Truth Social stock circling the drain - time to admit Trump's business acumen sucks

I think he owns 600,000 shares?

The only question is whether or not foreign investors believe he will win the election. We've already seen that they are happy to pour hundreds of million$ into his pockets through a variety of his ventures. He dumped the DC hotel the moment he lost in '20. Odd how the revenue stream just dried up overnight.

It is fascinating to see how so much is riding on one election for one particular candidate. I wonder if he'll just blow his head off if he loses?

Here’s the thing. Average volume is only 4.6 million shares. At the current price that’s only 78 million. Im guessing there are lots of offers out there, but most of them are way way less than the current price. It’s a supply and demand issue and there is not demand for anywhere near what he holds. If he only owned 600,000 shares they would only be worth 10 million. He has to have 60 million shares to get to a billion so….

Note: I’m rounding a lot. But the scale is correct.

The stock continues to plummet. It has now lost over 60% of its value. Great businessman my ass. Another Trump failure.
What makes Pedo Don a "great businessman" is that, while his businesses fail and his investors get screwed, Trump always walks away with pockets full of cash.
Here’s the thing. Average volume is only 4.6 million shares. At the current price that’s only 78 million. Im guessing there are lots of offers out there, but most of them are way way less than the current price. It’s a supply and demand issue and there is not demand for anywhere near what he holds. If he only owned 600,000 shares they would only be worth 10 million. He has to have 60 million shares to get to a billion so….

Note: I’m rounding a lot. But the scale is correct.
I had to edit to 115 million shares. He could borrow against it instead, but by your numbers he does indeed have nowhere near the potential that has been floated in the news.

I do remember reading that they want to 'create' another large chunk of shares. Either way...trump will need to find a real job.
He has so many shares, he'll make at least $1 billion when he cashes out. I think his small dollar donations (for his legal bills) have dried up. Now he has to work for a living, or find new marks.
If he was less interested in an immediate profit, he could build djt into something. Instead, it is a short term method of fleecing his followers.
So from 1994 to 2001 it didn't make a dime of profit?

Your argument then is they lost money for 7 years, not 13?
Companies almost always lose money during times of rapid growth because all of the revenue is going into assets. Companies that lose money while not growing rapidly are the ones that fail quickly.

No. My argument was that you don't know the difference between 4 and 13. You can only know whether a company is making money when it is publicly traded and required to release financials.
Truth Social is not seeing massive increases in revenues. It is not seeing any growth in revenues.
If he was less interested in an immediate profit, he could build djt into something. Instead, it is a short term method of fleecing his followers.
They did just spend a chunk of money to become a streaming service. It will be interesting to see how that works out.
Companies almost always lose money during times of rapid growth because all of the revenue is going into assets. Companies that lose money while not growing rapidly are the ones that fail quickly.

No. My argument was that you don't know the difference between 4 and 13. You can only know whether a company is making money when it is publicly traded and required to release financials.
Truth Social is not seeing massive increases in revenues. It is not seeing any growth in revenues.
I would add that Amazon has assets. DJT does not. No assets. None.
Amazon always had a plan to get more money, as needed. djt is running out of money, and has been setup to get no more money. It is just poor business management.

The war of the left on everything Trump has influenced many advertisers. But as noted - you Stalinists are driven by pure hatred and have predicted the failure of Truth Social - for the last 4 years.

You don't have credibility.
The war of the left on everything Trump has influenced many advertisers. But as noted - you Stalinists are driven by pure hatred and have predicted the failure of Truth Social - for the last 4 years.

You don't have credibility.
What are you talking about? You apparently don't understand valuation, assets, revenue. You think everything is political. Truth Social is a failure. It is bleeding subscribers, losing money, and has absolutely no assets. Anyone stupid enough to invest in it deserves what they get. You are in a cult.
The war of the left on everything Trump has influenced many advertisers. But as noted - you Stalinists are driven by pure hatred and have predicted the failure of Truth Social - for the last 4 years.

You don't have credibility.
Why do you hate capitalism?
Companies are free to do business or not. Companies that are failures , like Trump Media, are free to fail.
Companies almost always lose money during times of rapid growth because all of the revenue is going into assets. Companies that lose money while not growing rapidly are the ones that fail quickly.

No. My argument was that you don't know the difference between 4 and 13. You can only know whether a company is making money when it is publicly traded and required to release financials.
Truth Social is not seeing massive increases in revenues. It is not seeing any growth in revenues.

Not at all true.

But the issue here is that you are basing your view purely on your hatred of Donald Trump.
Not at all true.

But the issue here is that you are basing your view purely on your hatred of Donald Trump.
I am basing my view based on the P/L and the balance sheet of DJT.

The company has 330M in cash on hand, lost 343M in the first 6 months of this year. DJT had sales of 1.6M .Of the loss. 78M was for administration, 2M was for sales, and 38M for research. Most of the loss was in derivative value.
A start up company that is paying almost 3 times for administration that it is for sales, research and development isn't going to last very long.

By contrast, Amazon in 1997 had 93M in cash and a loss of 27M. Amazon had sales of 148M. They spent 6M on administration, 38M on marketing and research and 118M on sales (cost of items they were reselling.)
Anyone with half a brain can see that one company will be lucky to last another 6 months based on how quickly they are burning through the cash and the other company is losing money because of the large amount they are spending on marketing and research to grow.
The war of the left on everything Trump has influenced many advertisers. But as noted - you Stalinists are driven by pure hatred and have predicted the failure of Truth Social - for the last 4 years.

You don't have credibility.
What advertisers? djt has no plan to get advertisers in numbers to support it. Besides, online advertiser revenue is in the toilet.

There is no business plan here.