Truth Social stock circling the drain - time to admit Trump's business acumen sucks

Pelosi's husband started a venture capital firm that mostly invested in real estate development. It has been going for nearly 60 years now, in one of the most dynamic cities in the world. After her husband had made a fortune, and she had raised her children, Pelosi entered politics.

Paul Pelosi came from a good background, but he was not handed a huge amount of money by his family. He has generated a lot of money through his own hard work, intelligence, and luck. He has made a lot more money for those smart enough to invest in him.

Meanwhile, trump has made a below average performance with the money he got from his father. Worse yet, he lost more of his investors money than he made himself. Basically, he is a big negative.
Yes, Walter, illegal Pelosi insider trading made them very wealthy.
What’s a”dipshir”…poor Concarty.
Ex-Captain Earl forswore his oath to the Constitution in favor of becoming a Grammer Nazi and Typo Tyrant. Sad.

Where do you want me to start. Every situation is different. I started with 10k in 1979. Never took anything out except when the Roth was introduced. Made a couple of educated gambles in 2009, I retired and cracked the nest egg in 2021. Started with treasuries, switched to growth, now pretty much income generating. My portfolio is around 10 million, two million of that in a Roth the rest in trust accounts. I can read a balance sheet and I don’t speculate except a gamble in 2009. It paid off, how are you doing? I did way better than Trump.
YOU are my new financial advisor. :giggle:
He generates plenty of money and is still filthy rich despite the lawfare. The dried up old cat lady will never see a penny nor will the state of NY on their phony fraud charges. His lawyers are getting rich off of him though.
trump has defaulted on billions in loans and investments. These are people who ended up lucky to get 50 cents on the dollar, while he walked away with profits.

Even if you ignore that they were not his to take, how high were the profits? If he had put his money into an S&P indexed fund, he would be more than twice as rich right now. That means his profits are below average.
trump has defaulted on billions in loans and investments. These are people who ended up lucky to get 50 cents on the dollar, while he walked away with profits.

Even if you ignore that they were not his to take, how high were the profits? If he had put his money into an S&P indexed fund, he would be more than twice as rich right now. That means his profits are below average.
MAGAts admire people who rip off other Americans. It's part of their nature.
Yes, Walter, illegal Pelosi insider trading made them very wealthy.
Paul Pelosi became very wealthy before his wife entered politics. It was not from frequent trading, but rather from real estate investing. If he had insider knowledge, he would have dumped many of investments a few years ago, he did not.
Paul Pelosi became very wealthy before his wife entered politics. It was not from frequent trading, but rather from real estate investing. If he had insider knowledge, he would have dumped many of investments a few years ago, he did not.
More proof all MAGAts are liars.
Where do you want me to start. Every situation is different. I started with 10k in 1979. Never took anything out except when the Roth was introduced. Made a couple of educated gambles in 2009, I retired and cracked the nest egg in 2021. Started with treasuries, switched to growth, now pretty much income generating. My portfolio is around 10 million, two million of that in a Roth the rest in trust accounts. I can read a balance sheet and I don’t speculate except a gamble in 2009. It paid off, how are you doing? I did way better than Trump.
You beat me by a few million.
trump has defaulted on billions in loans and investments. These are people who ended up lucky to get 50 cents on the dollar, while he walked away with profits.

Even if you ignore that they were not his to take, how high were the profits? If he had put his money into an S&P indexed fund, he would be more than twice as rich right now. That means his profits are below average.
The ‘dried up old cat lady’ will see all of it because Trump had to post a bond in order to appeal, And Trump will lose that appeal, same with the other civil trial. I’m not sure Joe understands how things work.
Where do you want me to start. Every situation is different. I started with 10k in 1979. Never took anything out except when the Roth was introduced. Made a couple of educated gambles in 2009, I retired and cracked the nest egg in 2021. Started with treasuries, switched to growth, now pretty much income generating. My portfolio is around 10 million, two million of that in a Roth the rest in trust accounts. I can read a balance sheet and I don’t speculate except a gamble in 2009. It paid off, how are you doing? I did way better than Trump.
Good for you. Roth investments is just worth more than non-Roth investments. You get it completely tax free. You have to pay the taxes on the money before it goes in, but nothing on it as it grows, and most importantly nothing on it when you get it. That means that $2 million can be drawn down by 4% forever and you can get $80k(adjusted for inflation) a year tax free... EVEN IF YOU LIVE FOREVER!!!

The only secret is to make broad mildly aggressive investments. Invest 60/40, or even 90/10 in a broad stock fund, and a broad bond fund. And forget about it.

I have my Roth headed for 90/10, and just lost $100k in a day. That is upsetting, until I realize how much I am making over time.
Good for you. Roth investments is just worth more than non-Roth investments. You get it completely tax free. You have to pay the taxes on the money before it goes in, but nothing on it as it grows, and most importantly nothing on it when you get it. That means that $2 million can be drawn down by 4% forever and you can get $80k(adjusted for inflation) a year tax free... EVEN IF YOU LIVE FOREVER!!!

The only secret is to make broad mildly aggressive investments. Invest 60/40, or even 90/10 in a broad stock fund, and a broad bond fund. And forget about it.

I have my Roth headed for 90/10, and just lost $100k in a day. That is upsetting, until I realize how much I am making over time.
My Roth now mainly consists of income stocks that would be subject to normal capital gains tax, like REITs. About 80% of my holdings in my Roth are preferred stocks that tend to trade in a pretty small range, because the return is based on par, not current value. I manage Trust accounts for both of my kids, and I have focused on growth in those, I also have a trust which holds everything I can put into it. That trust is also about income generation. I make way more money now than I did when I was working. I reinvested every dime of dividend until the day I retired. The only thing I paid out of those trusts was my tax liability for the income in the trust. I believe in the S&P, and that's where most of my investments for growth are made. I agree it's much easier to do that than to speculate wildly, and it's served me well. I feel like I've made only two pretty big gambles over the years, and both worked out well. They were educated gambles, and they were made during tumultuous times. In most fairly settled environments, you should set and forget, exactly the way you put it.