Truth Social stock circling the drain - time to admit Trump's business acumen sucks

What advertisers? djt has no plan to get advertisers in numbers to support it. Besides, online advertiser revenue is in the toilet.

There is no business plan here.

Yes, you hate Trump, I get it.

Tonight is going to be rough for you.
If you believe that is the reason I am saying djt is collapsing, you should invest in it. Seriously, the choice is one of the things that makes America great.

You and your fellow Marxists have been claiming Truth Social is collapsing for years.

And yes, it's because you are eaten alive by your hatred for the usurper who endangers absolute rule by your party.
You and your fellow Marxists have been claiming Truth Social is collapsing for years.

And yes, it's because you are eaten alive by your hatred for the usurper who endangers absolute rule by your party.
So now it is "Marxism" not to invest in the company you want us to?
The current debate is exactly when does djt run out of money, not if djt will run out of money. There is no known plan to save it.
I don't believe, as is typical with trump, that he has one penny invested. At some point, investors who actually don't need the tax write off will walk away.
You and your fellow Marxists have been claiming Truth Social is collapsing for years.

And yes, it's because you are eaten alive by your hatred for the usurper who endangers absolute rule by your party.
Dude, DJT went public less than a year ago. Can't you clowns do the basic research? I'm tired of correcting you.
Dude, DJT went public less than a year ago. Can't you clowns do the basic research? I'm tired of correcting you.
And all of your Marxists claimed it would collapse the day it came online - long before the highly successful IPO. What you and your fellow Communists post about this is driven by pure animus.
And all of your Marxists claimed it would collapse the day it came online - long before the highly successful IPO. What you and your fellow Communists post about this is driven by pure animus.
No. I can read a balance sheet. Obviously that's yet another skill you lack.
Interesting week for the stock. With all of the anticipation on Fox that trump will dominate the debate, T.S slowly climbed above $18 again.

This morning you can watch it drop out of the sky in real time.

Down $2.71 and counting...

I hadn’t looked at premarket but yep, the stock will be hammered today. First the debate and then Taylor. It will get ugly.
I hadn’t looked at premarket but yep, the stock will be hammered today. First the debate and then Taylor. It will get ugly.
I've never seen anything like it. Share price is virtually tied to national political sentiment. It's clear that this is being used as a super PAC more than an investment.
I've never seen anything like it. Share price is virtually tied to national political sentiment. It's clear that this is being used as a super PAC more than an investment.
Down 3.05 now. Schaudenfreud is a beautiful thing.