant revenue. Too damn much work.
You have a lot of things right but not all. And I'm not here to try to convince you of anything. There are a lot more details I don't have the inclination to explain but it does add up. In short if I'm not on site working the IRS/SSA doesn't have much grounds to complain. And I'm not. There is no rules that you can't own a business no matter how profitable and draw your SS as long as you aren't personally working to produce the revenue. Good business' will make money with absentee owners. Also not a crime. My accountant seems to think we pass the smell test handily so I think I will go with her opinion for now.:) In 14 months when I'm 66 and 10 months old I can go back to work full time if I desire which I distinctly don't. If on the other hand my manager quits or dies in between now and then I will have no choice but to go back to work and pay what's due. Not a biggie will cross that bridge if I come to it. It's only money.

My main point that got this started is that I traded a single stock and tripled the value of my Roth in 16 month. This is true and that's that.d
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At market close Wednesday the Truth Social traded at $20.10—a 65.34% drop from when the company debuted on the Nasdaq exchange on March 26 through a special-purpose acquisition company (SPAC) merger

Time to admit that Trump's business acumen sucks? LOL! I'd say that Trump's business acumen worked out fairly well for him considering that he's worth over $6 billion dollars for being a master business man. Now put up and compare kamala and biden's business acumen to that of Trump's. What's that I hear, neither one of those losers ever hired anyone and worked for a business. Woops, kamala said she worked at McDonalds which if true would have given her an amazing business history in which to brag about.
You have a lot of things right but not all. And I'm not here to try to convince you of anything. There are a lot more details I don't have the inclination to explain but it does add up. In short if I'm not on site working the IRS/SSA doesn't have much grounds to complain. And I'm not. There is no rules that you can't own a business no matter how profitable and draw your SS as long as you aren't personally working to produce the revenue. Good business' will make money with absentee owners. Also not a crime. My accountant seems to think we pass the smell test handily so I think I will go with her opinion for now.:) In 14 months when I'm 66 and 10 months old I can go back to work full time if I desire which I distinctly don't. If on the other hand my manager quits or dies in between now and then I will have no choice but to go back to work and pay what's due. Not a biggie will cross that bridge if I come to it. It's only money.

My main point that got this started is that I traded a single stock and tripled the value of my Roth in 16 month. This is true and that's that.

Sounds good, and I do wish you the best. Thank you for the cordial tone, I appreciate it.
djt is running out of money, and has no known way to generate more money. trump is suing the only people that could make this work, and has locked everything else into failure.

The great thing about America is that if you think I am wrong, feel free to invest everything you have into djt.
He generates plenty of money and is still filthy rich despite the lawfare. The dried up old cat lady will never see a penny nor will the state of NY on their phony fraud charges. His lawyers are getting rich off of him though.

What kid of man would put his personal fortune on the line to run for president?

The kind who loves his country is the answer. Nothing else makes sense objectively.

Once the election is over things will stabilize.
Sounds good, and I do wish you the best. Thank you for the cordial tone, I appreciate it.
Nice gesture considering you have gone out of your way to call me a liar, poser and idiot multiple times in this thread.

I'm sure you're just as successful as you claim financially. I don't know it all but I know what I know.

Have you ever heard these media types on the radio who seem to have so much knowledge on things you don't? They sound really sharp and informed. Then one day they are flapping about a subject that you are an actual expert on and you realize they are full of shit. Probably on the other stuff too. Don't be that guy on the radio.
Nice gesture considering you have gone out of your way to call me a liar, poser and idiot multiple times in this thread.

I'm sure you're just as successful as you claim financially. I don't know it all but I know what I know.

Have you ever heard these media types on the radio who seem to have so much knowledge on things you don't? They sound really sharp and informed. Then one day they are flapping about a subject that you are an actual expert on and you realize they are full of shit. Probably on the other stuff too. Don't be that guy on the radio.

Oh , sorry, then go fuck yourself dipshir.