‘Turned My Whole Life Upside Down’: South Carolina Woman Charged with Murder After Giving Birth to Baby Prematurely On Toilet


Black Kitty Ain't Happy
At a hospital the next day, she was questioned by police, who did not indicate to Marsh that she was being criminally investigated, reported Kaiser Health News. But three months later, she was arrested and charged with murder/homicide by child abuse and spent 22 days in a local detention facility, where she was initially held without bond and faced 20 years to life in prison.
This is only the beginning.

The right is happy destroying what were the personal rights of women. The privacy between doctor and patient is gone. The police will be able to access personal information to build a case. Doctors will not treat any case that uneducated police could see as a possible assist in abortion Girls will suffer complications. Some have already died because docs were afraid to treat their normal simple problems. If the police gin up a case, she has to prove herself innocent. Mistakes will be made and some innocent women will go to jail.
The felony charges stemmed from her failure to remove the baby from the toilet as advised by a 911 dispatcher, according to a sheriff’s department report.

Hospital staffers had told Marsh she was pregnant and that a fetal heartbeat could be detected, the report said. When she lost the baby in the toilet, Marsh said she was “scared,” “freaked out and confused.” After her then-boyfriend called 911, the EMS dispatcher “kept telling me to take the baby out” of the toilet, she recalled. “I couldn’t because I couldn’t even keep myself together.”
The felony charges stemmed from her failure to remove the baby from the toilet as advised by a 911 dispatcher, according to a sheriff’s department report.

Hospital staffers had told Marsh she was pregnant and that a fetal heartbeat could be detected, the report said. When she lost the baby in the toilet, Marsh said she was “scared,” “freaked out and confused.” After her then-boyfriend called 911, the EMS dispatcher “kept telling me to take the baby out” of the toilet, she recalled. “I couldn’t because I couldn’t even keep myself together.”
I'm sure it was just an oversight but you omitted this:

"The warrant also listed respiratory complications due to a premature delivery stemming from a maternal chlamydia infection as a cause of death."
I'm sure it was just an oversight but you omitted this:

"The warrant also listed respiratory complications due to a premature delivery stemming from a maternal chlamydia infection as a cause of death."
So you were saying that she was responsible for the baby's Death in several different ways...
The right is happy destroying what were the personal rights of women. The privacy between doctor and patient is gone. The police will be able to access personal information to build a case. Doctors will not treat any case that uneducated police could see as a possible assist in abortion Girls will suffer complications. Some have already died because docs were afraid to treat their normal simple problems. If the police gin up a case, she has to prove herself innocent. Mistakes will be made and some innocent women will go to jail.
The ones who don't die first from infection, blood loss, internal injury. Forced birthers are pro-death.
The felony charges stemmed from her failure to remove the baby from the toilet as advised by a 911 dispatcher, according to a sheriff’s department report.

Hospital staffers had told Marsh she was pregnant and that a fetal heartbeat could be detected, the report said. When she lost the baby in the toilet, Marsh said she was “scared,” “freaked out and confused.” After her then-boyfriend called 911, the EMS dispatcher “kept telling me to take the baby out” of the toilet, she recalled. “I couldn’t because I couldn’t even keep myself together.”
That is still not murder/homicide.
So you were saying that she was responsible for the baby's Death in several different ways...
Because she had an infection? What the fuck is wrong with you? I've never seen an alleged "woman" rush to accuse and point judgmental fingers at other women like you do. Rape is the fault of the victim. A miscarriage/premature birth is the fault of the woman. Accidental pregnancy -- always HER fault.

You're diseased.
So what are you trying to say? This particular woman/mother was not taking care of herself and her unborn child... A responsibility that is hers..
Some women don't take prenatal vitamins. You want to charge them with child abuse, Judgmental Jezebel? It's odd how those who refuse to accept any responsibility for their own harmful actions, like you, are so eager to accuse others.
But not a crime. The reactions against this woman are a case of the Right's habit of being judgmental except about themselves.
How is it not at the very least negligence? Was the baby viable? It sounds
Like EMTs tried to Administer life-saving efforts... however...it's unfair... But not unexpected... to try to make it strictly a political judgment... I agree that it's a tragedy... One that could have been avoided... Make the incident a learning experience for other young women.... What not to do...
At a hospital the next day, she was questioned by police, who did not indicate to Marsh that she was being criminally investigated, reported Kaiser Health News. But three months later, she was arrested and charged with murder/homicide by child abuse and spent 22 days in a local detention facility, where she was initially held without bond and faced 20 years to life in prison.
This is only the beginning.


The tin foil hat brigade is at it again.