‘Turned My Whole Life Upside Down’: South Carolina Woman Charged with Murder After Giving Birth to Baby Prematurely On Toilet

The topic is To make sure that women are aware of their responsibilities when there is a pregnancy... So that a death does not occur...
Never let a good tragedy go to waste... That's the Democrat's Mantra....
Like with Laken Riley? The failed assassination attempt on your fat old painted Gropingfuehrer? The made-up Haitians-eating-pets story, based on a missing cat that was later found alive and well? Volrock and TDAK's constant posting of stories of undocumented people allegedly killing some innocent citizen? Those kinds of tragedies?
I'd rather live under a city bridge than in a red state.
Living in a red state might have been enough to turn ME into a serial killer.
It would drive me completely out of my mind.

Actually, maybe that's why so many people actually living in red states are indeed out of their minds.
I'd rather live under a city bridge than in a red state.
Living in a red state might have been enough to turn ME into a serial killer.
It would drive me completely out of my mind.

Actually, maybe that's why so many people actually living in red states are indeed out of their minds.
At a hospital the next day, she was questioned by police, who did not indicate to Marsh that she was being criminally investigated, reported Kaiser Health News. But three months later, she was arrested and charged with murder/homicide by child abuse and spent 22 days in a local detention facility, where she was initially held without bond and faced 20 years to life in prison.
This is only the beginning.

According to police, the fetus — then gestating for several months — was still exhibiting signs of life when recovered by Orangeburg EMS but died shortly after.

At that point it was no longer about the womans right....
I'd rather live under a city bridge than in a red state.
Living in a red state might have been enough to turn ME into a serial killer.
It would drive me completely out of my mind.

Actually, maybe that's why so many people actually living in red states are indeed out of their minds.
No, because some of us live in blue cities. That’s the trick.
Faced with intense abdominal pain, the young student went to the emergency room to get checked up, unaware at the time that she was pregnant with a baby girl.

According to the sheriff’s department report, staff informed Marsh that she was pregnant and that a fetal heartbeat could be detected. Confused and overwhelmed, she decided to leave the hospital.

How fucking stupid do u have to be?

And by leaving the hospital she was refusing her alive baby care

Most women want to do all they can to save the baby...not refuse help and LEAVE
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Authorities also stated that the cause of death was “respiratory complications” resulting from a premature delivery linked to a maternal chlamydia infection, which Marsh said she only learned about after the loss. The CDC also notes that an active chlamydia infection during pregnancy increases the risk of preterm delivery.

So she didn't know she was carrying around a baby for 22 weeks and also had Chlamydia

Again how fucking stupid do u have to be?

She is the sole reason her life is turned upside down!!!!
At a hospital the next day, she was questioned by police, who did not indicate to Marsh that she was being criminally investigated, reported Kaiser Health News. But three months later, she was arrested and charged with murder/homicide by child abuse and spent 22 days in a local detention facility, where she was initially held without bond and faced 20 years to life in prison.
This is only the beginning.

Hopefully a lawyer to two help her sue for unlawful detention.
The felony charges stemmed from her failure to remove the baby from the toilet as advised by a 911 dispatcher, according to a sheriff’s department report.

Hospital staffers had told Marsh she was pregnant and that a fetal heartbeat could be detected, the report said. When she lost the baby in the toilet, Marsh said she was “scared,” “freaked out and confused.” After her then-boyfriend called 911, the EMS dispatcher “kept telling me to take the baby out” of the toilet, she recalled. “I couldn’t because I couldn’t even keep myself together.”
That is still not murder/homicide.
MAGAts don't care. All they care about is punishing women in order to subjugate them.

I'm sure it was just an oversight but you omitted this:

"The warrant also listed respiratory complications due to a premature delivery stemming from a maternal chlamydia infection as a cause of death."
I doubt it was an oversight. MAGAt ideology regarding the subjugation of women has been well established.